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Mission Map : Company of Wolves (Soviet mission)
Concolor1 replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
Yeah it would have to be something good, in order to keep me interested. New units that do interesting things. So something that’s for public release certainly. -
Mission Map : Company of Wolves (Soviet mission)
Concolor1 replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
Somebody asked me last week, but I’ve heard nothing since. Aren’t you working on a Mod? Its the time to commit to these things that worries me. If it takes me almost two months to write a mission, it would take over a year to make a campaign, by which time those involved might of gone their separate ways. Yeah this mission is a tough one, took me the best part of a day to recall how I did it originally. That’s what made me add a walk-through for it. -
The last time I looked at a Westwood map was 20 years ago...lol. Im still supposed to be looking at YR mission 3 to find out how WW managed to create a second Yuri country that follows Ai. (As new houses follow either American or Soviet, coding and don't appear to use the Third Side Ai as YuriCountry does). I just removed the Naval yards by BuildLimit=-1 or 0, figuring if the Ai was truly that smart it would see there was no water and not build one. lol
Still learning myself, TechLevel=-1 makes the building not available for a player. AI still can build it. Techlevel=11 (above maximum) removes building for AI and for a player. I never knew that about tech level 11, thanks. Rule of thumb, answer it wrong and someone will put it right, lol.
Mission map for anyone running Red Alert2 , you will need the Soviet mission Disc. The Zip holds the sov01t.map file and the ra2.csf string file. Place these two files in the Westwood Red Alert2 folder. Then launch the game and select the Allied Mission. There is also a read me file and mini map included in the zip. Once your finished playing this mission simply remove both these files and the Red Alert Game will be restored. Author: Concolor1 Editor: FinalAlert2 Created:24th JUNE, 2003 Name: Company of Wolves. Size: 50x95 Players: 1 Theater: Snow To play this mission:Extract the contents of the winzip file into your Red Alert2 Directory.Launch the game,select new campaign for the Soviets. The game will then launch. Info: A small French outpost has been detected on the icy fringes of the Southern Ocean in Antarctica. This appeared an easy target for the great Soviet Empire. However all attempts at a Soviet landing of any size has been halted and destroyed by the heavy Cannons which line the only entrance to the base. We know that the island holds an airport that if captured could be used to reinforce your Soviet numbers. We have further information concerning one of Einstein's Laboratories, built for his experiments when he is posted there. The information contained within that Laboratory could be of great interest to the Soviet people and capturing the structure will be a major objective. After heavy losses, its been decided that some kind of specialist Soviet force is required. A group of soldiers, small enough to penetrate the formidable defences, yet dangerous enough to bring down the entire base. There is only one such elite force within the Soviet Empire, a legendary unit, known souly as "The Wolves". These highly trained and dedicated conscripts, fight for the glory of the motherland and fiercely defend their reputation as a force to be reckoned with. It is a daring plan and will involve heavy sacrifice, only a few stand to survive but it is our only hope. A Company of elite conscript hopefuls will approach by sea at night, minimising the risk of detection. They will then rush the base defences together. Many will be slaughtered by the heavy defences, however they die for the glory of their country. The few which survive this attack gain the much sought after title of "Wolves", and a chance to restore honour to the ranks, and exact their revenge. Objective 1: Capture the allied airport. Objective 2: Capture Einsteins Laboratory. Objective 3: Destroy all five French flags. Ok so there u have it,this is a single player mission for RedAlert2. A RA2CFS file has been added.If you wish to install this please back-up your original CFS file as the text of the mission has been altered in order to fit with the maps theme! Full Information and Credits available in the Read Me file included, along with a walk-through on this one. https://web.archive.org/web/20130329124341/http://www.cncgames.com/maps_ra2missions.shtml other missions available..... 