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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. Set the game to run as administrator, in compatibility mode for Windows 7 (believe it or not), set it to run in 16-bit colour mode and disable DPI scaling. If required, use the RA2/YR fixes for Win8/10 by XWIS: http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/182360-cc-red-alert-2-windows-8-windows-10-fix/ http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/182482-cc-yuris-revenge-windows-8-windows-10-fix/
  2. Not anyone's problem but theirs. The other day, user Lud0wig posted all official RA2/YR language files, so try placing these to your RA2/YR directory (overwrite all required files). http://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/183111-ra2-yr-language-pack/ As for the CnCNet client itself, anyone can apply to make a translation. A Chinese translation seems to have been made three months ago: https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=5248.0
  3. Weren't they just lost in 2003 when WW was absorbed to EALA? I thought that only extended to the source code. Well, I heard they moved their stuff to DICE LA for storing.
  4. We have asked a long time ago. EA drove a lot to a landfill. The Westwood assets EA lost while moving from Vegas to LA are all that exists now at this point unless someone saved everything from the landfill before it was buried under tons of garbage. That almost physically hurt to read. Any source? Just that?! No, nobody in their right mind would throw things just like that...
  5. It does, at least some of it. EA_CIRE once posted a picture of old RA2 cutscene tapes on Facebook.
  6. Run the installer as administrator. And use proper antivirus software.
  7. Where did you guys get the games? If either of you is using the The First Decade release and have used the 1.03 revision 4 unofficial patch, the problem is that the patch includes Westwood's mappacks, some of which had duplicate maps, causing desyncs in multiplayer, as the game can't decide which map file of the two (probably identical ones) to get data from. Saw that in action in LAN recently.
  8. While not RPG-inspired, I think the closest thing to a one-man show in C&C was made with the Renegade Wars map for C&C3 Kane's Wrath, which mimics MOBAs. http://www.gamereplays.org/community/index.php?showtopic=974816
  9. RA2 has always had the limit set to 30. Through modding of rules.ini, it is possible to change the limit for TS and RA2.
  10. Firestorm is included both in the multiplayer-only and the full installers.
  11. Have you ever considered actually inspecting the composition of several different mods for the same game?
  12. Aaand the entire wiki is marked for serious cleanup... As it so rightfully needs to be Why do you think I disabled unlogged edits the other day? Removed most of the text and left it with bare bones. Not something other people couldn't do, but eh.
  13. Deactivate Windows Defender and get proper protection :laugh:
  14. That was an intentional change by Westwood Pacific in YR patch 1.001, as it's sort of the Grinder's function (but the change was curiously never ported to RA2). See changelog for proof: http://www.cncnz.com/features/technical-support-help-guides/red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-patch-version-1001/ Will you create the spawner for RA2? No thanks, I'd rather have the wisearse(s) who did the YR one do it, after all some code segments should be identical because YR is an expansion and not a rework
  15. If the mods you're playing are consisted of one .big file that goes into the ZH folder in Documents, then you can do that without uninstalling anyway. If you're playing elaborately composed mods like Shockwave, Rise of the Reds or similar, you're asking for much.
  16. You sure like throwing money to the trash There's an "offline patch" which exists in pirate realms and is considered a crack. It was only tested on version 1.00 (and works nicely, it makes your computer a private server of sorts, but only you can "connect" to it) and someone said it didn't work on an existing 1.03 installation.
  17. The CnC-Comm domain returns a blank page. cnc-comm.com/community URL redirects to forums.cncnet.org. The other day, I pointed out to Tore that the banner image and Homepage button in the old forum theme didn't lead to CnC-Comm (which is what apparently someone derped magnificently with stupid intentions...) Is this a temporary technical derp or is a full CnC-Comm shelving being forced in favour of CnCNet?
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