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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. Quit nitpicking. The units are dictated by their code, and someone with enough coding skills (relatively low in RA2) to have them in the game. They don't come from the clouds, you know. "Try this for an extra cash bonus." ---> literally goes for all units that can enter a Cloning Vat. This mentions no additional super-high bonus for Spies.
  2. The designers design the units, the developers program them in.
  3. And you "know" this because...? At no point is it implied by the devs that this was intended.
  4. I just did that myself in proper RA2. All units do return a fraction of their cost, it's just that the Spies and maybe Tanya/Yuri have the closest return to their nominal price. But tell me, what are the odds (save for having crates on) that you'll get an Allied MCV and a Cloning Vat at the same time?
  5. You're basically sending two units in the Cloning Vats, not one.
  6. It was like that in the real RA2. If there's a critical exploit attached to it, then it needs to be fixed, never removed fully.
  7. Welcome to online gaming that doesn't require registrations and serial keys to play. It's the sad, sad reality of what shits we have to deal with on the Internet.
  8. The only way to bypass this in modern Windows is running the game in windowed mode.
  9. Always use the newest version of the patch. I don't see how it could interfere with the TFD unofficial patch, though.
  10. It means more FPS = higher game speed, instead of more FPS = normal game speed with more fluent animations
  11. Don't know how GenTool will work with a mod, but you can try setting a wide resolution with it: http://gentool.net/
  12. The SAGE engine is locked at 30 FPS. You can mod the game to increase the cap to 60, but the game speed will double, as someone at EALA (or maybe even Westwood, since the problem is seen in Generals as well) thought it was a good idea to equate game speed with FPS. You *might* mod it to 60 FPS and then half the game speed in the skirmish menu, but that would still leave the singleplayer campaign screwed up.
  13. http://winaero.com/blog/disable-or-enable-windows-defender-in-windows-10/ http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/protect/forum/protect_defender-protect_start/how-to-disable-windows-defender-in-windows-10/b834d36e-6da8-42a8-85f6-da9a520f05f2?auth=1 (just don't listen to this guy's link to AVG - better to go unprotected than use that).
  14. Also at Windows 10, the Gruntmods Edition works fine for me. Are you running DUNE2000.EXE as administrator?
  15. It was an option in Tiberian Sun :roll:
  16. That means you need to run the game as administrator. Right-click on the game's shortcut (or .exe), choose Properties, go to the Compatibility Tab and tick "Run this program as administrator", then OK.
  17. 355 MB of the entire non-freeware game (alright, without the cutscenes, but still), is not an acceptable download. Take it down.
  18. Probably to reduce the hardware strain and/or lag for all computers at the time.
  19. Let's start from the top... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_positives_and_false_negatives https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_I_and_type_II_errors#Computers http://www.howtogeek.com/180162/how-to-tell-if-a-virus-is-actually-a-false-positive/
  20. Where did you get the game from? Are you running it as administrator? Have you applied these two fixes: http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/182360-cc-red-alert-2-windows-8-windows-10-fix/ http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/182482-cc-yuris-revenge-windows-8-windows-10-fix/
  21. Not if they're not docked in an Airforce Command HQ.
  22. No avail, everything still died when I tried to go to campaign. Oh, so you have the disc version too? Try installing to a different folder, and run the setup program as administrator. Windows systems prior to Windows 10 can specifically remove and disable the update that caused it (KB3086255), while Windows 10 users can put the appropriate DLL to system32 and make a few command prompt entries.
  23. Completely reinstall the game. This happens occasionally.
  24. There is something called a Google search, which gives the answer (without the L'Hospital rule)... https://www.wyzant.com/resources/lessons/math/calculus/derivative_proofs/e_to_the_x
  25. Yeah, because having naval missile launchers backdooring you is totally not OP for the early game stages. All you need is a Sub Pen and Psychic Radar for a cross between a Typhoon and a slightly weaker Dreadnought.
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