1> Signed & Sealed. (Allied RA2) 2> Temporal Exposure. (Allied RA2) 3> Soviet Stranglehold. (Allied RA2) 4> Prisoner of Conscience.(Yuri YR) 5> The Wolves of Winter. (Soviet RA2) 6> Fierce Intent. (Allied RA2) 7> Shock Tactics. (Soviet RA2) 8> Dominance in Mind. (Yuri YR) 9> Weathering the Storm. (Soviet RA2) 10> In Cold Storage. (Allied RA2) 11> Identity Crisis. (Yuri YR) 12> Terminal Lunacy. (Soviet YR) 13> Under Pressure. (Allied RA2) 14> Robot Revolution. (Allied YR) 15> Nuclear Winter. (Soviet YR) 16> Last Post. (Soviet RA2) 17> Day of the Desolators. (Allied RA2) 18> Engineered to Kill. (Allied YR) 19> Jungle Fortress. (Allied YR) 20> Company of Wolves. (Soviet RA2) 21> End of an Era, pt1 & pt2 (Yuri YR) 22> Moon Madness (TX Expansion) 23> Siege (TX Expansion) (Allied YR) 24> Wipe Out! (Allied RA2) 25> Foothold (Soviet RA2) 26> Viral Agent (Yuri YR) 27> Finnishing Moves (Allied RA2) 28> Driven up the Wall (Soviet YR) 29> Wolves at the Door (Soviet RA2) 30> Tanya's Tomb-Raiding Trek (Allied YR) 31> Fire and Ice (Allied YR) company_of_wolves.zip
If you mean you can't get a screenshot as soon as the Mission/Map ends because it Locks input why not simply, take a photo instead.
Ugh --- Ok I'll have a go at this, youve made your Naval Yard too strong. Strength=9999999 So it takes no damage whatever attacks it. Also you said you wanted it immune to C4, well I see youve got CanC4=yes, which should be CanC4=no instead. So id put the Naval yard back to what it should be. Now as for making Tanya available to the russians, I think thats down to what you need to build her, so if youve not altered Prerequisite=GAPILE,GATECH you may need to do so, they are Soviet barracks, and Radar as well.NAHAND and NARADR. Now as for your long list, here's an example Ive picked one [NAMISL] is the nuclear missile.Cost=8000 is how much credits it takes to build, ie its cost, (pretty self explanatory). so what you've got is a list of buildings and examples of what their attributes are, ie cost, Power= how much power it gives, Crusher= can the Tank crush units,Techlevel goes from 1 - 10 and dictates at which stage you can build things, ie a Conscript is tech level1 and a YuriPrime is a tech level 10. All the above information can be found by getting the rules.md and looking at it through Wordpad. If you want to remove the air units, again look at the rulesmd and remove each one by writing the unit name and 0 in your map. ie [ZEP] BuildLimit=0 or -1 Is your action 34 set to the correct house? If you want another way of doing this use 1 Entered by (Player House), then place celltags in the zone. Yeah Ive messed with 42 Explosions at waypoint, one explosion isn't enough McPwny discovered that two explosions on the same waypoint, the second warhead kills the unit, and not the first. (This was done with Celltags), A good example of this is in an upcoming mission of mine.
You can always try a repeating trigger owned by the house. Say Trigger1.repeating,owned by player house,build building type, enable trigger 2, then disable trigger.1 Trigger 2 repeating ,disabled, owned by enemy house,51 Random delay, action 0 Create team (Enemy reinforcements) Action1 enable trigger 1. Action2, Disable Trigger 2 Not quite the trigger your looking for but this one would spring every time the player build a building type, like a reactor. So not quite every time the building is destroyed, but every time it’s created instead. The only other way is to switch the above triggers around by changing techtype does not exist (which has a building number entry as well as a building type),and ensuring the player cannot build that particular building. This way the trigger would fire without attaching anything to a building that hadn’t been built by the Ai as yet.
