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Everything posted by SyS

  1. SyS

    Unauthorized Use of Maps

    Aro putting his foot down. Good ole aro.
  2. Such nostalgia here. Where you been killa Bundai
  3. Intresting design, Ill review later let you know how she runs. Bundai
  4. Rest in peice fellow gamer. SySAttic
  5. Don't know if its been reported, should of inboxed you really. bug on playersonline(); screenshot below/self explanatory
  6. Never really enjoyed/liked playing Rivals, Was too fast paced for my likings, Prefer tiberian sun always have done. -SyS
  7. Not a modem/firewall issue but keep getting failed to connect (cncnet) with the dta client v1.0.0.0 pics below
  8. Very intresting, good post @Noddynod443 looking forward to playing this when its completed. -SyS
  9. Here's some of my old work from 2012, very messy code, was basically used for testing the gamespy to generals protocol. And how i could use their methods for creating a private server (integrating with awos). GenServer
  10. Well I was trying to keep it a secret but developments going superb Currently on a mission to port/remake C&C tiberian sun to iPhone/iPad IOS(10.3 works fine)and am at the stage we're in looking for testers / developers to work on an android copy, im at the stage where im testing multiplayer compatibility: gonna keep this topic nice and short not going to release much on it but will post a few images when I get chance So hit me up on here or my inbox waiting to hear from you all -SyS
  11. Such a shame that users are still doing this,Suppose it will always be a factor in the online gaming community's. Never the less I do have some brilliant anti-spam anti-flood techniques I would love to share was great on AWOS when I tested it, I'll share code/doc when my wifi is up and running.. -SyS
  12. i remember the name akiller57 but not yours ha :D! Welcome back though. -SyS
  13. SyS


    Dont think i recall you brother, But thank you for posting Still having wifi problems at home at the moment, but their going to give me a few months free of charge :D!! They've activated everything all service checks come back as activated, But the DSL box isnt connected up correctly !! :@ So hopefully should be kicking @$$ shortly! -SyS
  14. Finally wifi turned up 1gb net ready to go!!! no dsl light though ;'( think I done something wrong ? Any ideas box and wiring to outside of house Is all fine like -SyS
  15. Back in the Westwood days I used alias semanuk when I first started and switched between TealcSG1 always loved ts more then the their c&c games would love to have a reunion with all the old players tho -SyS I remember most old ts players from rank games like nooooobe,nopic,sean3z,revolt Jae n joe from apaxteam.lucifer66,t0k3d lol the last two I still say was the cause for the lobby chat to Ben shit off and Westwood to give up on their servers allowing Olaf can see speak to run the main support for them ,✌? -SyS
  16. SyS


    Hello hello thank you for welcoming back, myg been a while lad Looking forward to kicking bum online guys/girls! Just awaiting virgin media to arrive roaaaar -SyS
  17. Now then peeps it took a while to sort out my personal issues in life, but I'm back and so happy about being here again!! just in time for the remaster of C&C I see look forward too hearing from you all. - SyS
  18. :O Good old klipseracer contributing to the tiberian sun community SyS
  19. Why is their such little support for tiberian sun? :O Would love to see a remaster for that over then the one on moddb with the cnc-net client. Not saying its not a great modification for the game, because it is, enjoyed playing it on prison. But wow a remaster for that game would be epic! -SyS
  20. Looks to me like there using the C&C3(SAGE) engine :'( SyS
  21. SyS

    -=AWOS FAQ=-

    AWOS FAQ This is a Frequently Asked Question's (FAQ) concerning AWOS. Question: What is AWOS? Answer:The Alternative Westwood Online Server (often shortened to AWOS) is a custom made Westwood Online server that is being created by SyS which aims to recreate all the features the orginal Westwood Online had before it was shutdown, For eksample Sole Survivor and World Domination Tour support. It will also have many new features! AWOS is currently under developement but a test server maybe online for the public from time to time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What does AWOS stand for? Answer: Alternative Westwood Online Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Is AWOS online now? Answer: No, AWOS as gone back into development as the hard drive containing the current source code was corrupted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: When will it be online? Answer: When either the old code is updated or when the lost data is recovered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Will AWOS support things that XWIS does not? Answer: Yes, for example xwis does not feature the support for firestorm's world domination server, And awos does ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Why was this server made? And what is different? Answer: For an alternative, One which is watched carefully, Uses a ladder cheat protection, And to support features XWIS does not. And new features. Which is updated every 2 months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Is AWOS Legal? Answer: AWOS is 100% legal. There is no copyright against server creating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Can the Administrators see the serials of the games people connect with? Answer: They may see your serials on some occasions, this is the same on all WOL based servers. Please note AWOS does NOT! in anyway keep a log of you'r serial number's! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: Does AWOS require a serial? Answer: No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What really is the server name? I have heard AWOL, ACWOL, ATS and AWOS. Answer: The Network Name is AWOS however the servers has different names: AWOL Is for Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun etc. ACWOL is for Wchat, RA1 Dune2k etc ATS is the name of the TS server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: How do I connect? Answer: AWOS is under development at the moment. You cannot connect yet! Although a test server will be open for playing of awos's featured games ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: What should I do if I have more questions than those listed here? Answer: Create a topic with your question under the the AWOS - Support Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Well i can finally say i'm back on the net, And my life's stable once again!! AWOS Forum will be undergoing a clean-up, Starting from Tuesday the 26th! Clean up: Topics and posts What will happen to my old posts/topics sys? Nothing, They have all been moved to AWOS Old Topics. so you can still view the old discussion's. i understand there was a few problem's and frequently asked questions posted on the board so it would be nice to keep a copy of the old topics. Also small update AWOS - Support Everything you need to know about AWOS will be in this section. If you have any question's and problems with awos please post it under this section. I'm sorry it as taken me this long to get back onto the net, But never the less! I hope to see all the original and new members join us as the AWOS Project will be launched very soon! Stay tuned for updates -Kyle
  23. SyS

    AWOS DE2

    Working on it right now as it goes, if anybody wishes to contact me, [email protected] im temporarly logged into my fam/friends account,
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