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Everything posted by Ezer_2000

  1. You spam them to kill AI players, but pro say they are useless in YR vs human player. They only might be userful only in SvS match without SW and if you are playing Iraq side.
  2. That's also about RA2. YR soviets weakier and Allies stronger. Not just because they got new units. Almost all their units are stronger than in RA2. Again RA2. In Yuri's Revenge rhino spam is a thing only noobs complaining about. Bacasue noobs complained too much and other stuff were overnerfed and now high tier is almost useless. Since RA2 times soviets high tier overnerfed, but RA2 low tier soviets a bit OP. And YR game got generally sronger Allies. But they forget to buff soviet high tier. And as result a bit balanced rhino spam in the begining (but if you play at 45 fps and use SEAL IFV quick and drop GI and more IFVs to harrash your enemy you will win). And complitely useless soviets in late game. SW should be a random option, same as in RA2 QM. Yuri Strong in the begining but in the late game useless shit in big maps.
  3. Don't forget you're playing YR and not RA2. YR allies got GGIs. Your earlier suggestions in this topic were right.
  4. They won't going to play with me becasue when they once losing: "ohh, so much terrible lag, I cant play like that bye noob". I think when PCs will be able to provide 100-120 fps someone start thinking about optimal game speed. Now people are just used to play at overnormal fps and they don't want to play properly, becaue fast and innacurattive game is easier than proper microconrol. Soviet and yuri factions don't need as much micro as allied that's why people think Yuri and Sovs OP. I think optimal speed is 45 fps. Try to go to the multiplayer dialog. It has different options LOL.
  5. I was quickly watching this video before and noticed the allied player is playing Yuri's revenge like he's playing RA2.
  6. Only noobs there. I won't join Discord. Stop inviting people into this trash.
  7. @ReaperAA Btw did you try to play at 45 fps? Average maximum game fps for 2008-2010 was around 40-45. Now people complaining about Allied faction is weak because thay don't have time for microcontroll all of stuff. But today noobs always complaining if their games a bit below 70 fps. Sure you won't get time to control your units in this case. And note how noobs always complaing about lagging when they lose. They never play again tho. They say they hate lags, but really they hate to lose in the game speed they never played before. Becasue they are used to play in HD (1920*1080 and higher) resolution and 60-70 fps with rough tank control and not paying attention to many of small but important things happening around the battle.
  8. I told him the same thing. A lot of people who don't have enough experience can't understand this thing. Don't worry he'll get more practice and understand his mistakeness. You do though. A lot of people was thinking the same way as you are. But later they gained more experience and changed their mind about gameplay. Don't look at QM. QM statisctics lies because most people don't wan't to waste time for pro Allied game and use quick tacktics which leading them to defeat. Because quite often those tactics are not effective and quite often coupled together with desperation caused by losses in those inaccurative attacks. Also a lot of noobs there (in QM).
  9. That's the truth. Only pro player can stay alive for long enough and get OP units. Only noobs say Yuri OP or Soviet OP. Really they can't play. Don't listen to them.
  10. this is no-brain have fun thread, no smartassing here. u have nice day too!
  11. See Tutankhamun is never nice to you when you're nice to him. Hi. I will suggest you the following: @Tutankhamun your arrogant comment have spotted. this is not the community of slaves that you can beat every day. we make our own way and we don't need people like you talking like that. learn politeness, do not try offending people just be human For my question: @Tutankhamun being ignorant is not the answer. And the answer is that wan't a good response. From that, I suggest you to be more responsible and correct to people. HF.
  12. Well, I just tried to be more friendly and even edited my message before you replied because that inf was private. If you are feel pree to share my PM it's up to you. Then I ask you more in non priate. Don't you think this is a good response on a suggestion given to you? Note this is talk goes off-topic (not topic related).
  13. "Good map bro! Keep doing maps, they're fun!"
  14. Don't forget about very long map names (over 100 characters long). They also crashing the non-host client for some reason.
  15. What do you wonder? This is well known problem for years. You shouldn't save game when it runned in CnCNet client. Run your game itself if you want to play a skirmish. Also fuck all of the fools who going online for playing a single player match vs AI and wasting IRC protocol bandwith.
  16. If online player still able to use the same color as AI it needs to be fixed too (it wasn't like that in previous versions). Some maps have >100 characters long name. I hope it is shortened when added to the standard MD5.map format.
  17. Did you know you can delete all unnecessary custom maps using client menu? Right click - Delete map. But it is possible only in singleplayer mode. hf.
  18. www.google.com/search?q=search+file+content https://superuser.com/questions/66699/best-windows-software-to-search-file-content Total Commamder is also good for searching files by text content. And very convenient thing - you can compare 2 similar files and look at their differences. Did you know you can delete all unnecessary custom maps using client menu? Right click - Delete map. But it is possible only in singleplayer mode.
  19. Use allied faction. Allies OP in this patch. Elite Psi commando + BF outrange everything on ground. And their powerplants cheaper than everyone's else.
  20. Did you do an actual installation of the RA2 and YR games? Do not install CnCNet and games Into Program Files. Becasue all changes after install will be done in some other system folder and you won't see them in the Program Files itself. Now uninstall anything related to RA2 YR and CnCnet and: Install Red Alert 2 to \Games\RA2 Install YR to \Games\RA2 Install CnCNet for RA2 to \Games\RA2
  21. @ReaperAA You seems never used grizzlies + GGI IFV. There's no problem with grizzlies power. Your problem might be you trying to play allied faction as a soviet. Hence that trying to buff allies. I told you that before, but seems you didn't get the point.
  22. CnCNet feature? Why nobody listed all of them?
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