You can also add a Second Action , This gives you Two options for your Trigger. IE Variables A,B & C (Example names) Trigger Power Plant 1, Event 0: 48 Destroyed by Anything. Action 0: Local is Set A, Action1: 80 Reinforcements at Waypoint #(Example) Trigger Power Plant 2, Event 0: 48 Destroyed by Anything, Action 0: Local is Set B, Action1: 108 Create Crate at Waypoint # (Another example or Use another Reinforcement team) Trigger Power Plant 3, Event 0: 48 Destroyed by Anything, Action 0: Local is Set C, Action: 42 Do Explosion at Waypoint # (Yet another example) Variables Trigger Event 0, Local is Set A , Event1 Local is Set B, Event2 Local is Set C. (Thats all three Locals set). Action 0: 4 Create Team (Yet another team example or whatever you want to happen). So the Above Triggers Fulfills Two of your Conditions Temporary and Semi Constant. Im a little confused as to the Constant, since if the above triggers are attached to the power plants, they provide a constant. If your idea is to attach the constant to the players House, as they build, then Id think some sort of Tech Type Exists, to Enable a Tech Type does not exist Trigger, both on Repeating., so once the Tech type exists, 'say Power Plant', then that enables the Tech Type does not exist, and then 54 Disables itself. Then the Tech Type does not exist , brings on the reinforcement or whatever, then enables the Tech Type Exists, then Disables itself. Both on Repeat. (Having said that it simply works on the one structure, and any more than 1 would mean the tech type was still present on the map.) Id have to sit down and think this through to get it to work. Ensure you use McPwny's invaluable guide for your buildings lists and triggers, as the Final Alert2 Editor is not accurate when it comes to things like buildings lists. https://ppmforums.com/topic-47332/the-complete-and-definitive-mapping-index/
Looks like what your asking above with regards to constant and semi-constant can be set up with variables and triggers just as suggested above. But looking at it I’d be using several different types of events and triggers. So I’d have a set of variables using Event 48 destroyed by anything and attach these to each powerplant and I’d also have a repeating tech type does not exist or building does not exist to work the other conditions your seeking. If you want it written out let me know and I’ll do so.
Author: Concolor1 Editor: FinalAlert2 + FinalAlert2YR Created:24th Jan, 2021 Name: Wolves at the Door Size: 80x80 Players: 1 Theater: Tundra To play this mission:Extract the contents of the winzip file into your Red Alert2 Directory.Launch the game,select new campaign for the Soviets. The game will then launch. We expect our 'Wolves', to be knocking at their door shortly....... Info:Comrade it has be many years since we last called upon our 'Wolves', no? Our legendary 'Wolves', the pride of the working class, our elite conscripts that have fought many a hard battle and won the hearts of the Soviet people. Often facing in-surmountable odds, their trigger fingers bled in the name of the glorious Soviet Motherland. It is now time to call upon our 'Wolves', once again. A Soviet outpost located near Lavrentiya on the fringe of the great Soviet Empire has refused to follow orders. This is unthinkable, furthermore it has begun transmitting dangerous propaganda from its location. We cannot allow this treachery to spread, for this could lead to more descension in the ranks and the break-up of the Motherland. So far we have managed to jam and divert the transmissions emanating from this base. It is for this reason we have dispatched our legendary 'Wolves', into the area to 'Deal', with this problem. Unlike many, the 'Wolves', will not subscribe to subversive decadence, they are fiercely loyal to the Soviet cause and will not be turned! Once our 'Wolves', have landed, they will eliminate any opposition and take control of the lightly defended base to the North West. It will be from here they will expand to recruit and attack the larger base to the East. Failure will not be tolerated, give the Soviet people their victory and restore order. Level the base to the ground and destroy everything, let the cold snow blanket their bodies, and hide the shame they have brought upon the Mighty Soviet Empire. Objective 1: Capture or Destroy the Three Radar Towers. Objective 2: Capture or Destroy the Psychic Beacon. Objective 3: Destroy all the traitors and their Base. Hint:For those that struggle here's a quick guide to aid you in completing this