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Everything posted by MattAttack
You know I had the same problem with TD after reformatting my computer.... then I realized I had unplugged my speakers DURH! I had a friend who worked at a tech support call center for playstation and the first question they had to ask the caller was, "is it plugged in?" He told me that solved 50% of problems right away.
C&C95/Tiberian Dawn- Punishing Players for Abusing Savegames
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
sorry, I keep forgetting to differentiate between units produced and teams created. I shall remove my inappropriate underline. But anyway that number is creating the team automatically. That makes sense why I thought autocreate didn't work when this was 0. If I understand you, it will recruit existing units if it's 0, but it just won't build them? Gotta test that..... nevermind.... I tested it and I guess teams won't be autocreated (either by recruiting existing or building units) unless both autocreate is on in the teamtype as well as the [glow=red,2,300]# of units[/glow] being set to 1 or higher. in the example, they're being recruited from existing units on the map. -
C&C95/Tiberian Dawn- Punishing Players for Abusing Savegames
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
whoops... I forgot to attach my example map.... just save/load a bunch of times and you will be drowning in buggy patrols Punishment.zip -
Tiberian Dawn - Biolab (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Blood Beach is a direct descendant of Madness Beach which is the bastard cousin of BIOLAB. Check out Funky's vid of that, which led me to making the 'hard' version. Although come to think of it, now that I know how to hex-edit in grass cells that are passible but not buildable (like in Hornet's Nest) I should insert them in the chokepoint, making it impossible to block with sandbags/towers on that map... (I was going to try that on blood beach, but to my knowledge such cells don't exist in the desert theater ) -
wow it's a good thing you weren't a playtester at WW back when this was being made, the game would've turned out impossible!
I have read Nyer's ccmanual mission making FAQ about a million times. About the 900,000th time, I noticed something in the [teamtypes] section: tanks=GoodGuy,1,0,0,1,0,15,[glow=red,2,300]1[/glow],0,0,2,E6:5,APC:1,2,Move:5,Guard:30,0,0 (I couldn't get it all the text to line up properly, so I'll use the red glow.) - [glow=red,2,300]g[/glow]: The number of teams of this type that will act concurrently (i.e., x,x,x,x,x,x,[glow=red,2,300]5[/glow],x,x,1,E2:3,1,move:2,0,0 will get you 15 grenadiers at waypoint 2). When this number is greater than zero, it will cause the team to be produced, regardless of any trigger. I was intrigued and started messing around with this. I saw that if you didn't have autocreate enabled on this team, it would be automatically created without a trigger, follow it's orders and be replaced when the team was completely destroyed. I really liked this as not having to make a trigger saves space in the .ini and was a nice way of speeding things up. I began using this to great effect in some of my missions. One day I was testing a mission where this procedure was used to create a patrol of 1 nod buggy and I noticed for some reason there were 2 buggies patrolling. I went through the .ini to see what caused this and was stumped. I eventually noticed that whenever I saved and loaded, another buggy patrol was being created. Every time I saved and loaded. "Wow, that's just not fair!" I said (believe it or not ) I have a couple of extremely difficult missions that hinge on this effect and saw that merely saving and loading would make them exponentially more difficult. Today upon watching RC1985's speedrun of Nod 11ea I saw something that caught my eye and looked at the .ini as I always do if I want to see how something is done. Interestingly enough I saw this was going on in this mission. Regarded by many as one of the most difficult of the original missions, I guess it's no surprise. (save/load 3 times at the beginning and a medium tank will start attacking your southern units!) I just found this interesting and figured I'd share it. Over and out!
Tiberian Dawn - Biolab (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
mind you any mercy was completely accidental and purely coincidental -
Tiberian Dawn - Biolab (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
that's what I thought he was going to do and was quite surprised when AGTs were constructed! (they would've gone nicely next to the 'biolab' as well, though) -
Tiberian Dawn - Biolab (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Ha! I noticed that after re-uploading it. It's not incompatible though, it's just a little bit of a messy cliff overlap. (if that's what you're referring to) But 5 points for noticing! And -5 points to me for being messy! Cool playthrough as well.... I never thought about building the AGTs-- that's a really good idea! I actually put the artys behind the turrets and just force-fire at the base of the cliffs (you just have to watch your harvs) I really did 'laugh out loud' when it went into techno mode! -
Tiberian Dawn - 5 Minute Missions (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Well I made a video explaining how "the rescue" works and how you can kill the 3 commandos chasing you. However, I forgot to mention that if you try to clear the path before you rescue him, you'll lose via the specified "all to hunt" XXXX celltriger on the bridge North of his position. Hopefully the sound isn't too crappy, all my good mics are packed up. Enjoy! -
Tiberian Dawn - 5 Minute Missions (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
heh...that's pretty interesting! dang lazy engineers! -
don't make me turn this car around.....
