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TS players feedback after one year of TS support


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Idk if this is for bug support also. Anyways here:


This one has been around from day one. The lobby shows game not started/ready yet. But when you go in game, you'll realize, by clicking on a player name that game's already started.


"Emi's game"



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  • 1 month later...

I must say that you all did an excellent job! I have the game installed on all my computers!...


I do have an issue though-


On my laptop (an HP Netbook running Windows 8.1, no clue what hardware other than processor) there seems to be an issue with the renderers- I made a post about this before, but to no avail. Essentially, if I get the full version from cncnet (with the campaign) the renderers have an issue. All of them (except ts-ddraw) cause the game speed to crawl when moving the cursor or scrolling the map. The strange one is ts-ddraw- it works perfectly... almost. If I play the campaign with it on, the game will work for like five minutes and then crash. It USED to work on this mode just fine in multiplayer and skirmish- but now it gives an error; something like "unable to set video mode"


Anyway, other than that, solid work to all of you! It was so awesome the first time I played my favorite C&C title with humans! (even though I suck) :)


Keep up the good work! :D


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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/8/2016 at 12:23 PM, ROBOTICSUPERMAN said:

I like some bits of ts. Allot of great units. Gdi 's triple artillery. mobile stealth generator. Cyborgs. Tick tanks. Disruptor. Sub terrainian units. Amphibious transport...pfft no.


But I just suck at playing it. I'm ok at red alert2 but suck at ts. Even against the ai. Any tips?

if you join games where the map is set to "Terraces", you should spectate so you can watch what people do. at the beginning of the game, the most important things to do are scout and not be scouted, as well as set up your economy for the rest of the game. you should also learn the functions of units and what they're good/bad against, as it seems you dont know what units counter others yet. wolverines, cyborgs, and attack buggies are useless units and you shouldn't even consider making them aside from being for scouting purposes. placing refineries right next to tiberium, keeping watch of your opponent's base so you can see what they will attack with, and placing groups of 3 light infantry around your base to kill incoming scouts are all fundamental tips to start practicing. avoid playing modified maps for now, as they are made to be easier than westwood maps, and you will adapt to only being able to play with the free radar, massive amounts of easily obtained cash, along with other alterations they offer, and you will feel discouraged to play on official maps because they take longer to become familiar with and are more challenging.


i'd be happy to help show you some thing when im online, my login is c0rpsmakr.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 1/8/2016 at 2:47 PM, c0rpsmakr said:


I like some bits of ts. Allot of great units. Gdi 's triple artillery. mobile stealth generator. Cyborgs. Tick tanks. Disruptor. Sub terrainian units. Amphibious transport...pfft no.


But I just suck at playing it. I'm ok at red alert2 but suck at ts. Even against the ai. Any tips?

if you join games where the map is set to "Terraces", you should spectate so you can watch what people do. at the beginning of the game, the most important things to do are scout and not be scouted, as well as set up your economy for the rest of the game. you should also learn the functions of units and what they're good/bad against, as it seems you dont know what units counter others yet. wolverines, cyborgs, and attack buggies are useless units and you shouldn't even consider making them aside from being for scouting purposes. placing refineries right next to tiberium, keeping watch of your opponent's base so you can see what they will attack with, and placing groups of 3 light infantry around your base to kill incoming scouts are all fundamental tips to start practicing. avoid playing modified maps for now, as they are made to be easier than westwood maps, and you will adapt to only being able to play with the free radar, massive amounts of easily obtained cash, along with other alterations they offer, and you will feel discouraged to play on official maps because they take longer to become familiar with and are more challenging.


i'd be happy to help show you some thing when im online, my login is c0rpsmakr.


Go away c0rpsmakr.... its just sad that ur playing here now. Once a Cheat always a Cheater. Just the other day (yesterday) you cheated me again, with ur maphack.. Ur just sad....

since a new maphack is not widely available, you must have made it urself,.. why do you put ur energy in making online cheats ?

You are delusional in thinking that ur a good player, if you need bloody hacks !

on xwis, you clearly used my old trainer i posted back in 2000... people complaining about you using my tib find patch. aka the doggie cheat. just stop doing it m8.. or im forced to make a new patch, and distribute...

you remember 1999-2002 ? was that a fun time to play ? i dont think so, so plz. dont make me do it!


as a reminder for everyone :




my words : just sad , sad, sad...



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  • 4 months later...
  On 12/15/2014 at 12:03 PM, Iran said:

So TS has been suppported for about one year. I don't hear that much feedback on the forums (aside from questions about ladder and clans).


How are you guys doing? What is missing? How has the experience been? Are people having Windows 8 issues (ts-ddraw should fix most ofthem and make the game playable)? Any exploits/bugs/issues? How has the player growth been? Should there be a dedicated Tiberian Sun 'landing page' on the cncnet.org site? Grant is working on one for Yuri's Revenge and he pitched the idea of doing landing pages for every game. He owns the domain yurisrevenge.com (!) and is gonna set up a redirect to the cncnet.org landing page. We don't own any Tiberian Sun related domain names (though ehy owns redalert1.com and promotes CnCnet 5 with his Red Alert 1 download, first google result if you search for 'red alert 1') so we can't do anything like that for Tiberian Sun.