mission. Once you have control of your 'Wolves', head East, follow the North Shore. Your 'Wolves', are four Veteran Conscripts if you haven't picked up on that by now. Eliminate the two lone conscripts by the sandbags and head north. Carefully now, as a Dreadnought in the water will attempt to fire on your 'Wolves'. Its advised to pause, then move as it fires. This seems to prevent the Dreadnought tailing your 'Wolves', as they pass the Soviet Shipyard and continue following the shoreline. You will see a ramp to the North. Head to the top of this and then pause. Now if you have evaded the Dreadnought, it will of stopped firing. A small team of two Conscripts and one Crazy Ivan patrol the top of this ramp. Time your 'Wolves', to move west avoiding this patrol, now look for the break in the fence by the ammo crate and head straight through to the Bunker. Thats phase one, from within the bunker your conscripts can pick off any patrols that pass. Now for phase two. Exit the bunker and divide your team. Return two or three 'Wolves', into the bunker and send the remainder southwards. Three Tesla Troopers patrol a wooden bridge here. There is a cash bonus crate close by. Time your move carefully, and stay on the southern side of this bridge. (Moving down its centre or north side will cause a sentry gun to fire on you). Once on the opposite side, head immediately south avoiding following the Tesla Troops and follow the fence round clockwise instead. To the side of this fence you will see an outhouse. Garrison this and attack the sentry gun, doing some damage to it before destroying the barrels alongside. Complete this for the opposite side also.You may wish to destroy the Tesla Reactor, to upgrade your units rank. Destroying the Hind nearby will give you a cash bonus crate. Once both Sentry guns have been destroyed reinforcements will arrive. Return all your forces to the garrisoned bunker you left units inside, avoiding patrols and sentry guns. Now approach the barracks, there are generally a few conscripts and attack dogs close by. Garrison the outhouse on the corner and pick these units off until the way is clear. Send one Engineer to a Tesla Reactor, and another to the barracks. (Although the barracks is the priority, low power will trigger a response from the Ai). For this reason having both your Engineers available is a bonus. Once you have the barracks, build two attack dogs, then two engineers, send one to the Oil Derrick close by. The second is heading for the Soviet Construction yard. Avoiding the enemy of course. A cash bonus crate will appear close by once the Derrick is yours and you have followed everything in this tutorial. Now build six or seven Tesla Troops, another Engineer. Capture the enemy Ore Refinery, if the way is clear. This stops the Soviet Harvesters and allows your Tesla Troops to destroy them. Build your own Ore Refinery and Sentry Gun. Then a War Factory, Second Harvester, Capture more Tesla Reactors to keep the power high. Then capture the first Radar Tower. By now the Enemy Ai will begin amassing units and attacking, the rest is up to you.---- Have fun. Ok so there u have it, A RA2.CFS file has been added. This will overwrite any other RA2CSF.file which you may of installed in your RA2 Folder from previous downloaded missions.The file contains text which been altered in order to fit with the maps theme! Explanation: The sov01t.map file when placed in your RA2 folder preceeds the standard Yuri's Revenge Soviet game disc missions. This means that the first mission played when the game is launched will be this mission. To restore your games original first mission simply remove the sov01t.map file from your RA2 folder. The RA2md.csf file contains the text for this mission, it also preceeds your game disc csf file. As above once you have finished playing this mission remove the RA2csf.file. This also causes your game to revert to reading from the mission disc as opposed to reading data from the RA2 folder. Various slight modifications have been added, all to keep in with this missions theme. The modifications will not alter your original RA2 game. Firstly a big thankyou to McPwny (as above), who has now taught me all about using Ai attacks. This has been a huge eye-opener and will add to your enjoyment of these maps. He's offered many suggestions, improvements and solutions to a great many questions. Thanks McPwny, your the key contributor to this and anything more that I decide to make. So the improved targeting by dreadnoughts, Kirovs and Ai scripting is