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Everything posted by Iran

  1. Mod looks nice, maybe I should buy Red Alert 3. You have a nice voice too.
  2. Anyhow I added code to overwrite rules.ini and play an alternative sound for the Rifle Infantry, also to add a grenade throwing sound to Grenadier. Just gotta make them optional once I start working on the patch again.
  3. Yes in the configuration tool open the 'Video options' tab and in the right side there's an option to set Max FPS, set it to 150-300. That should slow down scroll speed.
  4. I'm not, it's useful for missions were you need to actually destroy all subs. If it turns out to affect lots of custom missions I'll add a fix as a mission only keyword.
  5. You're clicking too much. If the building is a primary building it shows the text 'Primary' when you select it. You only need to click once, if you hear the "Primary building selected" sound it's set.
  6. It's called ra303p-iran (basically my branch of hifi's p-series), once i'm done with the things i want gonna merge it back into p-series if hifi wants it. It comes with PortableRA (not standalone yet): http://iran.cnc-comm.com/ra/ I'll check the German MiniRA, thanks! Edit: It's an English MiniRA.
  7. The decloaking cloaked units if there are no non-cloaked units logic also affects the Counterstrike mission Siberian Conflict 2: Trapped. Your mission is to destroy all Soviet structures but they also have subs, the mission creator got lazy and gave the subs to another house allied with the Soviets. The house has no other units than subs. Funky made a fix for it yesterday.
  8. And this works with players using 3.03 online? Edit: Checked some stuff and I can add it as an option to my patch. If you have some interest in extracting them I could add stuff like the cloaking sound as optional feature for my patch, MrFlibble.
  9. Actually I think that the RA minigunner infantry shot sound is better than the one used in the actual game. Which sound is that and what is the one used in the actual game? I might be able to patch it in.
  10. Oh I meant like did you remake them, sorry used the wrong word knew they weren't convertible already.
  11. Is this compatible online? I'd like to add the AM Tesla Tank replacement as an optional feature in my RA1 package. Add it as a replacement for the Tesla Tank in the Counterstrike missions too but I don't know how I'd only apply the change to Counterstrike missions and not the MRJ globally. Edit: Tested it with Funky, it works online without desync. Does the Image= trick work if added inside a map file? Edit 2: The Image= trick doesn't work according to Funky. Instead he changed those missions and replaced the MRJ with TTNK
  12. Did you convert the C&C95 multiplayer maps?
  13. If you still have this issue try this EXE: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/21865790/Game.exe
  14. "s for the speech, I remember the Radio 2 Remix has the Allied Thief's line, "Time for a five-finger discount!", which is also not present in the game files." Yup it does. What sounds are there in the German version? I recently read that some guy found unused Tiberian Sun files in the German and Spanish translations too.
  15. If you're running my patch put the .AUD files in a MIX file starting with "sc", e.g. "scsssss.mix" then create a music.ini file like:
  16. I was thinking the same thing MrFlibble.
  17. Sounds like RAED uses some memory copy function that has a hard-coded amount of bytes to copy. Could you try changing another structure and unit so the file size for it is that large? If that's the case you'll have to workaround it by using a smaller file for FACT in the editor.
  18. Interesting, cause the song has it.
  19. "What does [Digest] mean or do? Its the only label the mpr contains while the ini does not have it." It's a string of text that's basically a file check sum, it's placed inside the map file to make sure it isn't corrupted somehow, when the game loads the map it will calculate a digest and compare it with the string under [Digest] in the map file, if they don't match the game thinks the map is corrupted. This was probably done to prevent issues with online play after transferring a map, back then transferring files was slower and sometimes the map would be corrupted. It's recommended to remove the [Digest] section of the file, if it's removed the game will load the map without checking if the map is corrupted, it's quite hard to corrupt files now a days so the check is unnecessary.
  20. In the Radio 2 Mix song at around 2:20 there's an audio clip of the RA1 EVA saying "upgrade complete", but I can't find this audio file in speech.mix inside redalert.mix. :/
  21. Ohhh I love North by Northwest C&C Red Alert - iran vs mike454 (1vs1) CnCNet online
  22. I think it would be nice to share videos of Red Alert 1 being played by people online or not. Does the forum support embedding YouTube videos?
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