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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Marsh

  1. 120 apocs > 120 prisms if the person controlling prisms have no idea what to do maybe. prisms need to be forced to hit and run.
  2. I have no map particular I like more than others but try caverns of Siberia / jungle of Vietnam / coldest peak / morningtide. they are all good for 1v1 / 2v2 all xwis map tournament maps.
  3. it's a no brainer that players today way outclass players in 2000-2001 players today outclass the prime of 2007 xwis which was by far the best group of tournament players imo.... and before anyone gets all preachy on me remember I played them in 2001, 2007, and today.
  4. that's a bold statement, considering I can now and could then.
  5. then we shall just used discord! I never thought of that, it's a good point thanks for response
  6. just curious but in ra2 campaign the soviet army is black, would that be possible?
  7. omg man, cherie21 I remember that person always on shallow grave with cr8s, loved to stomp here anyways found my old aftermath ranking 4 Brigadier General Alliedxra 147 wins / 18 losses 724
  8. grant is a legend. no overrated / underrated with him
  9. there is no way this isn't a failed attempt to being a troll. but for the sake of reasoning, reading through your posts, self control is your best bet. atm it seems you have limited to none.
  10. well im the most overrated / underrated player on the game and there are always and will exactly be 8 W's in matts nick THERE MORE YOU KNOW!
  11. 10000 dollars, 10000 yuan, 10000 krons, 10000 sand dollars. idc I'll find 2 m8s worth carrying me and play this tournament. btw I'm eyeing 1st place fyi :ph34r:
  12. 3v3 cup for $500. that buys a lot of snacks, I'm down all I need is a team to carry me
  13. this, because this guy know his stuff..... on a side note, why do I feel the $5000-$10000 prize money is either highly inflated or not in USD / Euro
  14. i couldn't explain it to a ini standpoint or whatever editing you can do in the games. but ra2 mode isn't remotely close to ra2 game, there is a difference in speed on ra2 to YR, there is a difference in the way the game auto targets to YR and ra2, there is a difference to the eco between the 2, tanks seem much for allieds. there is so much that feels completely different to me. all the coding an such may prove that to be false, but 13-14 years of pro gaming this game at top levels i can tell you it will never be "ra2" it. its quite shitty to be honest, however YR is a fine game and you dont have to cater to ra2 fans if you didn't want to, most would just play yuri and be fine with it. imo
  15. only one major reason why YR went into a major decline on xwis way before ra2 did. alot of people cared. you and desolator being the worst with it iirc. yes thankfully cncnet is cheat free.
  16. didnt you maphack + miner glitch and werent you caught on video doing the latter, i can pull the video if you'd like to refute me. i also remember schooling your ass when i came from ra2 to YR until you would only use yuri vs me. drops mic.
  17. 1600x900 is the reso I use, works fine, 4k / 8k too big for high level skill games imo.
  18. not that I have a dog in this fight, because there a lot of good players but seke, sander, and tim are xwis players. they may have played GR before, but they are in no way shape or form a GR server player....they originated from xwis. that's like saying I was originally from cncnet because I play mostly here.
  19. glad this was asked, was thinking about this the other day
  20. no clue hence my post ill be on later tonight, seen you've gotten much better on DH, so hit me up when you see me on
  21. with all the love in the world, yours truly, marsh.
  22. you guys are funny sometimes how the years have changed, I went from the most hated to a very well liked guy in the last few years. imo you all are good, GR does have some good players, great players even. I will not say a majority are however, same can be said about xwis and cncnet. if you really want to display your skill set, I suggest a 1v1 tourney with all "pro" players and see how ranks it out first to last.
  23. truth, I've joined games and because my ping was 103 ms I was kicked because they knew I'd lag
  24. hello plokite_wolf perhaps I can answer the question of a "xwis fame" player no eat is pretty standard in high level tourney games on xwis....this hasn't always been the case in the past but it has been installed pretty heavily as of lately within the last 7 or so years its been common practice. most common players who know each other its an almost unwritten rule, that being said most xwis pros still secure the engi just incase they are deceived I also assume the add to cncnet was because of the xwis players unwritten rule, I could be wrong.
  25. martin is rather smart all things considered too XD
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