down to McPwny, along with Bridge repair solutions, Flashing units,ai safe-distancing, play testing and a really useful debug tool. Ive learned alot in these past few weeks, things Id never considered in previous projects, it makes for one complex but rewarding game. Finally a big thankyou to the following people who have given so much help in this field with their ideas and solutions......many have now moved on, but they're not forgotten. Lion,(for originally hosting and supporting my work, a big thankyou for creating my own little section on his much loved and popular site "RADEN" ----- Greatly missed website, think its archived somewhere. DeeZire,(for those unsupported script actions in this mission and help with the finer modifications.ArgCmdr,(who also writes mission maps,and took the time to explain how DeeZires script-actions,should be written. Wildefire for all the help shes given me in the past. The Map Guild,(thanks to everyone in the forums for suggestions and help, this site has now closed unfortunatly). Cannis,Responsible for so much, in this mission note the ground shaking effects, well its his genius which gave birth to that idea, its also his "true", random triggers which enable the lightning strikes,on various maps I made making them truely unpredictable. I also want to mention the great webpage he made for my missions over at http://www.cannis.net/. Dark Desolator,(for invaluable help in the forums and for explaining to my why neon green shows up as black text---doh!), I still value that information even now..lol. Roadxkill,(probably long gone by now). RVMECH for his work in the RA2 community inspiring me with his own missions also for his latest work in creating downloadable script actions which I used to incorporate my name and credits into the mapfile itself, thanks for that its a great bonus. ,for his support in getting my work posted to. Cr@zyIvan & Miridor, can't leave them out. ArgComdr, for driving me on when I sometimes lose interest. Captdoom6,(for supplying the answers to the questions that I never asked). Appokares,Silverfox,Subzero46,Wardead,Almyghty,Hinheir,CBWhiz,Benianka,Aircraftkiller2001, and anyone else that I may of overlooked,thanks guys,a big thankyou also to the play testers whos time was spent going over the mission,thanks for your time and patience guys. Dark Sorpion, playtested this for me and informed me of a number of details which led to an improvement of the game, he also found the bugs..lol. Many of the above have now gone, it being almost 20yrs, but some names you may well recognise, either way their contributions live on in every mission, thanks guys. Finally thanks to Matze,for the FA2 utility,and the RA2 CSF Editor. Also thanks to Olaf Van der Spek for the XCC utilities which I used to extract the md.csf file. available at http://xccu.sourceforge.net/. Thanks again to DeeZire http://www.deezire.net/deezire8.htm ArgComdr's mission site http://yrarg.cncguild.net/ ra2ms2001's site www.mapmatrix.gamespage.com Cannis's site (has some really useful Tutorials) http://volrathscastle.com/mapguild/cannis.shtml https://web.archive.org/web/20130329124341/http://www.cncgames.com/maps_ra2missions.shtml Other Concolor1 Missions 1> Signed & Sealed. (Allied RA2) 2> Temporal Exposure. (Allied RA2) 3> Soviet Stranglehold. (Allied RA2) 4> Prisoner of Conscience.(Yuri YR) 5> The Wolves of Winter. (Soviet RA2) 6> Fierce Intent. (Allied RA2) 7> Shock Tactics. (Soviet RA2) 8> Dominance in Mind. (Yuri YR) 9> Weathering the Storm. (Soviet RA2) 10> In Cold Storage. (Allied RA2) 11> Identity Crisis. (Yuri YR) 12> Terminal Lunacy. (Soviet YR) 13> Under Pressure. (Allied RA2) 14> Robot Revolution. (Allied YR) 15> Nuclear Winter. (Soviet YR) 16> Last Post. (Soviet RA2) 17> Day of the Desolators. (Allied RA2) 18> Engineered to Kill. (Allied YR) 19> Jungle Fortress. (Allied YR) 20> Company of Wolves. (Soviet RA2) 21> End of an Era, pt1 & pt2 (Yuri YR) 22> Moon Madness (TX Expansion) 23> Siege (TX Expansion) (Allied YR) 24> Wipe Out! (Allied RA2) 25> Foothold (Soviet RA2) 26> Viral Agent (Yuri YR) 27> Finnishing Moves (Allied RA2) 28> Driven up the Wall (Soviet YR) 29> Wolves at the Door (Soviet RA2) 30> Tanya's Tomb Raiding Trek (Allied YR) 31> Fire and Ice (Allied YR) *Included files: [Wolves at the Door sov01t.map] (the map) [Wolves at the Door.jpeg] (preview image) [Readme file].txt (this file) [RA2.csf],(text game file) Wolves at the Door.zip A brand new mission for Vanilla RA2 written over Christmas this one pits Soviets against Soviets for a change.
