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Everything posted by MattAttack

  1. I think "allow win" only seems to work with the "built it" trigger (a la Nod 5) and "player enters" (Nod 6) I know for sure the "Built it" works, but I'd have to test the "player enters." Again, to cite my experience making maps for Kilk, where there's like 6 houses involved, it was impossible to make it winnable destroying all of the houses using an "allow win" trigger. **EDIT: I tested "player enters" and it works. Even in conjunction with "all destroyed!" WhoO!
  2. Well, I started some work on the beginning Nod missions. I think most of the TD people have seen these, but after having read this article and this article, I was inspired to follow a more puzzle based approach to some of the missions. So [glow=red,2,300]here[/glow] is my Nod mission 1. Let me just say "allow win" is one of the most dysfunctional triggers in the game. I even looked at the original/covert ops missions and found it didn't even work right in those! In "the tiberian strain," there is an "allow win" trigger for killing all the gdi units. I tested it and it doesn't even work! In the actual WW missions! sheesh. BUT, I figured out a workaround* so you are able to win by killing all neutral and gdi units. If anybody cares, lol! *it involves reinforcing a money c-17 to the special house for "all units destroyed" when all GDI units destroyed, and another for when all neutral units destroyed. The actual "win" trigger is achieved when the special house reaches a certain amount of credits..... (and special is allied with ALL houses involved, so there's no c-17s trying to "bomb" anything)
  3. I recently had to use the old version to help with Kilk's mod and was reminded of just how f'd the old version was. After being done with that, I was able to go back to the more recent version and could see the differences. This is pretty much all pertaining to the old version. The .ini is no longer in caps, making a trigger with the house set to 'none' no longer crashes the editor, "build it" was correctly changed to "built it," the [base] section of the .ini now correctly has the count=# at the end of the list-- and that's what I can think of off the top of my head. By the end of some of kilk's missions, (using the old version) I had like 6 backups of the mission and had to do everything on notepad while wearing a tin-foil hat because it was so crashy. Now the passability filter isn't perfect, but it's a decent guide and for some reason you can no longer see the passability of terrain.
  4. Have you downloaded xcc utilities recently? a lot of that stuff has been remedied. iirc the only thing messed up now is if you try to 'fill with water' in the desert theater.
  5. I was actually able to get in touch with that Olaf dude and emailed him a long-ass list of things which could use improving in XCC. Among the improvements was a request for a copy/paste/hex edit option. I'm not sure if he'll implement them, as I imagine TD is not high on the list of priorities, but he politely responded with some questions and didn't just blow me off.... (fingers crossed)
  6. heh heh... nobody uses ccmap anymore! these days it's all about the XCC!
  7. Well I tested the "duel" map and it went pretty well. Decided to add Chinooks to it for fun. Thanks to ggeneral and Sulfide for helping me test it. And I guess thanks to GiftS also, since it's really just a simplified variation of the [sW] concept. Check out this video.
  8. Yeah, I think they sure got it right with C&C, even it's flaws are endearing! Nice to see some good playthroughs with commentary as well. Some of us have vids, too.. My buddy RC1985 is practically a savant at exploiting the AI (major spoiler alert!!). And of course I have to plug my channel, although that's mostly dealing with custom making maps and multiplayer games. Cheers!
  9. heh let's give this a shot..... https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B27T1tTt5BpxfkFxWFZvNFo4RlpTZ0lSdGNSUmluV21wUWg4U1BxdEswODRLY3FuWjNXTFU&usp=sharing
  10. I used to think it prioritized the Eastern most Airstrip, but after playing some MP matches that contradicted this I find no rhyme or reason. I kind of buy your explanation, though. Although I frown upon most major changes in the game, this is one thing I wouldn't mind seeing remedied. Being able to pick a "primary" building has significant strategic advantages and it's annoying as hell to be bound by whatever logic the computer adheres to.
  11. I've been waiting 4 years for an appropriate use for that emoticon..... And yeah guess I should've said "power shifts more quickly than some people realize" or whatever the hell Kane says... lol
  12. Let me get this straight.... These other places are filled with toxic troll players? And the way to make cncnet even more successful is to propagate the same environment here? hmmm....
  13. MattAttack


    well, I think it may have inspired me with an idea for Nod mission 1 for my campaign. "Nikoomba's Revenge" Because it takes some micro skill to keep your 1 buggy alive while like 20 civis with pistols tear it up.
