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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by heldro

  1. Ye ofc my point is kinda exaggerated and i know there is ways to dodge the IC but either way its probably not gonna be good for u.
  2. thought this was fixed in last update.
  3. i agree with kireek. people should stop acting like allieds are untouchable when superweapons are off, you can use the same argument against soviets with sw. once the ic is up you have like 2 minutes to make something happen before ic is ready. if you dont succeed and you are lucky the ic dident totally destroy you the first time you have 2 more minutes before you will get run over by ic again. ; soviets have the advantage early game sw on or off. but with sw on they have the advantage early and late game. i elaborated how i feel about this is a previous topic: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7405-is-allied-vs-soviet-balanced/?page=6&tab=comments#comment-58243
  4. CekaJ. working hard on learning the game.
  5. ye activity has increased so much. not sure if its because of the recent changes grant made in the client for it but its all great.
  6. actually i think bryan's video's are really good. he understands how the game works and he explains his decisions very well. he is getting alot of views and from the comments on his video's people seem to be really interested and are learning from those video's
  7. Just trying to get insight into why they choose to play a dumbed down version of the game and why they dont want to progress to playing the game its meant to be played and perhaps find out ways to motivate them to do so.
  8. when i just started playing the game i would also get upset whenever people rushed me, i would think the same thing: how is this fun, just let me build up before i fight you. but as i got better in the game i understood thats not how the game works and if you can get an advantage by attacking early then you will take it. these players think they lost because you used a lame rush (in their eyes every form of attack within 5 minutes is called a rush) but truth is they loose so fast because there is clearly a skill gap. you can wait for them to build up but you would still deafeat them easily. if i notice my opponent is clearly of a lower skill level i will usually just build up a castle and let him try to attack. its like holding back when playing football with a child. you give these players the illusion they can compete with you but truth is they just need to get better by getting outplayed but they are not willing to do that and will dismiss any way you beat them they dont understand or master as lame or cheats. these days most new games are dumbed down with 1000 of different options and customizations and level up systems so the skill barrier between players becomes smaller, ra2 is before that time, you just need to take alot of losses and be willing to improve ur game by learning from those.
  9. same for yagger, he also wants to keep playing and practice
  10. you guys available in around 5 - 9 hours?
  11. It baffles me most how they are not willing to improve their game. there are so many players living a a bubble thinking they are hardcore. and whenever someone more experienced joins them and beats them instead of thinking wow this guy is good i wanna play him more to improve my game and maybe defeat him after some time, they mostly get all frustrated call u noob, cheater, faggot, no life nerd, noob rusher etc and they will ban u.
  12. So there is alot of people playing this game on cncnet. at sundays the player number can reach 300 online at the same time. yet almost all of these players are noobs and will probably never get much better. i rarely encounter new players playing official maps without crates, or noobs who have improved. sometimes you let people in your games you dont know and u hope they arent total noobs but in 99% of the cases your fears get reality when you see them spamming ggi's and a having no idea how to build up a proper base. they then prolly say something in the lines of "money cheater" or "noob rusher" and leave the game go back to their usual rekool and sedona crates maps. But why do they like this noob style much so much and why are they not interested to play the game how it was meant to be played? they seem to be so intimidated playing official maps with normal settings that they choose the easy way out playing maps where economy management is not required and neither is micro'ing ur units in most cases. i used to think that people who play official maps with normal settings are interested in the competative aspect of the game while players playing noob maps just want to play simicity and see epic battles of 200 vs 200 units. but then i noticed that some of these noob players had evolved into somewhat mastering these noob maps and legitally thinking they were "pro" and them being just a competative. so when you go ahead join them and beat them they will call u a cheater and ban u from their games. so in their eyes they are still the best players since whenever they get defeated by a technically better player they just tell themselves they are cheaters, this way they will keep avoiding better players and never improve their game. so there are different gradations of noobs in my eyes - you got the rekool afghan map noobs: these noobs play maps where the most of the map is made of gems and every spawn will usually give spy sat, nuclear reactor, oils and maybe even more to ease