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Everything posted by mjvd2019
Even tho ,we know that ,behind every nickname theres a person ,its when we see these things that the reality strikes down on us… Mike will always differentiate from the rest of us, for the way he was , the way he talked, the way he interected with the community. Like C0rpsmakr said , behind all that rapping and strong words that he offten used, Mike was a nice guy, i experienced that when i moved to SC2 with him, he helped me alot to learn the game, we improved and laughted together , we even beated a few good teams , when i had to quit SC2 due to my job i even gave him my serial key. In TS, he helped me too and gave me alot of funny times that ill keep with me for the eternity, im sure i have a few of those moments saved in SS’s. He was also a very good player in XWIS, where i saw him beat/give a hard time to alot of top players, from every spot , with risky tactics , such as Kapa, c0rps, TRZ, Vin, Dachschaf, Megaf0rce , Movieno0b ,Doctrl0ve, and so much more names that i dont remember now, his skill was undeniable. This is why we should enjoy the game more and stop insulting and arguing, because we never know what the future holds for us. Im a bit lost for words now, but wherever he is, i just what him to know that he will always be remembered, TS will never be the same without him and his rapping. Rest in Peace old friend. -Mjvd
Hi mate , thanks for answering. On " display capture" all that appears to me is : display 1:1920x1080 @ 0.0 and capture cursor options. On Ts i have 1920x1080 reso and the same as you. JohnZPro also lost a bit of time trying to figure it out for me but didn´t work… he also uses "display capture" to stream… so im guessing or it's my Pc or some settings that are different from you guys.
Hello guys, im a Tiberian Sun player for the ones who don´t know me and i recently tried to install OBS program to have some fun and stream what ever i want in Twitch or Youtube, but can´t put it to work. So , i created a "scene" and added all sort of "sources", game , display and window capture, the last one is the only one that shows anything, if i use the window capture i can only stream the Cncnet lobby and if i launch a game nothing happens and the OBS keeps streamming the game channel , all other options dont work. I tried to stream throught Twitch and worked but i installed OBS since everyone was using and gave good input about it. All help is appreciated, if not thanks anyway! My Pc runs Win 10.
They saw that you were going to win the ladder again, so they took your points so its more fair for the other players.
Lol mola, you made my day, that is such a treat coming from you, since you like so much your MOD Tezz Vet map ?. Anyway, I just wanted to congrat you amokk for such a GREAT idea! I love mod maps, always have, when you don't want to play so serious or just wanna chill, mods are the best! Back in 2003, I had so many maps that my pentium II would take 50mins, yes!...50 mins!!!... Since I clicked the TS icon till the moment I entered the online lobby. There isn't much old players around here but the few that still remain, probably remember that the amount of mods available was just... ridiculous,i used to enter the games, download the map and surrender just to collect it and move to another (sorry if I did that to anyone here ?), TS maps, TS Firestorm maps, "I had them all" . In 2011, I decided to sacrifice a whole week just to count and catalogue all the maps I had, I devided them in patches by name, of corse some of them had just a few changes, like different buildings or different tiberium colors or new units, but I still counted them all, reaching to the number of 850+ maps and of corse many more were lost, but still an impressive number wouldn't you say, was just insane(let me tell you that the ones that were equal I didn't count and deleted them) , In game I couldn't scroll them all. I saved them in my old Pc and in a portable hard-drives, (big mistake...), my PC stopped working and my portable hard-drive niddle broke so I lost it all among other important things... A few years ago, I decided to try and fix my portable hard-drive in a specialized store where they asked me 5k?!... to do it, so I guess till that value goes down, all those maps will remain stored ??. Amokk, if you ever see OUTLAWW or Scorpion1975, he's an old friend of mine, he has some maps you asking for and many more, recently I asked him if he had the map "unreal tournament map" which he had, I always loved that map, was good to play it again. Hope you can gather a lot of old maps, would be awesome to play them again, keep it up! I just noticed how old this thread was haha, sorry.