Mission Map : Weathering the Storm (Soviet mission)
Concolor1 replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
There’s another new ‘Wolves’, map coming out , you will be pleased to know. This was weathering the storm you played? Wrote that 20 years ago, try a newer one. -
Mission Map : Weathering the Storm (Soviet mission)
Concolor1 replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
Oh yeah good point! -
New Mission Map : Finnishing Moves (Allied Mission)
Concolor1 replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
Rocketeers Buildlimit=0 ? Next two are already made, one is Soviet v Soviet and the following one has no Rocketeers or Harriers anyway. -
New Mission Map : Finnishing Moves (Allied Mission)
Concolor1 replied to Concolor1's topic in RA2/YR Maps
Thanks, there will be new missions this year, (working on them ), along with a couple more old ones uploaded. -
First Way (Theres others). , If this is a single player map, you would Create a Taskforce consisting of the same units as the ones on the map, and a script telling them to move to your waypoint, and finally the team and check prebuild, but you would leave its start waypoint blank. Next you would write a Trigger and use 4 Create Team, and link this to the above team you created. What happens, is when the trigger is sprung, providing you used the same units and house, the Ai recruits that team already on the map, and sends it to your waypoint. This is just the crude basics of it. If the units were not built by the ai and preplaced on the map Id opt for a second house, different to the Ai, and ally the two Houses together and have it the same colour, this way it creates the illusion of the same Ai house, but makes it easier for your Trigger to find them. If they were built by the Ai, it gets slightly more complex. Id still have the second house, but script the ones on the map produced by the Ai to change house to the second one, before your trigger fires to create the team that moves to the waypoint.
Isn't there a fix for this with Bibbers launcher? https://bibber.eu/downloads/cnc-ultimate-collection-launchers/
Nope not a waste of time , enjoyed the dialogue and you got to the bottom of the mystery. Ciao.
Guess my memory cheats then.
Oh, I’ll try and find out.
Hmm I’m sure when you first mentioned this problem I had a similar issue on one of my missions. Yet again it was the BF. I was so sure that units inside should gain veteran status the more they destroyed stuff. So was quite miffed when this didn’t appear to be happening. Mind you it was some time since I’d played the game and the memory cheats. Is this your problem? Your saying they did become Elites when inside a BF and now they don’t?
Have you looked at the map with word pad to see if there have been any changes?
Was it a case of saving and reloading. In a mission this causes all kinds of errors. Be it crates vanishing off the map or light changes failing to power on off triggers failing to fire.
How to display long text message in Final Alert 2
Concolor1 replied to badben's topic in RA2/YR Maps
You’d need the .csf file to accompany your map. That holds the game texts, that can then be edited and shipped with your map. If I were wanting a long text I’d be setting it up in sentences a few seconds apart. Once you’ve used a string editor to modify the text or add to it. The csf file is left in the RA2 folder. Then the next time you launch the final alert editor your new strings/texts will display in the drop down side window when using a trigger action 11 Text Trigger, you then simply select it and it ties your text to that map. Remember though that csf file now has to accompany the map file whenever it’s downloaded. In effect unless your placing both files in an expand.mix. .csf files work well if it’s a SP map, possibly not so well with MP as it would need to be downloaded or uploaded and I’m unsure if MP map servers support them. Privately between two players it would work. If the .csf was downloaded from another source if it couldn’t be supported on a game server. -
Much appreciated, fact is I paint as well. Best of luck with your MP map. And MP maps can still be well crafted and enjoyed by many. There’s plenty of Triggers that can be used in them. They just have to be Civilian House.