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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. Did you even open the C&C:Online website? It supports Generals, Zero Hour, Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, and Red Alert 3. Does every bit of information need to be spoonfed to you?
  2. I've been staff there for 3 years, genius. 5 years ago, C&C 3 had its official GameSpy servers which were an absolute organizational mess and broke often.
  3. Then why are you not using C&C:Online? WTF are you talking about? Nobody at C&C:Online got any legal issues in the three years it's been up (first-hand information), and it even briefly resurrected the official C&C Facebook page that announced it.
  4. Some people can't differentiate between the terms "C&C", "CnCNet" and "C&C:Online", sadly.
  5. Neither is Dune 2000, officially anyway How so? It was released before Generals even entered pre-production. 'cause it was Intelligent Games doing the bulk of the work, not Westwood. Westwood was busy making Renegade and a ton of other subpar stuff
  6. Its engine is unoptimized, the units lack functional distinction apart from the Leech, the maps are criminally cramped, and the AI isn't particularly smart. I would like to see it come to CnCNet, though. Apart from usual LAN emulators, its only true server is XWIS, and there's nobody on.
  7. Quite interesting. Does this occur in Tiberian Sun as well?
  8. I will only bother to reply to the "experienced on GameRanger" bit, because the rest is 100% bait and bullshit from you (kudos to @Marsh BTW). This was the state of rooms in varying times during the past ~24 hours. "pro only rekool" is a very quaint and frequent room name (in the past few years, I don't recall witnessing an instance where there isn't at least a few Rekool/Afghan map rooms). "10 mins attack" is also pretty pro. To be fair, there are some official maps rooms, but they come further between. Also, if you notice that I didn't catch YR in some of the screenshots, it's because there were no YR rooms at those times at all.
  9. This: Calling anyone on GameRanger experienced. GameRanger - where everyone plays on two maps that have so much ore that they became the ore. Thankyou.gif
  10. Sorry, but I don't believe that. In all games, actual experienced players play without any rules whatsoever, with the exception of actual exploits of course. Perhaps a real experienced player (of XWIS fame, current or former) can prove me wrong?
  11. Luck has nothing to do with it. If a dog spots your engineer, there's exactly 100% chance that he'll be eaten unless escorted or the dog is otherwise distracted/disposed of. Capturing oil derricks that are not close to your base is a risk, you know.
  12. The rest are either not standard or look like duplicates of the former.
  13. That's the point. Getting your engineer eaten by a dog is not bad luck, it's just the enemy being faster and the player not being cautious when crossing great lengths to get an oil derrick.
  14. About half of these exact options were seen in the regular RA2/YR skirmish screen, by the way.
  15. You must be trying to use the CDs to install. Sadly, it won't work. You can try these workarounds for RA2 and YR, though.
  16. So, even after: running the game as administrator installing OpenSSL manually manually placing the two DLLs in Renegade's directory updating Windows rebooting registry cleaning with CCleaner repairing system files ...it still comes up? Try one last thing for me, check if your antivirus/firewall is blocking either Renegade or RenList from accessing files that aren't theirs. Put both Renegade and RenList to their exception lists. If not, either RenList/scripts have a bug or there's something really weird going on in your system.
  17. Here comes the solution I've been trying to avoid. Using DLL-Files.com (don't download their client!), download the latest versions of both ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll from the lists and put them in your Renegade directory. If even that doesn't work, then you either never rebooted your system so the DLL files can't be loaded from the Windows folder, or you need to either clean your registry through CCleaner, or you'll need to repair your system files by this procedure.
  18. Try installing OpenSSL manually with this: https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
  19. You're in the wrong place. https://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge
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