I wont vote just because you cant pick two choices, but ill let my 2 cents on this. Since i came back ive seen alot of good old players, players that were always known for theyr skill, i cant pick everyone but i give them credit , then theres people like Ray, when active, hes just on another level in my opinion, but since hes not active ill pick other 2 names that to me are just as good as him when focus, one has amazed me since i came back the other has been up there with top players for years now. My first vote goes to Mola, this guy has amazed me for his skills and hes personality recently. Right now i must be one of the oldest Ts players around and i remember this guy quite well. He used to play dirty and be a moron (sorry ) but since i came back he seems to be another player, hes definitly one of the best right now and turned out to be a nice guy , at least nicer than he was back then ?. His NOD is just perfect, he attacks , defends and carrys. I like how hes able to defend with a few units and keeps presure since the first minute, always a good guy to have on your team?. Since Inacurate and Anac0ndaX i havent seen such a good NOD. Congrats! My second vote goes to C0rpsmakr, this guy has been a top player for ages now, i dont care what the community thinks of him, we have to give him the credit for the player that he is and not for the person( yes i know that sometimes he stresses JUST A LITTLE bit ;D ), im not giving him my vote because hes my friend or just because ive known him for years but (and ill quote Humble on this one) "if I am getting doubled I know for certain he is putting the hurt on 'em". Hes a diferente player from the rest with a unique playstyle, when people adapt to the way he plays hes able to carry just about anyone to victory, similiar players that i encountered in my Ts history able to this prowess would be Dachshaf , Megaf0rce and kapa371. Cheers to the other players on the list that didnt get my or any vote at all, all great players ,cool people to play and have a laught.
So, hows the page going?
I came back to this game a few months ago because of my nephew, he's 9 years old and he's willing to learn. He logged into TS and asked me what was it, and instantly gave me the will to play TS again. I still think TS can cativate new players, even with all these new games and bring back the old ones like me, and also think the clanners would help to revive some of the competition, like always did. In the other day I was looking at the lobby and noticed the variaty of country's, and I wondered how they found out about TS, people with all these new and attractive graphic games are still willing to play TS, we have a few new schoolers that could be pretty good at the game in my opinion.
So the EPM program doesn't count when you click repeatedly to cancel a building/unit or when you unselect and missclick the units? Never heard of such thing, cool ?
This seems interesting, I would be very curious so see some of the top players from back then, such shaf, kapa or mega and a few more and the present ones APM's since now there's more keyboard shortcuts and compare it. Too bad I just use the mouse ?
My log was "mjvd" as always lol, everytime you see a "mjvd" in any game theres a high probability of that person being me ? . I don´t remember the log you used but you were the one who recognized me.
I just realized how old this thread is ? It´s funny how people seem to be in a game and how they look different when listening to this, enjoyed alot . When you spoke of C&C3 TW , made me remember some of the people i played. I remember playing C0ffin too, he loved to play a Top Vs Bottom map which i don´t remember the name anymore, he used to team up with jzampage . Played alot with mill0 which was very good at the time, was a pure NOD rusher and good at it , i think he used the pewpewlasergun log. Also played some with TRZ if not mistaken (we did some 1vs1´s on tournament arena). The player that i played and enjoyed the most was definitely Day0fdoom, a very cool chill out guy, learned alot from him in TS and in TW, i used to team up with him alot on redzone map, we played and learned together, winning versus some strong teams, i think we did pretty well in some months in the 2vs2 ladder before i had to leave, "too bad" i went to the army and gone out of the country, when i came back the game had changed and i never had a hold of that guy again. Do you remember VOdy? he was a Tiberian sun player too but never got good at it, but turned out to be one of the best in C&C3 TW in my time , how funny was that ?
Hi, i have 2 e-mails registered here, both are mine, but used by different persons. One is used by me and the other was used by my brother, when he played. One doesn´t let me do anything and says it isn´t registered and the other doesn´t send any message to my e-mail.
