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Everything posted by MattAttack
Looks like someone needs a growing up course. C'mon now, this obviously has to be a topic that can't be taken seriously. If someone is unable to deduce what it means when a thread is [glow=red,2,300]red[/glow] and they can't post in it. I don't think they'd even be capable of turning a computer on. XD It is, however, giving me the opportunity to raise my forum status from 'grenadier' to 'rocket soldier.' Lofty goals, I have!!
What does it mean when I start getting this aching, empty feeling in my stomach? I start getting light headed and feeling weak. A similar situation occurs where mouth starts getting really dry and I have an uncontrollable urge to drink something....really weird these unexplained mysteries in life..... Also I think I've developed an allergy of sorts to excessive heat. I start sweating profusely and feeling uncomfortable. I just don't understand it O_o
I was making a map and I wanted like 10 things to occur simultaneously when a certain event happened. I wanted 3 player hovercraft, 3 player chinooks, and 3 enemy chinooks to all reinforce upon destruction of a particular house. If you look at the WW maps there are no examples of this ever occurring, but I had a feeling it was possible. Certain triggers can make this possible. In this example map it's the 'buildings destroyed' trigger. Blow up the house 'special' comm center and you'll be reinforced 4 chinooks unloading 5 minigunners apiece at 4 separate waypoints. It woks like this: [sTRUCTURES] 000=SPECIAL,HQ,256,529,0,NONE [TRIGGERS] TST0=BLDGS DESTR.,REINFORCE.,0,SPECIAL,TST0,0 TST1=BLDGS DESTR.,REINFORCE.,0,SPECIAL,TST1,0 TST2=BLDGS DESTR.,REINFORCE.,0,SPECIAL,TST2,0 TST3=BLDGS DESTR.,REINFORCE.,0,SPECIAL,TST3,0 [TEAMTYPES] TST0=GOODGUY,0,0,1,0,0,30,0,0,0,2,TRAN:1,E1:5,2,MOVE:0,UNLOAD:0,0,0 TST1=GOODGUY,0,0,1,0,0,30,0,0,0,2,TRAN:1,E1:5,2,MOVE:1,UNLOAD:1,0,0 TST2=GOODGUY,0,0,1,0,0,30,0,0,0,2,TRAN:1,E1:5,2,MOVE:2,UNLOAD:2,0,0 TST3=GOODGUY,0,0,1,0,0,30,0,0,0,2,TRAN:1,E1:5,2,MOVE:3,UNLOAD:3,0,0 So far, I've gotten this to work with "all destroyed," "buildings destroyed," "# of buildings destroyed," and I'm suspecting "units destroyed" and "# of unts destroyed" work as well. Oddly, "house discovered" doesn't seem to work. On the particular map I was working on, (not the attached example) I had "buildings destroyed" reinforce the hovercraft which ran over celltriggers reinforcing the chinooks and "All destroyed" reinforces the enemy chinooks. I wanted there to be a slight delay in the events so my computer didn't explode. have a nice day! simutaneous_trigs.zip
Tiberian dawn. The mix of RL weapons with just enough sci-fi thrown in is a perfect mix to me. Orcas-- not the best unit, but a neat concept and I always thought they looked cool. A-10 warthogs dropping napalm. The freakin' commando smoking a cigar and tossing out badass lines. Pretty green Tiberium crystals. Stealth Tanks. Flame Tanks. Shittily awesome FMV. Seth... Kane... Greg Burdette... Yeah that's right, Greg Burdette. I live in Las Vegas where TD was made and he was a local weatherman here so I was quite shocked when I saw him in this freakin' awesome game; it really brought it close to home. Speaking of which, the desert theater. Oh and how can I forget the great MP balancing. I'd have to agree with Nyer about TS's making me assume the character played by Michael Beihn. I really liked in TD how they were creating the illusion that they were addressing the player directly. Also even the "coming Soon" trailer for TS in TD looked unappealing to me. If I wanted that, I'd just play Mech Warrior 2... lol My second favorite may come as a shock, but it's actually RA2/YR. A far, far, distant second but I appreciated some of the features like building queues, setting waypoints, the select all of a certain unit on the map, etc. But let's face it, the real star of that show was Tanya's tits. And the Badguy from Robocop as the president... Hilarious! XD
Weird Discovery (or I live under a rock in tiberium land)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C 1
If you're talking about scripting-- house "Badguy" will not construct medium tanks no matter what you tell it to do. If you're talking about .exe hacking, that's well out of my area of expertise. -
Command & Conquer: Dawn of Tomorrow teaser thread
MattAttack replied to Kilkakon's topic in Modding Discussion
I guess calling it a SCUD missile would be inappropriate... Tomahawk? Smart bomb? What options do you have for the 'warhead'? edit: oh yeah, duh! I didn't see cruise missile -
Jesus, we could write a book about how fucking perfect this game is... too bad only 2 people would buy it... heh heh! I think you're definitely right about the short game vs. the long game vs. the map though.....
