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Everything posted by pichorra

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Brotherhood_(Nineteen_Eighty-Four) And here comes more references to 1984.
  2. Cool, how about Tiberian Dawn? Of course I can use a mp3 player to play those scores anyway...
  3. Is there sound? Are you using CnC-DDraw?
  4. Try to use an Wrapper. Google for 'ddraw wrappers' and try those. Sorry for not being specific, but I think nobody knows any solution for it yet, see if you can find one
  5. Cool, now make a mod of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv5AnrDJZ5w But Pentagrams have some cool geometry stuff: http://www.contracosta.edu/legacycontent/math/pentagrm.htm
  6. That's what happens when someone merge C&C and DOOM.
  7. Alright, I don't play this game for decades, but I will try to add some more information. Firstly, yes, GDI Weapon's Factory may be the main target from Nod players. What i used to do is spam four, five barracks arround the Construction Yard, produce a lot of minigunners and place'em arround it, so if a bike rush try to get my CY earlier, it would be crushed by those Minigunners. Then I expand the base to reach as much Tiberium Fields as I can, building more and more barracks to protect it. Then build a Weapons Factory. Finally, I would place the War Factory near the Construction Yard and jump straight to Medium Tanks, and build another Weapons Factory, and do a Tank spam. That usually worked becuse most players didn't manage units very well at the point of infiltrating a massive infantry barrier. If the player came with Apaches, I could spam some rocket soldiers and take it down. If the player came with Flame Tanks, if I have a good amount of Bazookas, I would destroy it before reaching me, and if they hunt my Harvesters, My base would be near it, so any small enemy error I could wipe the bikes out. Buggies was a problem, indeed. But most players didn't use'em back there. If it were alone, I used to build a orca or rush the weapons factory anyway, then get an Advanced Guard Tower. This was slow and panfull and I usually lost when a bikes and buggies were correctly mixed. Of course, in my opinion, adapting to enemy is the best strategy. So as much information you have, more chances you have to success.
  8. lol... I Already tried running it in Win98 with KernelEX. No success. Anyway, programming such thing for Windows 95 is really a pain, and I don't think the people here will want to do it. Pfff. You're just as bad as Pichorra Good to see that I'm famous for asking such weird stuff. [edit] Do the NE2000 card emulation actually WORKS on android? Linux users requires a load of stuff to make it run, and I don't know if it is cross-compatible with Android,
  9. Rock, Heavy Metal and most of its subgeneres (Power Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Melodic Metal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS5kMMMI5XA
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBw_W6FF_gk
  11. I guess we can't use what EA touched in a way that it will look nice. In Tiberian Wars/Twillight, Kane's personality seems weird, most tech created in TS seems lost somehow and they were using things back from Tiberian Dawn...
  12. Yes. There is stuff in the movie that isn't in the book. This is really peculiar and I found it pleasing. The book is also very good.
  13. http://bennet.org/blog/tiberian-origins/ 1984 got unmentioned here
  14. The Hobbit is an awesome movie. I liked how it was adapted to fit better into LoTR.
  15. There is also Lion King for SNES/Genesis(Mega Drive)
  16. Seems a copy of Mass Destruction for PS1/Saturn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRUyr26wKcE
  17. cNick have good writting skills, indeed. His crime do not cancel YOUR crime, by the way.
  18. Isn't that from Looking Glass Studios?
  19. pichorra


    Have you direct contacted an admin before posting this?
  20. Belives in Karma and behaves like this. Hipocrisy is ugly, ouch. :O
  21. Alright, here is a list of Glitches that I know: Tiberian Dawn: - Infantry sell glitch: as somebody already mentioned. Note that this glitch can be exploited to complete Nod Mission 8 wihout selling the Nod construction yard. (note that this was fixed in N64) - Fast Harvesting glitch: Press X (or S, I don't remember) when the harvester is about to harvest tiberium. - Infantry-through-wall Glitch: You can clip through a wall corner using infantry in a precise frame. - Stealth Tank detection glitch: There is something with Helicopters and buildings - South advantage glitch: as somebody already mentioned. - Burned-Tree glitch: not sure if it is a glitch, but burning a tree will make it undestroyable. - Fast artillery shoot glitch: Pressing X right after the artillery fires will make it shoot again - No-limit Silos: Build something and cancel it after it is ready to be placed down. This will turn your tib. cash into normal cash. Pre-1.22 DOS C&C Glitches: - Build anywhere glitch: There was something with Radar that was fixed. - Infinite minigunners: Pressing S to stop a sell would still leave the minigunners in map. Nintendo 64 Glitches: - Unlandable Helicopter glitch: there is a special frame that if you order the helicopter to land, it will keep floating in air. Infinitly. That is what I remember by memory.
  22. This happens because explorer.exe overwrite the game's pallete with his one. Take a look at this topic, but make sure you add the correct RA95 executable file, since ra95.dat probably isn't used by cncnet. Killing explorer.exe before the game launch may also workarround the problem.
  23. My message to EA: Stop. You are murdering C&C everytime you touch it. Haven't you tortured all CNC fans engouth? Generals aren't even a universe that diserve a C&C title. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_RIo7UW7HQ
  24. I really didn't understeand what you wrote, but if you are asking if you can play on CnCNet with that computer, then yes, you can. Download the cncnet.exe and run it in game's folder. Make sure you got the ]Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed. I myself have a Pentium IV as my Desktop computer. But consider yourself downloading the versions available in the download section.
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