If you change it , it will make it easier, it´s a fact. And that proves what? Your better than me , i never told i was elite/ very good or even good, am i even decent so you make that statement lol? You even called me newb in this same post you made before editing it lol. Let the newb(me like you said before edting it) and the "noobs" decide for themselfs.
I´m " arguing" because i think it´s relevant, just because it doesn´t meet your way of thinking doesn´t mean that all that have been said is garbage. Yeah sorry, i definitely have alot of gramar errors , but English isn´t my native language? You may have only specified the CC but what about the cyborgs and wolvs , ticks , VET changes etc etc. Mate i already understood your side ages ago, and i respect it, now can you understand mine please? Just allow others to play the game how they know it, make an option that let people , either to play the original or with your changes, simple. Have you also read what i said ?
Oh so now "arguing" is bad, how are we supose to solve our diferences (diferente way of thinking)? Are we supose to say something and all the others just say "yes"? I don´t understand. The majority (and this is what i think , we cannot know what the other person is thinking specially though a PC) don´t post here because they don´t care what happens to Ts.If Ts shuts down tomorrow 99% of the people would just move to other games. The people " fighting" for this game future, more or less, have been the same for years so i don´t understand your statement. If these forums aren´t meant to discuss things , then i don´t know what´s the purpose then.
Wait a second, so you don´t like most of the maps, you want to change the units clearly because you don´t like it too, the game has many bugs, what you exacly like in TS then? This is our point, you guys don´t want to play Ts because you simply don´t like how it works, you guys just want other game.
I got your sarcasm, just don´t know if the others get it too? well starting with ,Auto allies, harvesters moving automatically, units behavior/strenght changed , flating some map parts and so many other things i don´t bother posting , what else you want us to expect from now on? All i see is changes. To who? You? Because to me those changes are unnecessary. Yeah never heard of someone improving by having things facilitated.Does this apply to the fact of someone wanting to flat a part of the map so it´s easier?
It´s about all the changes you guys want to implement. Not being able? Both can , one just has to expand in a diffrent way, so it´s harder, ok like i said that´s how you see top players.
Believe me when i say that i´m not here to offend or to be rude to anyone, i´m sorry if i did, i´m just giving my point of view. ??????
Where you got those numbers from and like me theres plenty that agree with what TRZ said? Ts always was like this, in 20 years of existence people competed in those maps. That´s what we want , the RIGHT to keep hosting the originals, that´s why we are only agaisn´t of making those changes permenant. He gave his opinion, he literally wrote that...
Clanners always brought more activity then tourny games if i remember correctly and if its the same then just delete the tourny ladder and bring back clanners , we don´t need both.
Because eveyone should have the right to play whatever they want, who doesn´t want , just reject it since theres already that option. When playing tournament games in this case FF Remastered, are BL,LM,RM,TR the only spots available. God bless you. Mate, people won´t understand . Maps should be just flat, with same tib trees, same spots, same everything, oh wait you guys can play BBG, Green Moon, Giants, Battle Day etc etc. ?♂️
I definitely don´t think the originals should be removed but i still like how those new maps look like. Just a few questions. All those maps including Terrace have that "VET thingy" right? The Forest Fires map is the remastered one and when playing it, its certain that the only spots available will be BL, LM , RM and TR or theres a chance to get others ?
We will never agree on this , i know but just to clear some points you made. Yes that spot it´s unfair or hard to play in but is it impossible?I believe not. You probably have to be on top of your game to pull a win on that spot, but that´s what make games interesting, challanges and being able to win when the odds are against you. Unfair , hard doesn´t mean impossible to me , thats my way of thinking in life and won´t be a game that gonna change that. Why you even play oficial maps then?Just make you own 1vs1 maps, because no oficial map is fair in Ts. Isn´t this similar to be BL vs Tr in Terrace? Modifications are my issue mate i like to play the original and this "changing thing" wont stop till you guys modify the hole game and ending up killing it. Yeah edit everything, to me this thread is closed, i pointed out my view like everyone else did, i just hope, i will still have the right to choose and play the original one whenever i want?