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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. Of course. The bonus DVD holds some video goodies, including behind the scenes stuff and bloopers, concept art (some of which was never released separately), exclusive episode of Battlecast Primetime etc. There's also a 44-track (IIRC?) soundtrack disc (which is even missing some tracks like Bring It), a code for the Kossar's Helm item in Warhammer Online, a beta key for "a future C&C" (C&C Arena) which expired on 14 February 2009 (boy, that makes one feel old), an exclusive set of maps (see Digiex link above) which wasn't on disc but had to be extracted from the website (of course, now gone, those fucking shortsighted pricks...), a printed poster of the RA3 gals, a tin case (FROM WHICH THE DISCS CAN BARELY BE EXTRACTED :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:).
  2. Um. What would be the use of that, on a game of which the DRM is "you need to be online at all times"? Future-proofing and not relying on a patching server that can go off at any time, I guess?
  3. Well... compare them by Date Modified?
  4. That's a mirror of the official KW map pack 1, which only missed the Decrepit Arena map. I can't find the original FTP location for this pack, though. EDIT: Here it is: ftp://largedownloads.ea.com/pub/misc/KanesWrathMapPack1.zip No, the Premier Edition game DVD is identical to the standard one, just with a different sticker. The Kane Edition just enabled its own set of unit textures, and one of the changes was also in the main menu logo (to read Kane Edition), even though basically everyone had those textures, as seen in the ease they can be turned on and off with Kane#.
  5. Yes. Unfortunately, no. I'd love to, but I'm missing the legit game Though I did find a list of potential files that are added/changed with the patch...
  6. If it supports XP and 7, then it should support Vista... ...but if you're on Vista, abandon ship, because its support ends in two months.
  7. Digiex collected all Red Alert 3 bonus maps (Premier Edition, ex-EA Store, GameStop, GAME...) right here: https://digiex.net/threads/red-alert-3-bonus-maps-collectors-edition-eastore-gamestop-preorder-best-buy.615/ Tiberium Wars Kane Edition maps are here: http://www.gamewatcher.com/downloads/command-conquer-3-tiberium-wars-download/kane-edition-map-pack Kane's Wrath pre-order maps are part of this archive: https://cncguild.net/item-167 And, to complete, an officially downloadable Kane's Wrath mappack (called Map Pack 1 for some reason) is archived here: http://www.cnclabs.com/downloads/details.aspx?id=444
  8. Tesla tanks and Demolition trucks are exclusive to the Aftermath expansion. If you don't see them in multiplayer, it's because you didn't enable the Aftermath Game setting in the game room.
  9. Really? Check if your AM disc has a damaged section where main.mix is - it displays as 266 MB or so when viewing files, but it crashes XCC Mixer.
  10. EA never released the TD and RA1 expansions. Those ISOs you found were made by Sonic, and he reuploaded the Aftermath one the other day.
  11. I've reported the broken Aftermath ISO to Sonic. EDIT: The remade ISO should be available now.
  12. Isn't that just the feature of your distributions? TD and RA1 don't even need the registry keys to begin with, IIRC.
  13. Agreed. It can still hook to the games the games themselves, supposing some registry files can be created and called (for TS onwards it shouldn't be a problem).
  14. Hm, good point. I'll make a full game reinstall from your installer as opposed to PortableRA, re-attempt the mission and report back.
  15. An experimental ladder phase was in place a while ago, but it was taken down and is still in development. At the moment, there's no stats logging. Unless you mean the XWIS ladders, for which you're on the entirely wrong server. http://xwis.net/ra2/ http://xwis.net/yr/
  16. Even if it were possible, nothing would change from their end.
  17. That's already far from trivial though I know, but that still doesn't help run the RA2 installer. That was my point
  18. Not sure if it's directly caused by the patch or if it has been fixed since, but one of the variations of the vanilla Allied mission where you rescue Tanya from the Prison/Tech Center/Multipurpose Orb Building has the AI building Yaks as soon as your Spy enters the building, and they attack her, making the mission virtually impossible.
  19. If there's any DirectX you need to download, it's 9.0c. No Windows ever shipped with it, so it has to be installed manually. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 It'll only extract the needed files to a folder - in that folder, run DXSETUP.exe as administrator.
  20. It's nothing to do with DRM. I re-enabled SafeDisc on my Windows 10 laptop, and I can run TS and YR installers, but not RA2. The only way to install RA2/YR from the discs, without downgrading to an earlier OS or purchasing TFD/TUC, is here: http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/19497-original-ra2yr-cds-vs-windows-10/?p=225594
  21. A few years back, Victory Games' community manager EA_CIRE posted a picture of original tapes from RA2 cutscenes. Now, they're either stored in DICE LA or in a dumpster.
  22. Run the game as administrator and in compatibility mode for Windows 7. Disable Origin In-Game for all games from The Ultimate Collection you have and install Bibber's fixed launchers. These will fix up your registry.
  23. FinalAlert 2 Yuri's Revenge v1.02 exists on several locations, and of course it works on Windows 10... http://www.ppmsite.com/?go=download&file=fa2yr102.exe&classic=true http://www.gamefront.com/games/cc-red-alert-yuris-revenge/downloads/finalalert-2-yuris-revenge-v102 https://cncguild.net/item-258?addview https://web.archive.org/web/20070710110911/http://www.wagnerma.de/yinger/showdownload.php?detail=2
  24. Wouldn't surprise me. All the previous games did as far as I know. Only Dune II had actual settings-based language switching support. Don't the language versions of RA2/YR only differ in lang(md).mix and movies(md)XX.mix just to avoid this?
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