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Everything posted by Jacob Foerster
I am really starting to get concerned because I am still getting game crashes and I cannot pinpoint the god damn problem because I have no idea how to reading these freaking crash.dmp files. Please help me as I am out of options and I fear I may have to reset everything and restart from scratch. ra95crash.dmp Quick Update: Just got another after trying to figure out what was wrong by monitoring the enemy base while playing with 1 Al player. When it crashes it says " The instruction at 005e65f5 referenced memory at 00000004 The memory could not be read from Click on OK to terminate the application".
I'm looking through my rules ini file to see if I can figure it out. rules.ini wait I think I found it. you said something about ammo well I think my disruptor unit was the problem because its ammo was -1 when there should not have been an ammo part at all in the settings of the unit.
hmm well I did delete a mod which was called robs custom units or SC-UNITS I just wanted the mix file to have the really cool icons and sorry for spamming it but I was really scared that I had screwed something up permanently
someone, please I cant play red alert at all
I really need help because I cannot even play a skirmish match without my game crashing and its always the same one.
Don't know why it crashed. ra95crash.dmp
Is anyone able to help?
Nurple is an very talented, exceptional map maker for Command & Conquer series and since I have always been a fan of his very unique and well made maps I thought it would be nice for more people to get to know the incredible things he has made and has accomplished. Outside the Tiberium Universe he has quite the Dramatic life that he is fortunate to be living in. Visit his website at http://www.nurple.com/index.php if you wanna get what I mean by my pun. Nurple Pack.7z These maps are meant to be played in Command & Conquer Red Alert 1.
It would be interesting to see if the laser color could be changed for red alert 1 for the tesla coil and probably for all C&C games. I would also like to ask if it would be possible to have the laser color be red when it fires one time, then blue when it fires the next time, green when it fires the next time after that and so on and so on. Would it be possible to achieve this? Looking especially for the opinions of nyerguds and other experts.
There are several methods in doing it but it is up to you on your desired method that you use.
Reducing or eliminating "Traffic Jam" for AI player
Jacob Foerster replied to stealthflanker's topic in Modding Discussion
I think you mean MCV but yeah the Al builds them when I skirmish and I did not really do anything. The only thing I could possible have seen myself doing to allow this to happen if it does not normally happen is that I changed the tech level of the mcv to 10 or lower. As for the super weapons and nuke the only way I can really see it happening is if the Al collects a crate that gives it a one shot nuke ability. I also have the same traffic jam problem and still struggling to find a 100% complete fix to it. Hmm well I will certainly look into this thank you kind sir. -
; ******* AI Controls ******* ; Computer Skirmish-Mode behavior controls. The ratio values are based on the ; number of buildings in the computer base that should be of the type specified. ; The ratio total should exceed 100% so that the base will always try to grow as ; it vainly attempts to achieve the specified percentage composition. ; Take note: The computer AI in Red Alert is merely a warmed over version ; of the AI experiment I wrote during the unallocated time in the month ; following C&C's release. It was more than adequate at that time (even ; difficult to beat), but since Red Alert is a very different game, the skirmish ; mode AI is somewhat under-effective. In order to improve the AI ; over this initial experiment, the following controls are provided. It might ; be possible to manipulate these values to achieve a greater challenge when ; playing the computer opponent. [AI] AttackInterval=5 ; average delay between computer attacks AttackDelay=7 ; average delay time before computer begins first attack PatrolScan=.016 ; minute interval between scanning for enemys while patrolling. CreditReserve=100 ; Structure repair will not begin if available cash falls below this amount. PathDelay=.01 ; Delay (minutes) between retrying when path is blocked. OreNearScan=6 ; cell radius to scan when harvesting a single patch of ore OreFarScan=48 ; cells radius to scan when looking for a new ore patch to harvest AutocreateTime=5 ; average minutes between creating an 'autocreate' team InfantryReserve=30000 ; always build infantry if cash reserve is greater than this InfantryBaseMult=1 ; build infantry if building count times this number is less than current infantry quantity PowerSurplus=75 ; build power plants until power surplus is at least this amount BaseSizeAdd=99 ; computer base size can be no larger than the largest human opponent, plus this quantity RefineryRatio=.16 ; ratio of base that should be composed of refineries RefineryLimit=5 ; never build more than this many refineries BarracksRatio=.16 ; ratio of base that should be composed of barracks BarracksLimit=3 ; never build more than this many barracks WarRatio=.1 ; ratio