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YR Client 8.3 Update


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YR 8.3 Update

High Level Changes

  • Auto-Ready Bug fix
  • Game Option for "No France/No Yuri" and "No Spy"
  • YRR 2.0 Updates
  • YR Client bug fixes
  • Quick Match game mode update
  • Map Pack Update

Auto-Ready Bug Fix
Auto-ready feature had a defect where players remained in 'ready' status even while in-game. This created an issue when the host left the game and players in-game were still marked as 'ready' in the lobby.

Special thanks to @Starkku for this feature!


New Client Game Options
A large number of casual 3v3/4v4 players create rules where "Yuri and France are not allowed." This game option will enforce these rules by disabling these factions from being chosen in the lobby. Yuri/France cannot be randomly picked either, Yuri MCV is not obtainable via crate, and Grand Cannon is not unlockable via Tech Secret Lab.
The "No Spy" option disables spies from being built.


YRR 2.0 Rebalanced Update
Thanks to everyone for their feedback on YRR 2.0 patch, the patch has been updated to address some imbalances and improvements identified by the community. See full changes here: 

  • Prism tank does not shoot while moving
  • Tesla tank does not detect disguise
  • Tank Destroyer damage to Terror Drones increased, Tank Destroyer turn rotation slight increase
  • Robot tank HP buff removed, instead Robot Tanks will not go offline when low power
  • Elite tesla tank now shoots a yellow bolt
  • Walls have increased build adjacency and stretch

YR Client Bug fixes

  • Fixed client bug where you could not start a game with 1 player only, useful when testing and learning maps and not having an AI in the way
  • Fixed client bug where Spot 9 was available on certain 8 player maps, bug fixed in MPMaps.ini generator tool
  • Fixed a pathing bug on BR spot in map "Tsunami", fix provided by GerHale 
  • Fixed bug where Malaboo Bay would crash when capturing Einstein Lab and moved Malaboo Bay into Mod Maps since it is modded.

Quick Match Game Mode
The "Quick Match" game mode in the client contains all of the QM maps from the RA2/YR Ladder. This game mode reflects the QM ladder rules and settings. A new balance change has been added which prevents Allied Robot Tanks from going offline when low power. Yuri could disable all of Allied robot tanks with one disk on a power plant, or the Allied player using their force shield would cause their army to be unusable. This is to help address the strong imbalance in the competitive Allied vs Yuri matchup.

Map Pack Update

[2] Andalusia LE - Created by saremGTs, Ravage

[8] Oceania - Created by @CCCP84

[8] Black Sea - Created by @CCCP84

[8] Storm - Created by @CCCP84

[8] X Isle by JaladTanagra

[4] Tiburon LE by JaladTanagra

[6] Big Grinder by MadHQ, Toveena, Ravage

[4] Jungle of Vietnam LE - Created by DistantQ / Burg
A larger version of Jungle of Vietnam repurposed for Yuri's Revenge QM Ladder. The intention of the map is additional map size and spacing in the paths which allow a better balance when facing Yuri. More opportunities to navigate the map and split your units to harass your opponent.

[4] Caverns of Siberia by @DistantQ
Minor updates made including relocation of bonus gem patches in BL,BR,TR spots and detailing updates and easier build stretch down cliff in BR spot to BR ore.


Edited by burg93
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Nice changes to YRR overall. I am glad to see auto prisms removed and TDs getting buffed (though I wish they did full damage to miners too). The elite tesla using yellow bolt and walls having more adjacency are neat.

As for the robot tanks, It is nice to see them not requiring power and robot control centre to function. Although the health revert from 200 to 180 I feel wasn't needed. I feel that the health buff could have been kept as well as they are still very very easy to counter with Lashers and Automags.

Also I should mention that you guys still forgot to update the elite flak trooper's weapon range [FlakGuyGunE] from 5 to 6 and also didn't mention that Desos got reverted to vanilla.

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Also just realized now that you guys didn't mention that you removed the half soylent/resell value change for vehicles. Honestly I am..... not a fan of that.

I actually think that half soylent change was good and prevented Yuri from making terror drone attacks useless.


EDIT: And I think you guys should also mention that BFs, Desos, Gap Generator and Psychic Towers got reverted to vanilla.

Edited by ReaperAA
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  On 6/8/2021 at 6:12 AM, ReaperAA said:

Also just realized now that you guys didn't mention that you removed the half soylent/resell value change for vehicles. Honestly I am..... not a fan of that.

I actually think that half soylent change was good and prevented Yuri from making terror drone attacks useless.


EDIT: And I think you guys should also mention that BFs, Desos, Gap Generator and Psychic Towers got reverted to vanilla.


Thanks Reaper, I will try and highlight those changes in this post and in the YRR 2.0 Post ?

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  On 6/8/2021 at 3:42 PM, Ezer_2000 said:

 No noobs 


This is a great idea. To implement it, it is necessary to make the ranking system in the client.

Just statistics. The number of games completed. Number of victories. Number of defeats. Rank (wins / losses * 100)
When you hover over a player's name, the rank should be displayed along with the ping. So, you can see what kind of player is going to start the game with you.
This is an idea for the guys for future versions of the client.

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Great job @burg93, I really appreciate the updates. I'm so glad the new options are available as they have been sought after for such a long time. It's great to see that you are in touch with the community and making fantastic changes for the betterment of the client and the community.

This is such a fantastic update! Thanks for all your hard work!

Edited by bbglas007
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I also like the no spy option. Because I always play with spies and some players get offended when I spy on their buildings. Now everyone will initially see that the game is with the presence of spies. And there will be no misunderstandings. Now everything will be more straightforward.
This option can only be welcomed  ?

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Finally got to play some matches with a friend. He liked the sound of most of the changes and additions. But was wondering if it would be possible to have "No Yuri", "No France" as separate options since he likes to take Random and likes France but not Yuri.

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