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Facebook banned!


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Im not much of a facebook fan but i do have respect for my religion. Facebook  has recently started a competition in which thousands of people will have to draw, what they think, our Holy Prophet(pbuh) looked like. Now Facebook has been banned all over Pakistan, but i don't know if that is enough. This kind of act is an insult to the whole muslim community. You are NOT allowed to draw the picture of the Holy Prophet(pbuh) because if this were so, people would take these pictures seriously and maybe this might be used to make him look like a horrible figure(God forbid) in some way, or many other reprucussions unimaginable. Dude i just need some opinions on this. Anyone here who is rational tell me if this is right or wrong with a yes or a no. Whichever answer you give please follow it up with your own opinion.

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If it was an official Facebook competition they should know better, if it wasnt some of the people are a bunch of uncaring, inconsiderate and often Racist (and i dont belive in Racism [in a i will never do it way, not i ignore it] imo there is only one race, The human race the colour of your skin or looks are just down to evolution. Not saying you have to belive we evolved from fish but its the idea that things like skin colour are down to simply where we have lived on the planet in relation to the sun.


I dont think it should be to big an issue, I would be more offended by some of the other issues like France and banning the vail(which i thought was breaking the human rights act) some people are really offended however i dont know much about the hows and whys of Islam(partly due to the christian bias RE teachers and thet one Buddest bias one) but i chose to accept it unlike many members of my country men. Im Scottish but only British when they put the Great back in to Britian and we are not going to do that by going on wars with the americans Making attemps to destroy, sorry Liberate islamic countrys and shove western culture down there throat; dont know if you get a picture whats happening over here (in the "west") but its slowly falling appart. (ive probebly been added to the watched list for that comment, if i havent already for looking up Socialist Websites)


If you want i'll post any CnC news from Facebook here.

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Just to preface this, I'm fully against racism, it's disgusting that there are people that think like that seriously.


It's not Facebook running it, it's just a user-made fan page. Facebook had nothing to do with it.


it's another typical example of a government being gung-ho about blocking freedom of speech. It's another thing that pisses me off is that there are countries out there who actively block sites on the internet because of some lame excuse about it being for the good of the citizens or it being offensive. Facebook has a mechanism in place to deal with things like this; you simply click the 'report abuse' link on the fan page and they'll look into it and likely remove it. But no, the government in question has taken it as an opportunity to block the epitome of free speech on the internet - Facebook.


tl;dr - Yeah, the group in question was wrong since people get offended by that* but, blocking a site as huge as Facebook when there were less dire ways of dealing with the problem is far worse. There are countries that are making uncensored internet access a human right. We do not live in the 17th century any more.




*I personally think all this stuff about religion is over the top in a big way. The drawing a picture of the prophet thing is just another out-dated throwback IMO. If you look objectively at a lot of the bad stuff that's gone on over the history of the world people have used religion as a means of hiding the true intentions of some really disguising things (Talking wars, terrorism, racism, hell even sexism). It's my (possibly disagreeable) view that the world would be a much better place if religion disappeared tomorrow. People wouldn't be able to get support of the stuff I listed above through religion and a lot less would happen.


N.B. I don't hate religious peoples and I'm accommodating of peoples beliefs. I just get annoyed when people do something to another person (or group) and say that it's something about how their religion works. Unrelated: I'm also not a fan of people telling me I'm a heathen because I'm an atheist. People need to learn some goddamn tolerance.




Sorry about the long post and if I've offended anyone, it was not my intention to do so.

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If you look objectively at a lot of the bad stuff that's gone on over the history of the world people have used religion as a means of hiding the true intentions of some really disguising things (Talking wars, terrorism, racism, hell even sexism). It's my (possibly disagreeable) view that the world would be a much better place if religion disappeared tomorrow. People wouldn't be able to get support of the stuff I listed above through religion and a lot less would happen.

Come on, that's so Richard Dawkins! History knows things equally (if not even more) horrible done in the name of progress and science. I guess you can name a couple examples yourself.


And besides, it is natural for humans to have supernatural beliefs, so I'm not sure a completely atheistic world is ever possible (or even desirable).

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Meh, what a conversation; didn't expect it here. Let them stir their own pot of hatred and self-pity, its no concern of ours until they come to our doors with guns. Relax and enjoy life in confidence knowing that their own ignorance is their own eventual destruction.

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If you look objectively at a lot of the bad stuff that's gone on over the history of the world people have used religion as a means of hiding the true intentions of some really disguising things (Talking wars, terrorism, racism, hell even sexism). It's my (possibly disagreeable) view that the world would be a much better place if religion disappeared tomorrow. People wouldn't be able to get support of the stuff I listed above through religion and a lot less would happen.

Come on, that's so Richard Dawkins! History knows things equally (if not even more) horrible done in the name of progress and science. I guess you can name a couple examples yourself.

Of course religion is not the sole reason that bad stuff has happened in the past, but a lot of stuff would not have been so readily supported by the respective populous if it wasn't portrayed as something relating to their religious beliefs.


And besides, it is natural for humans to have supernatural beliefs, so I'm not sure a completely atheistic world is ever possible (or even desirable).


Yeah, it would never be a possible scenario. And I'd agree to some aspect that it'd be undesirable. Religion has inspired lots of creativity in the past and it's also a good means of control; some people would be completely immoral if they didn't think there was a big guy in the sky keeping an eye on them.


Meh, what a conversation; didn't expect it here.

tbh, neither did I. It's nice though, I've not done one of these in a little while.

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