We are adapting the custom CnCNet 5 client which Rampastring wrote for the Dawn of the Tiberium Age stand-alone TS mod to Yuri's Revenge for CnCnet 5 YR support. Might it be a good idea to switch to this client for TS too? It isn't that different from the current TS client (which FunkyFr3sh develops) but it'll allow me to personally maintain the code. I assume most parts of the code will be open-source too (though I kinda need to figure out how well that works with anti-cheat). If we switch to this new client for TS it'll allow me to focus on TS so FunkyFr3sh has a lower workload. There's a bunch of stuff in the client I want to do differently and some features I'd liek to add (like large map previews, game mode support, more match options, support for dedicated chat channels and account registration so people can't steal your name and clans support). But in the end it would be pretty similar to FunkyFr3sh's client. Everyone will have to download the new client though.


If people could help promote CnCnet that would be great...we're looking for people who want to upload CnCNet TS matches to YouTube or live stream them. Just spreading the word (forum signatures and banners etc) help A LOT too.


Would there be interest in support for quickmatch? How could we make CnCNet 5 TS more popular? Should we arrange events? We have some donation money we could dedicate towards promotion or prizes. I'd definitely would like to see more community involvement.


Grant has been working on the website and forum theme...and he's started working on promoting CnCNet on social media sites and working on the official CnCnet YouTube channel, Livestreaming site, Facebok, twitter etc. He could people helping him and people who are interested in promoting things.


Sean3z has been working on the ladder and he's close to start testing data sent to his ladder server in the background, there is a lot of verifying of this data to be done (and it'ss different data for different games so) it can take a bit before we got a well functioning ladder running. But on the bright side once that's done we got the whole registered game account system running too (because it's required for ladder support) and we can also do auto-ss (like on XWIS but using a different method so WITHOUT THE CRASHES AND OTHER ISSUES), and some other anti-cheat related data that we'll keep secret. Once game accounts are supported clans will be too.


The large (stand-alone) TS mods like Twisted Insurrection and Dawn of the TIberium Age have been using Rampastring's client for CnCNet 5, meaning those pretty popular mods will be populated with new players who might also be interested in trying out other C&C games and mods like Tiberian Sun. Mental Omega 3.0 was released a year ago and it has about 50-80 players in the first few months, but it wasn't using CnCNet 5....so the players disappeared quickly. The Mental Omega team is waiting for us to release a client which supports Yuri's Revenge and then they''ll start transitioning to CnCNet 5 too...which will give CnCNet 5 more players and thus more people who are interested in trying out TS and people who know about and have experience with CnCNet 5 and can thus recommend it to people who want to play Tiberian Sun online. Mental Omega 3.0 has been downloaded more than 100,000 times now after one year. Which is a lot. Their mod launcher has a 'CnCNet' button and promotes CnCNet support quite prominently.


FunkyFr3sh started a Dune 2000 patch a few months ago and added CnCNet 5 support for the game. It still needs work to add extra features like selectable spawn locations and alliances support plus a few issues need to be fixed like a desync with airstrikes when players use high reso mode. Not very interesting to TS players but it spreads awareness of CnCNet 5 so it benefits TS players indirectly.



Guys , a bit late in the day for feedback so apologies . I have been meaning to do this over the last 6 months but better late then never . I play a mixture of mods and WW (mainly Tezz) with my m8's online  (log is Jimmywippet mainly) and I must say a big thank you to all the admin guys who have put this together . I have many reasons for congratulating you on the way you have put this together but the first and most important one in my eyes is you have eradicated Cheating. Way back when on Xwis (ive been playing for 5 years) the main thing i hated was the cheating , lesser beings mapping which made the game in my eyes flawed . I'm a direct and honest person in real life so i don't believe in Lying or cheating so back then when i was beaten in a 1 vs 1 or a multiplayer I always had in the back of my mind the thought that the person was possibly cheating so i had no real respect for my opponent even when i'm sure on many occasions he was playing fair . So if you can imagine i loved playing but hated the game due to the lack of transparency and fairness . Now when i'm playing some great games which i'm enjoying but crucially when i lose I do not have that sneaky suspicion in the back of my head is the other guy cheating as i used to .  I can simply say GG WP and the guy simply played better than me and deserved to win the game , this then gives me the incentive to go again , try to improve and see if I can try and bring myself above that guys level and beat him . Naturally i'm mainly talking about playing tezz here which i must say from being a lowly modder back on xwis who rarely ventured into the brutal WW World back then i'm now playing 1 vs 1's against some strong opponent's and actually winning a few . I struggle still against the top level players Like  TRZ ,Ray , Ollie  ,  but i'm competing against the medium Level WW Players and winning a few . Again the Point here is I'm enjoying playing the game , enjoying the competition and I'm improving after each beating i take . I have you guys to thank for that so as we say where i'm originally from and for what its worth ' I take my Hat off to you' . Other good points about the server.

1. The spectator function --fantastic for 1vs1's --- learning new BO's /Strategy from stronger players. Also allows modders into the WW world without being kicked from games and I think slowly is pulling more modders over to the WW Maps (which i think should be the natural progression for players)

2 . Friends list --  Good to see who's on , I have most ww players as friends (even though they dont know it) and i ask for 1 vs 1 s occasionally to see where my game level is at when my usual sparring partners are not on .

3. The genuine concern about the game from the Admin Guys as this was non existent on Xwis.


These things are all improvements to the game which for me has sucked me back into having great fun on this game when I had almost given up on it so again I must thank all the guys who have worked on this from the start and continue to try and improve the game for its players .


Oh on a separate note guys  the one person not happy with the server being in such a good state is the wife .  She hates this game and hates you all (her words) .  :mad:


Kind regards  :D :D :D :D :D



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