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Could someone do some map fixing for me?


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Yes Lets Make a Steal the Allies will attack the green War Factory. This was done or half of the Allied forces won't attack the Phase Transport once you have taken it. The Allies can't get to the War Factory unless you destroy the 2 pillboxs blocking the path to it.


If the Ore Trucks won't work right the only thing I can do is make the AI build Ore Refineries via [base] or the map can't be fixed.

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In AM allied mission Negotiations, there is a flare in the NW part of the map. It serves no purpose and IMHO should be removed. Despite having beat this mission before, I forgot the church was SE and the reinforcement area was S. The flare really distracted me.  :dry:



Also in allied AM mission Monster Tank Madness, after escorting the defector to the Chinook, you get some tank reinforcements from off screen. Sometimes some of the vehicles get stuck.


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Allies (AM) Negotiations

The flare is used to show that the General escaped from the Prison/Tech Center and called for Soviet reninforcements (MCV). If you chase after the General and kill him before he gets to the beach no Soviet reninforcements will come onto the map and you won't have to destroy the Soviet base that gets built.


Allies (AM) Monster Tank Madness

I fix that too.


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Allies (AM) Negotiations

The flare is used to show that the General escaped from the Prison/Tech Center and called for Soviet reninforcements (MCV). If you chase after the General and kill him before he gets to the beach no Soviet reninforcements will come onto the map and you won't have to destroy the Soviet base that gets built.

Ah that's cool. We'll can you make the flare timed / removed when the MCV deploys or something?
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In the mission don't drink the water, when using the supply truck to grab the cash crate, you don't receive any money. Works with a heavy tank though.



Also those civilian buildings aren't attack-able. However if you force fire on the church, it drops a health crate as usual. The civilian buildings in the lower left corner are attack-able and its in Allied territory, so it would make sense for those buildings to be as well.

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In the mission don't drink the water, when using the supply truck to grab the cash crate, you don't receive any money. Works with a heavy tank though.



Also those civilian buildings aren't attack-able. However if you force fire on the church, it drops a health crate as usual. The civilian buildings in the lower left corner are attack-able and its in Allied territory, so it would make sense for those buildings to be as well.


that would be because the truck is owned by BadGuy.

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Allen can you help me fix my map that I made for Red Dawn (which is obviously also Red Alert 1 in case some of you don't know) Well something funny happens as I was playing the game. Some things that weren't suppose to happen. By the way here's an attachment to the scenario I just finish making a while ago. Few hours ago I did some testing on this scenario I made (This scenario is similar to that of C&C 95's Nod Last Mission)


Error 1. Strayed Adv. Comm Center (Airfield Counterpart in the Red Alert)



The Advance Communication Center wasn't suppose to be placed there AFAIK the AI built 3 of them. Two in GDI base no.1, becoming 3 because there's one already there and one in GDI base no. 2 (the Adv Comm Center in GDI Base 2 is correct. So nothing to fix there). This is the only Adv. Comm Center I was expecting but the AI built 2 more instead. Two in GDI base no. 1



Error 2. A misplaced Helicopter Pad



The truth is I just placed a trigger there. Nothing in Particular. It should be in the second GDI base but seems like it had a mind of its own. IQ is 2 if you ask me.



Error 3. German Tib Refinery (Ore Refinery in Red Alert 1) failed to be destroyed insatnly. I attached a trigger to it which is named "ion". Here's a screenshot of it. The trigger should be fired once I built the Communications Center (Radar Dome) but the trigger failed to fire. Very very odd. The trigger fired succesfully last night but now it's no longer working. Below are the triggers:



This is the trigger to the German Tib Refinery.



This expains the trigger where in the Ion Cannon (Spy Plane) will attack the refinery



Error 4. Tiberium Refinery instead of G. Towers and Adv. G Towers, odd, never edited the entire map but the triggers and teamtypes only a while ago. The correct one should be this one Adv. Guard Tower in the middle, and 2 Guard Towers on the edges.



Here is the one that I was expecting the AI to build but he built Tiberium Refinery instead. Outcome, crappy scenario but still challenging.



Now I can't figure out a way on how to fix this one anymore, I already lowered the opponent's IQ from 3 to 2 and still placing the structures on wrong places. :(


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Why the AI is placeing structures in wrong place. I don't understand. I think it is bug in RA1 and WestWood knew about it. If you look at all of the stock maps. Any side that builds building by use of [base] only has one Con Yard.


If the side has 2 Con Yards the AI will build the buildings listed in the [base] 2 times. One building will be in the right place and the other will be place randomly.


I'm not sure what you are trying to do with Ion trigger. Do you want the Tib Refinery to be destryed?

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So you want like the last Nod mission of Tib sun. Well...


RA1 won't give you any super weapon like it dose in TS by map trigger unless the side owns something that makes a super weapon. (Chronosphere, Iron Curten Airfield and Allied Tech Center, Missle Silo.)


What you can do is make the Satellite Center/Allied Tech Center buildable by adding








GPSTechLevel=99          ; tech level at which GPS satelite becomes available


to the map. You can do this by on the righ side of RAED is "T" by the mini map. This will pop open Text Mode. Copy and paste the text above into the window and hit OK or you can do the same by opeing the map in Notepad. Now when you build the Satellite Center/Allied Tech Center you should get the one time use Ion Cannon. The GPS won't work since the GPSTechLevel is set at 99.

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It is still odd since TD works fine if the AI has 2 or more Con Yards. Can this be fixed? Was this bug made when they made the Skirmish mode AI? I see no one had checked the Monster Tank Madness fix I posted as well.

I don't really know how the base building system works other than that it's read of the [base] section of the mission and a code class called 'BaseClass' is responsible for it.

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Harbour Reclamation and Monster Tank Madness still need to be tested.


I tested your latest Time Flies and the AI builds two Refineries, I supposed that's how it supposed to be? Could you remove the Tanya death scream at the start of the map when the Church is destroyed?

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