  14. Yeah, it's stuff like that which I think hinders any potential map-makers from getting serious. You think that you're doing something wrong, but in reality the map editor is kind of misleading. I should've been writing all of this stuff down over the years, because I'm pretty sure I learned this and forgot it. I happened to look at the .ini for "crate robber" in preparation for the video and was going to use it to illustrate some examples, but I was shocked to see the complicated mechanics I had made for it. The celltrigger activates c-17 money plane for multi house, activating a credits trigger which created teams. It's hard to remember what I was thinking, but I think it was a workaround for the lack of a '1' loop. I do not believe commandos can activate 'player enters' by bombing a building. After many attempts, I have not successfully gotten this to work. Is it possible this has been confused with a 'destroyed' trigger? Destroying AND capturing will activate this. Anyway, thanks for the input!
  15. I think this might've happened to me yesterday. I happened to be recording the game and if you FFwd to 10:10 (a sort of crucial moment) I get the 'reconnecting' countdown. It seemed suspicious, but I don't want to go throwing any unfounded accusations around. How can you tell when it's not just a technical thing? Either way, I think only pussies are afraid of losing. (as evidenced by my many uploads of humiliating defeats ) **EDIT: after playing the same person multiple times since this post, I believe it was a technical issue not an intentional DC** Yeah, but it's a hollow victory. I usually fight to the last technician or just blow myself up...
  16. Power shifts quickly in the brotherhood..... :sethisdeath:
  17. Me? not even necessary. It all made me chuckle a little, which alleviated my frustration as I tried to repair my portable hard drive.
  18. hmmm... hard to separate my SP and MP experiences. And I wouldn't say there are any units I don't like-- it seems every one has a purpose. Don't need a comm center for artillery! heh heh... let's see... as for Nod I'd have to say I have an inexplicable affection for the light tank. I think Apaches kick ass and they're excellent for killing buildings. I think the lack of them in the SP missions made me like them even more, though. I actually like the artillery. For almost 1/2 the cost of a flame tank and like 5 times the range? Of course don't even let an enemy technician near it... lol. And ALWAYS force fire those suckers! Don't get me wrong, anything that shoots fire in this game is awesome! As for GDI, Mammy's and grenadiers.... all the way. Orcas look cool, but in the end I think they're a little ineffective. I guess the only thing to me that sucks in the game are SAM sites. I just wish they had a higher rate of fire or something.
  19. looks cool! the only thing I can think of is just angling the base of the radar dish so that it's not flat facing the player. Can't wait for this to be done!
  20. I was just screwing around and revised my "great wall 3 vs. 2 map" so that all players start in the middle. This is so that it's less of a crapshoot who goes where and the pro players can just move SW while the noobs can go NE. I also put a neutral CY in the SW position for the heck of it. Mind you, if you sell your original CY the neutral one won't allow you to build anything; it only speeds up production. Observe: Also, an me and an old buddy of mine were hanging out and LANing a couple of games and I came up with a sort of duel concept. Each player starts with 5 commandos, 5 Bazookas and an MHQ. Hide in the trees, snipe enemies, capture the Chinooks, and just be underhanded in general Start with 1 unit and bases off. crates might be cool, too. I dunno, whatever: **Edit** added Chinooks to the duel map new_maps_revised.zip
  21. vid #5 is up. celltriggers, buildings destroyed & amphibious assaults. Apparently "player enters" with a loop of 1 doesn't work. I feel like I already learned that and forgot it.. lol. Autocreate is next and maybe placing Chinooks on the map. U1 is going to require a lot more research to cover properly.
  22. Then it's too bad I'm just a fictional character devised by several focus groups in an attempt to sell useless products to the stupid youth demographic
  23. I think you might be reading too deeply into this. I think it depends more on the skill of the player than which side they choose. Eddie Van Halen would still melt your face even if he was playing a $10 guitar through a $5 amplifier. But, I do think Nod is a little easier to get the hang of.
  24. My thinking exactly. A true champ should be able to crush no matter what faction they're assigned. And for maps, I'd also suggest Blistering Sands / Steppes of War / Method of Destruction / Mountains of Tiberium I suppose Electric Avenue is considered too open? As long as we know there's no pathing problems in them.
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