Well, I suck at multiplayer these days no matter what side I choose but I remember the general consensus back in the day (lol 2012 for me) being that pros played as gdi and newbs played as nod. I agree with a lot of your points but then I remember playing Lovehandles who would utterly rout me as GDI without even building a WF. Inf & orcas, how humiliating. An Ion cannon if I was lucky enough lo last that long.... And other than him (and later WeaveR) nobody beat me. But that's what I like about c&c.... you think you hit a wall and there's no more strategies out there but there's always something more to glean off of this old ass game! XD
Yeah, it's a good way to get the enemy to send the appropriate units to attack you. For example, spamming barracks could have you lambasted by enemy artillery, ssm, flame weapons... whatever's appropriate! Heck if you're NOD maybe every obelisk built sends a ton of infantry at you ! I only wish the [base] function could be side specific then you could have multiple independent AI bases vs. you. As it stands now, you wouldn't be able to control who (re)builds the structures if there's multiple houses with 'production' activated. But 'Built it' is definitely one of my favorite triggers. iirc, it's only used a couple times in the original campaigns and I think it's for 'allow win' (nod 5 you HAVE to build the SAM to win)
Weird Discovery (or I live under a rock in tiberium land)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C 1
Good idea, but alas it still doesn't work. To me that's the biggest mystery of this. If I'm playing AS Nod, I can capture a WF and make med tanks, but the AI cannot!?! :O Maybe I'll have to now see if a GDI airstrip can poduce light tanks/bikes. My guess in no.... -
whoops! I was wrong about the trigger order thing in this one. Just figured I'd test it so I wasn't spreading misinformation. Here's how it works: [TRIGGERS] XXXX=# BLDGS DSTR.,LOSE,1,BADGUY,NONE,0 XXNO=PLAYER ENTERS,DSTRY TRIG 'XXXX',0,GOODGUY,NONE,0 [sTRUCTURES] 000=BADGUY,HQ,256,329,0,XXNO However, if you reverse them and have the # of bldgs. destroyed as the 'destroy trigger x' and the 'player enters' as the lose, it wont work. (btw I destroyed it with a commando and lost heh heh, capture with engi didn't lose! ) Ordering the triggers does work in other instances, though. I've recently been experimenting with 'stacking' built it triggers. Here's how that works: BLD1=BUILT IT,CREATE TEAM,15,GOODGUY,X,0 BLD2=BUILT IT,CREATE TEAM,15,GOODGUY,Y,0 BLD3=BUILT IT,CREATE TEAM,15,GOODGUY,Z,[glow=red,2,300]2[/glow] Of course 15 signifies the barracks and in this example, the goodguy is the player. 1st barracks constructed makes team 'X' the second barracks=team 'Y' the third and every subsequent barracks (note the [glow=red,2,300]2[/glow] )yields team Z.
Well, I always liked this map so I recorded a vid of me playing it while commentating on it's strengths/weaknesses. So I'll bump it, bro! Thanks to cn2mc for letting me dissect and criticize it. here's the video. Oh, and PLAY THE MAP, it's cool. (And I have ridiculously high standards when it comes to this sort of thing.) Also, regarding the discussion we had here about trying to make multiple buildings cap=win/des=lose: It worked, Nyer! I just had the triggers ordered properly so that the lose one came 2nd and it worked. yay next would be GiftS "after war mini campaign;" I think that is really good too and I might as well bump all the quality missions to the top.
