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Everything posted by pichorra
OpenRA gameplay runs away from original Red Alert. OpenRA is more an modern RTS game using legacy graphics than Red Alert itself. I don't know what is the main porpouse of OpenRA, but it is far away from the Original Red Alert.
Mod the dinossaurs for wildlife annimals
Hey guys! I just went through here just to say that you guys are doing such amazing job!
CCWMap is a bugged little piece of software. First, create a new map with the terrain type you want to open, then open the map. Also, some users related that setting compatibility mode to Windows NT makes it more stable.
Killing Explorer.exe solves your problem? If not, it can be another application causing it.
The 640x480 mode is S3's fault. Trio cards could not run 640x400. But you could make 640x480 look like 640x400 messing arround the CRT monitor configurations.
First of all, we need to find why the game simple does not drawn the other cells. I got busy with something else at the moment, so I will look at it when I got plenty of time, since that would require a lot of code digging. After then we can see what stuff can be implemented there.
No. It was a commercial compiler. Probably the older OpenWatcom is the most acurracy compiler we can get. I don't know about endless borders, but that would require an insane amout of RAM memory.
CHEATer applications arE Not allowed in this community. forGet It. but you caN build onE by your own, it is pretty easy to do it
The official CnCNet5 client+game package download thread
pichorra replied to FunkyFr3sh's topic in CnCNet Discussion
Woa! That is a really old piece of hardware. About the VideoCard crappy Drivers: That card isn't supported anymore by AMD. That means that there aren't any official drivers for the current X-Window version. I had a Sony VAIO with a Radeon 9200SE, and the only drivers avaliable are the OpenSource ones, and it got a poor OpenGL and 3D hardware acceleration. Sorry, but if you need some hardware acceleration, get stuck with XP. The only way of running it in Linux would be setting the rendering mode to GDI, and use an low resolution. About Xubuntu: Yeah, I won't recommend you running it with that Hardware. Get Lubuntu, or Debian and install it with LXDE Consider you still running Windows XP in that machine and get Puppy Linux in a pendrive for Internet Banking. That would be an good way trough it. -
The official CnCNet5 client+game package download thread
pichorra replied to FunkyFr3sh's topic in CnCNet Discussion
As I say, TD works nicely on Wine. Just install it, add ddraw.dll into wine configurations, and you will be ok. As for Xubuntu, XFCE is bloated compared with older versions, and Ubuntu non-LTS editions tends to be buggy. KDE uses a lot of memory, GNOME is... good, LXDE is really lightweigth (but at the time I was using it, arround 2011, it was clearly incomplete and buggy). Mate is a nice fork of Gnome2 that runs great even on the most of old computers (2006). About the performance on Linux: That's because you are running it with crappy Drivers. Also, Adobe flash is bloated on linux, so I would not recommend using it, since it can even crash X-Windows. About the End-of-life support: Microsoft would stop supporting it, but most companies will still support it. I guess XP would live more 4, even 6 years. -
The official CnCNet5 client+game package download thread
pichorra replied to FunkyFr3sh's topic in CnCNet Discussion
That guide is a bit outdated, but TD works nice with Linux. -
Can't you fix it? seems to not be hard if you got the chem. warrior struct.
Open the Metro interface and search for 'cmd' Open it and type: taskkill /f /im "game.exe" that should kill the game.
edit the mission .INI and set BuildLevel=98 That must do it.
Screenshots of the maps?
Theoretically, expanding the map by one cell is just as hard as expanding it by 64. I'm not a programmer but this research intrigues me and, as far as I understand, it's not the number of cells themselves that are the problem but the way the game counts them. Exactly. I've talked with one of my Teachers. As Nyerguds said, sometimes it doesn't generate the same code (it can generate a different code that do the same thing), especially a smart compiler like Watcom. Finding all occorences will be hard, but not impossible.
Try to disable cnc-ddraw. The game's colors will probably be messed up after it, but give it a try. Go to the Red Alert folder, and rename ddraw.dll to ddraw.bak Make sure Red Alert resolution in REDALERT.INI is supported by your screen. launch the game. To re-enable cnc-ddraw Rename ddraw.bak to ddraw.dll
I'm seeing a lot of people with problems in getting TS to work nicely on Windows 8. Shouldn't we create a topic about what we know and what we don't, and stickfy it?
Let me see... EA bought WW. That means no, It do not have a future
Yeah, but we will need more people. Do you guys have an occourence of that macro in the code?
That's bad.
Any documentation about the macro?
Well... I'm collecting information about how the game calculates and renders the cells. Any information are welcome. What I know: The max size of a C&C95 map is 64x64. If you edit the INI and try to put something large than it, the game would crash due a buffer overflow. So after digging into the game's code, I found that the map's andress is stored in .var:0053DDC0 . I found where the .exe calculates the length of the map: 004681B9: mov dword ptr[edx+28h], 40h 004681C0: mov dword ptr[edx+2Ch], 40h after it, there is a integer multipler operator that calculates it's area. Then in some function where __wcpp_2_ctor_array__ is called, it get that value and times it by 0x21 and then, the array is allocated. So a map is: typedef struct { char unknown1[4]; char tileset; char tilenumber; char[0x1B] unknown2; } Cell; Cell[64][64] Map; ???? Of course, changing: 004681B9: mov dword ptr[edx+28h], 40h 004681C0: mov dword ptr[edx+2Ch], 40h to 004681B9: mov dword ptr[edx+28h], 80h 004681C0: mov dword ptr[edx+2Ch], 80h would avoid the game from crashing if you load an ini with 64 <= Length and Width <= 128, but the results are: Thanks