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Everything posted by Phenomena

  1. ladders looking good man one question...do all players in the game get a minimum of 1 point? including spectators/losers?
  2. This goes for anyone, i give ts lessons for the low cost of only 65$/half hour. I am the only player in history to make the best player of all time (obviously TRZ) recon several times vs me sign up below -_-
  3. erm...im not against modders in any way. except those players (and unfortunately, this is nearly every modder today) that restrict the game on how its meant to be played/limit this games full potential such as- super long retarded nod overpowered maps. its the same game every game....build 60 rockets then 100 sam sites yay fun.
  4. decent map, send it to me when im online next
  5. ah yes, the childish insults coming from somebody who claims to be in his 60's. you clearly are an imbecile but next time you start spouting trash like how you were a top modder 10+ years ago, maybe check that there is nobody here who was actually around then to refute your crap. me, punkernfg, trz...we were the top modders back then, and you, you didnt exist lol hell, even axel1212(aka pakorro) achieved more in ts than you, and the guy disconnects/recons every game. Shut the fuck up delusional dribbler. says the guy pretending to be stefor lolol go back to reconning games bro..least you didnt lose as much <3
  6. ah yes, the childish insults coming from somebody who claims to be in his 60's. you clearly are an imbecile but next time you start spouting trash like how you were a top modder 10+ years ago, maybe check that there is nobody here who was actually around then to refute your crap. me, punkernfg, trz...we were the top modders back then, and you, you didnt exist lol hell, even axel1212(aka pakorro) achieved more in ts than you, and the guy disconnects/recons every game.
  7. i have a great tourny idea that can involve all players...ill pm it to you later today when i get home
  8. i reached 1 several times on the wol ladders, and many more on xwis (seems to be missing many years) however those months in question, may and june of 04, schaf and stinkfly both received many free wins about 30 min before the ladder ending (from tezzism if i remember) it was extremely obvious...but back then stefor was in charge of finalizing the ladder, and since he absolutely hated me, decided to ignore everything...despite the fact that tezzism even admitting to giving out free wins lol so may/june i consider myself rank 1 personally, i dont really care for any xwis accomplishments as player base lacked. Getting 1 on wol with TXz or having a clan record of 385-250 in one month are more gratifying the difference here amokk is, people know who I am, people recognize my name, people remember good players nobody knows/remembers you.
  9. that was the real stefor, not some wannabe I know because I took points from him in those months -_- << iwinulose nice try though...next lie plz
  10. huh? http://xwis.net/ts/hall-of-fame/ im on there about 25 times... and I have a mousepad from westwood somewhere that I won in like 2001 lol and where are the links to the old ww ladders...my clans are in the top 3 nearly every month lol.... unlike both of you, I can back up what I say. your both horrible at a game you play daily lololo
  11. you won what tournament exactly? i know you are not talking about TS lol
  12. xender your examples are meaningless to me...I have played long enough to know this game in and out. Sure what I said isnt 100% of the time. As for amokk... thats where I dont understand...I play this game to have fun as well, I play call of duty or NHL to also have fun. thats what games are, to have fun. But i never understood the mindset of never wanting to be the best one can be why settle for being "below average" when, if you just simply try....like im not asking for you to play twice as much, just try? ask questions, ask players to give you tips. Why play on a map where you handicap the game completely. infinite money, infinite power, 1 tiny small entrance, extremely long distances, no engineers etc etc. I never understood it, but meh, its a free world I guess
  13. holy fuck...I had to turn it off after 30 seconds out of pure depression and uncontrollable laughter
  14. Heres the issue....firstly, im someone who back when I first started playing TS I was a modder, and eventually became one of the "best" modders at the time. What I mean is...no I wasnt the best skilled wise, by far...but myself and some others (such as punkernfg) ran very successful almost exclusively mod clans back in the day- such as TXz Now I thought I was amazing, untouchable...and then I started to learn official WW maps...and I quickly realized how bad I was at the game. I hadent learned what now seem like basic tactics...such as 1 shot disrupter killing, proper expanding, building placement etc etc, all things that on mod maps really dont matter oh...scouting / anti scouting So, even after I became much better, I still lvoed and even today, love playing some old mod maps, such as grays 3v3. The problem is though, and the reason why myself, and many other "elite" players have some hatred to todays modders, is because they went from playing mods like grays 3v3 for example, which is fast paced, tactful, you have many options on attacking defending etc to playing maps like battleday, or GOW etc...which limit GDI for example by having long and narrow paths to the other side. Add ontop of that the rules you now see in every game No eng, no harv etc etc well lets think about this...if you have gdi be almost useles (taking out infantry and titan rushing), you have players with a defensive only mindset (so they pick nod) and you remove nods best attack (eng) all you have now are 8 player games of nod players, who make 500 sam sites, and just banshees Its a stale, long, boring gameplay that has plagued the mod community on here for years now. The players who enjoy this are those who simple cant, or refuse to try to get better at this game. When I started earning WW maps I went from being a winning player (id almost never lose on mods) to losing almost every game on WW maps early on because the skill gap is just so drastic...however I stuck with it because I wanted to improve You dont see this with these players..people like Nodrescue for example, who refuse to improve, get stomped, so they play on specific maps with specific rules to suit their specific strategy.... its just dumbed down gameplay. WW players are at fault as well because most of us are dicks...myself included. Personally, I have no patience teaching someone who has played as long as me, yet looks like they downloaded the game last week (yes I still see logs I saw in 2001) Honestly you wouldnt hear me complain if they played a map like Grays as opposed to conflicts or GOW etc
  15. if there were 200 more players and a ladder id want smurfing available too, but as it is now, there is no point... trz just wants to pretend hes schaf or something in all honesty though, why is this mechanewb still around? is your mom cutting your allowance and you need us to donate to your channel!?!? you know...amazing commentaries from the games you dont avoid/act afk when i join/instantly quit when game starts die in a ditch
  16. says a guy giving tips on a game that hes garbage at, in his moms basement at the age of 25 making topless commentary videos for 13 views anyway... Nyer we all completely love what you guys have done for these older games, and perhaps my comment could have been re-worded, its not to be read like "oh this sucks it didnt come with ladder" What I mean is, I know you guys are doing this for fun, for the love of the games etc, but as long as there are upgrades and additions that could be made, with people who are capable and willing to make them, then why not do so? I dont expect this to happen over night...hell ive been here a year and thats fine, I play it for fun and to bash mechcaesal, however myself, and many oher players would play a lot more if there were a ladder, it would make everyone better (when you play better players, you get better)
  17. Not if properly monitored A ladder should 100% be included
  18. if only you were as good at a game you play all day as you are at nitpicking grammar on an internet forum.
  19. Im sure over time you can collect stats and put people in "tiers" , if you have a quick match system (which is 100x preferred in my opinion) then over time you can match good players with eachother using this tier system, or, if nobody else is online other than say 1 pro and 1 newb, then points should be fixed accordingly...aka maybe 50% less
  20. Tiberian Sun -when playing against corpsmakr, be sure to choose a map other than terrace, and you will have an easy victory
  21. id be very excited if you can bring kanes wrath here...only reason i had to stop playing was cuz my computer decided to only connect to maybe 5 of the 400 players lol
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