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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. You don't need any Battle.INI and it doesn't ship with the cncnet install. You don't need the WAV files either, that's not stopping it from loading. Something is either blocking it or there is a graphics card problem. Can you check your antivirus software and possibly add the Yuri's Revenge clientdx.exe and CnCNetYRLauncher.exe as trusted applications. Or try the OpenGL client by running Resources/clientogl.exe.
  2. 7.2 Quick Match client bug fixes. Game exe Patched to catch alt+f4 and surrender and quit rather than disconnecting. Other various bug patches.
  3. Try changing the renderer to cnc-ddraw in the Options menu.
  4. Try running as administrator.
  5. You have to use Parallels, nothing else on Mac works as far as I know.
  6. Have you installed cncnet yet? After installing cncnet, if it still doesn't work right, try open the cncnet options menu and set Renderer to cnc-ddraw.
  7. dkeeton

    CnCNet 7.1 not updating

    Some antivirus software like Avira is blocking it. You will have to added the Yuri's Revenge folder to trusted applications.
  8. dkeeton

    I Have Problem

    Make sure your game files are the same as all the other players. If you don't know , then reinstall the game and reinstall cncnet.
  9. It's a false report by your antivirus. TR/Dropper.Gen is not a virus, it's a cloud based guess that the file contains a virus, but it doesn't in this case.
  10. You can make the file a trusted file or make the whole folder a trusted folder sot he antivirus doesn't scan it.
  11. Quarantine means the file is isolated from the system and locked up so that you can do anything with it. Your antivirus software will have a list of quarantined files that can be released.
  12. If the file got quarantined you'll have to remove it from quarantine before it will allow you to install cncnet.
  13. You should add the YR folder to your antivirus white list and remove the files from quarantine.
  14. It might have quarantined the file, can delete the quarantine and whitelist the yr folder and try to update again.
  15. In your antivirus, you should whitelist the yuri's revenge directory.
  16. For reference of how to take a screenshot https://www.library.illinois.edu/staff/it/howto/snippingtool/
  17. I can't tell what's in the picture because it only has 2 pixels. Can you upload it the actual picture file instead of a word document.
  18. Maybe your security software or antivirus is blocking CnCNetYRLauncher.exe.
  19. 7.1 Quick Match client has been updated for various bug fixes and connectivity improvements.
  20. With cnc-ddraw, you should set windowed=true in ddraw.ini and/or Resources/cnc-ddraw.ini. Then you can use alt+enter. Or you can do the same but also set fullscreen=true in Resources/cnc-ddraw.ini
  21. Try setting the renderer to cnc-ddraw or GDI with 2560x720 as the resolution. And maybe it would work if you set renderer to cnc-ddraw then check the window button and when the game window pops up press alt+enter to fullscreen it.
  22. You could try running the clientogl.exe executable from Resources folder.
  23. Have you checked for a driver update for your graphics card?
  24. send client.log with those lines added.
  25. Can you edit RA2MD.ini file and put in the ClientResolution lines under [Video] [Video] ClientResolutionX=1920 ClientResolutionY=1080
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