of base that should be composed of war factories WarLimit=3 ; never build more than this many war factories DefenseRatio=.4 ; ratio of base that should be defensive structures DefenseLimit=45 ; maximum number of defensive buildings to build AARatio=.14 ; ratio of base that should be anti-aircraft defense AALimit=10 ; maximum number of anti-aircraft buildings to build TeslaRatio=.16 ; ratio of base that should be telsa coils TeslaLimit=13 ; maximum number of tesla coils to build HelipadRatio=.12 ; ratio of base that should be composed of helipads HelipadLimit=5 ; maximum number of helipads to build AirstripRatio=.12 ; ratio of base that should be composed of airstrips AirstripLimit=2 ; maximum number of airstrips to build CompEasyBonus=yes ; When more than one human in game, computer player goes to "easy" mode? Paranoid=no ; Will computer players ally with each other if the situation looks bleak? Yes forces the remaining AIs to ally to each other if one of them is dead PowerEmergency=75% ; sell buildings to raise power level if it falls below this percentage FixAIParanoid=yes FixAISendingTanksTopLeft=yes BuildOffAlly=yes EvacInMP=yes ParabombsInMultiplayer=yes FixAIParanoid=yes ComputerParanoidForceDisabledSkirmish=no RemoveAITechupCheck=yes ; when set to yes the AI will tech up to Radar Dome and beyond even when there are no Helipads or Airfields on the map. EasyAIGoldValue=-1 ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester EasyAIGemValue=-1 ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester NormalAIGoldValue=-1 ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester NormalAIGemValue=-1 ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester HardAIGoldValue=-1 ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester HardAIGemValue=-1 ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester All you need to do is change the attack interval and attack delay in the Al controls section in the rules.ini configuration settings. Oh sorry I am a dumbass I did not read the question but setting the attack interval and delay higher does the trick for me.
no problem but you just need click the help button. its on the little task bar on top. I am pretty sure it is the last little icon on that bar.
I did a quick update on the post and uploaded sever different shp files that can be used as an example, tutorial, to be remastered or to serve as inspiration for your own ideas. Idk if it would help you but wanted to let you know in case you didn't see the new downloadable zip file.
Ah ok thank you I realized that about a few minutes after I posted the question lmao I also have a question about the Al and it's infantry which keeps training them until there is so much the game starts to experience lag and how in clogs up the base so all of the Al's units and infantry can't move because they are all blocking each others path. I see that a lot and sometimes the Al sells the tech centers for unknown reasons but one reason I do know for them doing it is so they can get some infantry to fight whatever enemy unit or infantry is in the vicinity. At least that is what it does with me.
Additional music to yuris revenge mod mashup
Jacob Foerster replied to t42's topic in Modding Discussion
https://ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=12152&highlight=&sid=9ad979255fe199c10ebf5c1b3647aae0 -
I went to open the link but the page said 404 not found for the title in bold and a large font size, then a line dividing the title and the next thing, whatever it is. It said nginx/1.12.2 404 Not Found nginx/1.12.2
Hmm. I have this problem but this might be able to fix it
I recently posted an entire folder complete with everything you could need for cameos and shps
Just use what I use, a Sniper infantry unit and have its burst set higher.
Where in the configuration settings would I be required to specifically place these codes because I am having a hard time deciphering the location they would be in the document.
They can't build it themselves but they can launch a nuke if they pick up a crate with a one shot nuke or having a map where an Al or several Al player(s) already have the missile silo pre-built for them before the game even starts
Before I started to only play red alert 1 I had edited some settings in C&C TD so that Dinosaurs could be manufactured by both GDI and NOD. Was never able to get the icons working no matter what I tinkered with or what I tried though. However I thought it would be cool to post the icons of all Dinosaurs on the off chance that there are some players who have no idea what they look like, had no idea that icons for the dinosaurs even existed and if they knew they did, had no idea how to get, find or even use them, or any other reason for learning about the icons. Enjoy! Dino Icons.7zDino Icons.7z
This to me sounds very similar to the Red Dawn mod which is so big it is basically a separate game in and of itself.
Does seem like it could be a bit annoying having it constantly being brought endlessly. If I am not mistaken it is possible to edit the briefings that appear during a mission to how often they rebroadcast themselves and how long during each briefing cooldown. Anyway congrats on fixing the problem. This will be able to help any future players who may happen to get a problem that is the exact same or very similar and need help fixing it.