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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. Prices, I think, are pretty hard to balance. If you can balance it for multiplayer, then it might give you an idea, but because you're doing the mod for single player mostly, you might just have to wing it. It all depends on how good troops are, flame tanks mostly kill men, so if troops are quite good in your mod, then the flame tank will need a high price as it's gonna kill lots. If men are crap, then a lower price might be the way to go etc. -Liam Also, I like your flame tank cameo
  2. Oh, those look so cool in the desert Was hoping to get Desert theater for ARDA -Liam
  3. Yeah, I actually wouldn't mind seeing all the original cameos in correct team colours... as they had a habit of being the wrong way around -Liam
  4. Cameo looks really nice though... what program did you use to do the edit? -Liam
  5. Nice Job!! I'm so glad I twisted your arm... you seem to be a lot quicker at making these things than me xD -Liam
  6. Well, whenever I see a unit that I know in a mod I assume it's the same until I see otherwise. It could be good for just showing that it IS in fact a different unit, not just the same old unit in your mod. -Liam I say yes, also because I like your graphics and would like to see more hehe
  7. It was one of my cooler ideas for graphics xD feel free to use it.
  8. Looks great, well,I think so... Kinda want to just get some filling/unfilling anims for it and use it in my mod. It's better than my chopped up RA/TD harv hybrid, lol. -Liam
  9. As the maker of the mod I can tell you that this mod is totally dead. It had balance issues and people couldn't pick up the extreme damage play style. However, it was remade, rebalanced and re-released as Classic Revolution. Along with new title screen, and a great song composed just for the game. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2136.0 Feel free to check it out and post feed back. I've played it a bunch with friends from this site and it's pretty well balanced. Enjoy -Liam
  10. Pretty sure you still have to get the players to get the new .shp files. Is there a way to make a separate mix mix file containing all the new units being added? Also, can I make the new units purely in a map file? (So that someone playing the mod can just download an extra .mix which wont effect their stock game, and is used when using a specific mod map) -Liam
  11. Pretty sure you still have to get the players to get the new .shp files. Does that mean building new .mix files? -Liam
  12. Iran, when creating a NEW unit, how do you give it a new image (SHP)? -Liam
  13. Funky is right, you can choose to do that by editing the map anyway, which makes more sense, as someone might make a map with the intention of having shroud at the beginning, where others are made to be pre-scouted. So each map is played the way it is intended to be played. -Liam
  14. Oh, I see, thought you were saying it was when there was over 100, which there clearly wasn't in RA or C&C. No, makes sense now. -Liam
  15. Not to point out what seems obvious, but RA 1 and CNC95 don't have 100 units... And doesn't RA1 have more units than CnC95? I'm lost as to what you're saying there Nyer. I'm sure you are actually saying something that does make sense, just not sure what. HAHA -Liam
  16. Funny you say that, if you keep hacking this enough, I'll make my mod have all countries with different units. 2 Major teams still, but then with some little different additions and subtractions to each. I really want to be able to have people play as USA and get M1A1 and England and get Challengers. Still, you're a little off allowing my mod to be implemented... but not that far. Mostly turret placement logic, that's the big one. To say if the turret is offset like a ranger, or if the turret is on the rear, like a mobile gap. Not sure if you've read over the massive ARDA list of stuff that Alex_B put in, but you've hit the main points, good stuff -Liam
  17. Well, it sounds like it's getting there, but yeah, foundations on buildings and having full reign over turret logic is quite important atm... New units would be great though, almost endless possibilities there. Although, I'm mostly hoping for new aircraft, both copters and planes. Being able to charge up weapons to teams and buildings would be great also, but heck, now I'm just starting a wish list. Thanks for the heads up though, I didn't know Iran was so far along with his hacking. Nice work Iran -Liam
  18. Yes, indeed. I'm well aware that when ARDA was released, or, at least, when I discovered it, I jumped up and down with excitement, but CnCNet, at the time, was compatible with it. Seemed good to invest in. Unless Iran does some serious hacking and makes loads of new features available. Mainly, allowing turrets on/off for all vehicles; turret positioning, both offset for cases like the ranger and then turret on the rare of the vehicle like in the case of mobile gap; more slots or unlimited weapons, warheads etc. Well, that'd be a nice start, then I could consider swapping my mod over. But in the meantime, I'm stuck with CnCNet4, which, for a mod that's built for online play (no missions and an AI that doesn't understand the new resources) means it's not extremely hard to advertise to get people to play. I'd ay that I'm probably not the only one in this position, but I suspect I am, haha. But as I said before, ARDA IS a great tool for modding RA (which IS by FAR the most popular game on CnCNet5) and it's be a shame to put it down simply because people don't want to talk and work out a way to implement it. To the future of modding RA! -Liam
  19. The last I'd heard, he was less and less bothered because the EXE kept being hacked, making ARDA incompatible with the most common version of RA. Which, is kinda understandable. Maybe if you talk with him, you might be able to work together and get it implemented. OK, let's be honest, I want this so that I can put my mod, which took at least three years to make, onto CnCNet5, but ARDA IS a great tool, and I would be sad if everyone using it, or planning to ever use it, are shut out of the CnCNet5 project. -Liam
  20. I know you guys have a lot on your plate, but adding support for ARDA would be great. Might be easier to do if you DON'T add it as part of RA, but instead have it as a different selection when you create a game, and then have a list appear off different directories for mods. So like, 10 or so slots where ARDA mods can be added. So when selecting to play a mod that uses ARDA, you'd click on create game, select ARDA as the game platform and then click on a directory path from a list of pre selected (by the user) directory paths. Doing this would allow way more mods to be used by cncnet, opening up huge opportunities for people that very seriously mod the most popular game on cncnet5 I'm also aware that some support for ARDA like changes have already been implemented into RA, but without full support for ARDA, any mods using it are hung out to dry. This is not just a slap in the face to modders, but also to AlexB who put a whole load of fantastic effort into his program. Seems a shame to shut him out. -Liam
  21. I know you guys have a lot on your plate, but adding support for ARDA would be great. Might be easier to do if you DON'T add it as part of RA, but instead have it as a different selection when you create a game, and then have a list appear off different directories for mods. So like, 10 or so slots where ARDA mods can be added. So when selecting to play a mod that uses ARDA, you'd click on create game, select ARDA as the game platform and then click on a directory path from a list of pre selected (by the user) directory paths. Doing this would allow way more mods to be used by cncnet, opening up huge opportunities for people that very seriously mod the most popular game on cncnet5 -Liam
  22. Will those buildings actually always be neutral? Or will they be assigned to 1 team number? -Liam
  23. If you scan through the Mods here, you actually should be able to find it. Unfortunately, the mod is quite broken and unbalanced, fortunately, I remade it into classic revolution. -Liam
  24. I was looking at getting a full soundtrack for it, but the guy doing the music doesn't seem all that interested anymore. No, the RA music has been taken out. -Liam
  25. I think this all looks pretty flash. It's somewhat inspiring me to get off my butt and get back to modding xD Once again, nice work -Liam
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