your start. these noobs are the worst. they play a map that defies everything how the game is supposed to be played. there is no need to manage ur economy because its unlimited, no way to take control of the map because all u need is in ur base, no need to defend urself from the start because ur spawn is usally a castle. these maps seem to be the most populair since everybody can play it. the noobs who mastered these figured out that the best way to win is to make alot of warfacs and click building new units faster as ur opponent does. - then you have the sedona, tour of egypt & tsunami noobs. these players do like their unit spam but not as much ad the rekool afghan noobs. they heavily rely on their crates (and or extra starting credits) and they will consider any attack before 5 - 10 minutes into the game "lame noob rush" so these players have somewhat evolved into learning how to use different units and how to micro them but they still lack any form of proper economy management and map control since crates are their primary form of income and rushing is not allowed. the noobs who mastered these kind of maps will usually build a big castle with large groups of units they promoted with crates. - then you have the dune patrol noobs. these players do actually play official maps with normal settings, dune patrol in 90% of the cases, other popular maps are hidden valley, little big lake and blood feud. these players do have some sense of economy management and unit control. but their problem is they get tunnel visioned in these maps. these maps are very simplistic and require little tactical play. noobs who mastered these maps usually stick the the same build order that will win them most players. whenever a more experienced player beats them, instead of being interested to learn from them they call them nerd, noob, faggot and ban them. thus eliminating the need to improve their game. these noobs are the most interesting since they do try to play the game the way it was meant to be played but they are affraid to take on larger maps and better players because they need to go outside their comfort zone. so what do you guys think about these noobs, i think its a real shame that there is such a large playerbase but its all for nothing since most of them are too intimidated by official maps normal settings. they just dont want to leave their comfort zone and let themselves get schooled and actually improve their game and play the game how it was supposed to be played. is their any way we could get these players interested into playing official maps normal settings or are we actually the weirdo's liking our niche style of play and are we actually missing out in the fun of spamming units and building castles playing simcity.
  13. sorry tonight is a bad day for me had a long week with short sleeps. can you guys play tomorrowevening between 20:00 - 22:00 gmt+0? ill also be available most other days in the evening next week but zigzag is not sure when he is available.
  14. maybe its time to play a human opponent buddy.
  15. mutate your slaves or mutate a bunch of initiates made with cloning vats (you can mutate around 250 units at once i tested) grind them and yuri has unlimited money and wont run out of it in the long game when allieds and soviers will, take into consideration that yuri allready has a easy economy to manage and see its pretty unbalanced. i dont think you really understand how this game works plokite.
  16. since nobody of my group seems interested anymore and tim is not responding either zigzag and i decided for me to take tims spot. im available today and tomorow gmt+1 18:00 - 01:00
  17. thats why i say it was rushed, nobody ever really registered, they just showed interest then prep took that and made a bracket out of it.
  18. you cant just send a team to the finals without playing any rounds. its a big fail like making players re-enter. tbh this whole tournament is a fail because it was rushed so hard. blazer posted a topic saying yo maybe we could have a 2v2 tournamant? then when some people posted ye we might be interested, next thing prep just took it and started the tournament lol. besides the fact that it was rushed like that people obviously dident really make any effort to arrange their games besides matt & max. im also guilty of this, however i did post a few times i was available but when nobody responds i cant really be bothered to try to arrange this game. i am available the next 2 days basicly any time, so if freq, marsh, scalpem and or dodger let me know if they are available aswell or not we can arrange a game.
  19. When trying to join a game where u were banned from its impossible to join another game, you have to restart the client to be able to join other games gain. annoying, is it possible to fix this in the future?
  20. why are prism tanks so slow when they have such light armor.
  21. we posted we were available a couple times now but marsh has not replied since december 12th. @Marsh @FReQuEnZy @scalpem tomorrow 19:00 GMT+1????
  22. Im also available the next 3 days on most times. But it seems like freq and me & scalpem and marsh are all not very devoted to make this happen, marsh has not even replied a single time.
  23. played with you and told u i liked it. i also told you this; when a soviet player deploys deso's at the front corners of the elevated area, protected by flak cannons its near impossible for an allied player to kill them and get through there.
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