Weird Discovery (or I live under a rock in tiberium land)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C 1
That's what I thought. What's weird is it only applies to Badguy, not any of the other houses, regarding the WF. I'm glad I discovered this before I went and made some big elaborate mission for my vanilla TD campaign. Say Nod captures a WF and starts bombarding you with med tanks/Humvees. Can't do it! (I won't use multi houses) What gets me though, is that in kilk's mod, the player can technically build an artillery piece from a WF. (it's modded into something else, though.) Boy this game is the gift that keeps on giving, mystery wise. -
Weird Discovery (or I live under a rock in tiberium land)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C 1
there are no airstrips in the mod, for the most part. But the reinforce (from edge of map) idea had crossed my mind although I'm just going to change it to another multi house. That's not really the point, though. Badguy(AI) has weird restrictions that the generic houses do not. when the PLAYER is Nod, it's no prob. I was unaware of this, and wasn't sure if I just wasn't in the know, or if this was yet another thing about TD we've found out. -
So I was making a map for Kilkakon's mod which involved multiple houses. The player is Goodguy and it's vs multi1, multi2, multi3, special and then Badguy. They're all going to be the same color, giving the illusion of only 1 enemy army. As I progress everything is working fine, all the multi houses are churning out medium tanks like they're supposed to UNTIL I get to badguy. Their WF will make MSAMs, but no medium tanks. I assume that I've just made some sort of error in the syntax, but I could not for the life of me find any mistake. Fast forward through a bunch of trial and error, and I come to find that Badguy can only make shared units (apc, msam, possibly a couple of others) with the weapons factory. Kilk was as dumbfounded as I was by this and it explained why some things seemed to not be working for him scripting-wise. It is IMPOSSIBLE for AI Nod to make medium tanks, even with an airstrip (although I had already assumed the latter.) Probably Humvees, mammys, etc too. Is this old news or a new discovery? wow this post seems pretty tame compared to recent activity around here, so FU dooshes ur moms r gay n stuff there we go, much better!
what, no nuclear clusterbomb? dz at zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It's about time that poor red skull was used for something.
Make the resolution lower would be the simplest solution. Seriously, I'm not being a smartass.
Well I disagree that this is totally unrelated and I guess I didn't want to bump the "tattle tale" topic that you linked too. And what I find sad is either: (A) You acted like a child and are now saying you did not deserve discipline in the manner of a 5 year old, i.e. "why am I in trouble? Cuz Johnny did this!!" or (B) there really is a conspiracy to assassinate you which would be even more mind-bogglingly retarted, if true. But regardless I'm sure you'll respond with increasing vitriolic tone, only furthering the goals of those "out to get you."
This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.... Last time I was on cncnet I had to spend 15 minutes muting people because I didn't want to hear about "jew this...." and "Mexican that...." It was annoying. Shit, the only offensive thing about it was that none of it was even witty! I don't believe in censorship but I do believe in responsibility. No wonder there's no progress on a ladder when the people in charge apparently have to spend all of their time babysitting grown men. Not that I give 2 shits whether we have a ladder or not....
Command & Conquer: Dawn of Tomorrow teaser thread
MattAttack replied to Kilkakon's topic in Modding Discussion
looks cool! I keep coming up with ideas to throw at you-- but I know you still have a bunch of stuff to do. a few stray dogs running around? terrain pieces that are light poles? 1x1 tile manhole covers for the roads? a kitchen sink? -
C&C95/Tiberian Dawn- Punishing Players for Abusing Savegames
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
I partly disagree with this. I'll have to test and see if increasing the number makes the AI produce more spares, but they always seem to make a couple of extras. I had the enemy AI reinforce a team of engineers via Chinook and observed them producing an extra engineer in their base.... This I disagree with completely. I have successfully created produced a million teams which have [glow=red,2,300]this number[/glow] set to 0. Not autocreated mind you, but by any trigger that will "create team." (if I correctly understand what you're saying.) And I hope we're all in agreement of what the "production" trigger does. Besides allowing the AI to build structures, it allows the production of units. I like to think of it as turning on a light switch in the CY, barracks/HoN and WF/Airstrip letting them do their production thing. Of course it's a light switch that can't be turned off.