I did, however go into the dev chat for the first time in perhaps 2 years, today... why?
Tiberian Dawn - Biolab (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
yeah upon playing it again after 2 years, I started to worry that the 'winning' apc wasn't coming (I had that problem when I first made it) so if I update for the campaign, it'll be shorter. I also think that I'll have the commandos reinforced by Chinook instead of APC, as the APC allows for a 'cheese' solution and with trying to be canonically correct, I don't want to give NOD players an APC. I think since NOD doesn't have APCs in the regular campaign makes their missions a little tougher as well. AND if it's going to be my mission 9, I'm going to replace the mammys with med tanks. AND maybe put some AGT's in the enemy base as I think that's the first level in the campaign where they appear, anyways... AND put a comm center in the GDI base, so there's a point to infiltrating their base (flame tanks) AND making it so if you take the time from your busy base defense and smash the GDI base, that'll reinforce the 'winning' apc, too, giving added incentive to smash the GDI base. (will make it possible to speedrun, too!) sorry... flow of consciousness in this post here -
Tiberian Dawn - On The Down Low (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
are you referring to the original campaign mission? -
Tiberian Dawn - On The Down Low (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Hadn't played this sucker for probably 2 1/2 years. Boy, did I underestimate how evil I made the AI in this one; took me 6 times to beat it :O Here's your vid, RC (sorry no commentary as of yet) https://youtu.be/5JroTY3nQS4 Watching the video, I realize how bad I am at this game... heh heh -
I realized if you just tell these people "there will be no ladder... EVER!" They'd go away..... Bummer, I know
um...... uh.... I can't confirm nor deny that! (adjusts tinfoil hat)
one way or another I think it could be done.... come to think of it, something like GiftS SW maps might work..... I actually was messing around a while ago with no base/1v1 5 commandos and a MHQ apiece... was doing LAN with buddy at my house. He didn't seem to approve, though. Was finally a good use for my crappy 'dead river' map however... And there's always my co-op 'Metal Onslaught' ---still buggy to 'win' without turning on your buddy... but there definitely could always be more co-op maps.
wow, I just switched it back to theme 8 too.... I prefer that one
Command & Conquer: Dawn of Tomorrow teaser thread
MattAttack replied to Kilkakon's topic in Modding Discussion
Whew! I just finished my Dawn of Tomorrow map.... So many lessons learned I assumed it'd be easy but I totally went into it with a TD mindset, which isn't really applicable here. The whole economy system is different and I had to adapt to it. lol it's still probably too hard by everyone else's standards, but I think it kicks ass! -
Tiberian Dawn - 5 Minute Missions (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Oh yeah, I was just joking about the 'loser' vids.. heh heh..... They won't be speedruns like yours as that's not really my style and I definitely don't have quite the talent you have. Maybe I'll do commentary or speed them up (for entertainment purposes) guess I can't do both or else I'd sound like a chipmunk Or really I could comment on the AI scripting while playing them. I'll just pretend I'm James Cameron talking about The Terminator lol -
Tiberian Dawn - Biolab (single player)
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Nope, I think it's 600 time units before it's over. Funny because I was playing it yesterday to see if it functioned right and lived up to my OWN standards and I was barely keeping my head above water... lol! I was also looking at what to change if I end up using it for the pros campaign. It's interesting (for me) to look at the .ini and see what I did/didn't understand way back then. -
well, imo MP and SP maps are 2 entirely different beasts. in MP I go for some loose semblance of symmetry/balance, where in SP it revolves more around making the AI have a defensible position and the player having to defend multiple entrances to their bases. (to help compensate for derp derp AI) However if anybody wants to convert/edit/mash up any of my maps, feel free because as far as I'm concerned they belong to everyone here. It'd be nice if I was credited somewhere, though. But now that I think about it the original WW are so imbalanced and asymmetrical some would make good SP maps Another problem if you get too creative or abstract is sometimes the pathfinding gets all kinds of screwy, so that's another issue to keep in mind. You could always make one like that on purposed, I suppose... Although I don't think it'd be a big hit. Yeah I think I mentioned having the urge to make P4 look not so horrific a while back, but I think it'd be a waste of time since obviously the players aren't much bothered by the visual assault that are most RA maps. And if they want to play with infinite $$ let 'em. I certainly don't!! Unfortunately for me, I'm not going to be able to concentrate on c&c quite as much (at least for a little while) so have at it guys!
Hmmmm... I always figured leaving it on was bad purely for the mechanical parts inside wearing out (the fans.) I recently restored my main pc and right before doing so,I lightly hit it with my air compressor and a "comically huge cloud of dust" came out. Maybe that's just because I live in a desert environment, but I figure stuff like that has got to wear it out over time. Interesting subject to me... I'm also a pretty paranoid guy so I don't like leaving it on for North Korean hackers to steal all of my c&c creations while I'm sleeping and my computer isn't!