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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. Try to restart your router and maybe you can get an IP address that's not banned.
  2. Try to restart your router and maybe you can get an IP address that's not blocked.
  3. Go to settings->Tiberian Sun and change the resolution to something smaller like 1280x720 and set Fullscreen.
  4. dkeeton

    RAYR wont start up

    try to change the settings in RA2MD.ini, under the [Video] header add or change [Video] ClientResolutionX=3840 ClientResolutionY=2160 Or some other smaller resolution that's tolerable.
  5. dkeeton

    CncNet Offline

    Find the file called version that's in your game directory and delete it. Then restart the client and let it update.
  6. dkeeton

    red alert 2

    It's the same installer.
  7. You have set a password, I think it's blocking it.
  8. It fails when you click download? Do you have your system clock set right? Can you download a map from here: http://mapdb.cncnet.org/yr/818c590aff88637882cbec47467dfd8e0ead49c9.zip and this one https://mapdb.cncnet.org/yr/818c590aff88637882cbec47467dfd8e0ead49c9.zip
  9. Have you tried to use another renderer? Try to select cnc-ddraw from the display menu in cncnet.
  10. This looks like you don't have permission to edit files in the game install directory so you should right-click run as administrator on the cncnetyrlauncher. Or else you have another program that has ra2md.ini opened which could happen if you have multiple instances of the client running. Which can be fixed by restarting your computer. Yes that client text document is the client.log that I'm looking for.
  11. Can you upload a screenshot and upload your client.log file from the Client directory in your game installation?
  12. https://mapdb.cncnet.org/search/
  13. Maybe you have to use a vpn? What country are you in? Can you check here: https://gamesurge.net/utils/gline/
  14. This usually happens when the players have different files. Make sure you're both using the latest update to cncnet. You can force an update to run again by deleting the version file from each of your game directories and restarting the cncnet client and let it run the updater.
  15. Can you check again? I think we got it working now.
  16. If you installed cncnet on top of your Origin installation in the same directory you should get the cncnet benefit there to? Is that how you have installed it?
  17. Check for you ban by going here https://gamesurge.net/utils/gline/ Follow the instructions on that page.
  18. Make sure you and your friends are running a reasonable screen resolution in game, like 1366x768 or 1280x800 or something less than 800 pixels vertically. Anything like 1920x1080 will lag even with the best hardware.
  19. You have a G-line ban, Please check here and follow instructions: https://gamesurge.net/utils/gline/
  20. I think I got LA back up and again, let me know if it still doesn't work for you.
  21. In vanilla TS, artillery is hard coded in the EXE to be stronger and do more terrain damage in the campaign. When playing a skirmish or online, artillery will have the stats listed in rules.ini
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