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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. Go to Options->Display and set Renderer to ts-ddraw or cnc-ddraw.
  2. Can you upload your SkrimishSettings.ini file here so we can see it?
  3. After you install cncnet into the Origin game directory it will patch the original game. When it doesn't work (as in your case), you should open cncnet and in the Options->Display menu, set the renderer to cnc-ddraw.
  4. Switch to the cnc-ddraw renderer or ddrawcompat in the display settings menu.
  5. What's your server? Usually it means that it's not responding or is hecka lossy. Have you restarted it?
  6. Install this https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20914
  7. Cncnet doesn't change the original game at all except that it will install ddraw.dll that will make the orignal game run better on Windows 10. There is no improvement to the AI with cncnet except if you click the Brutal AI checkbox in the lobby.
  8. dkeeton

    Can't login into QM

    Try to delete the registry entry for the ladder: HKEY_LOCAL_USER/Software/CnCNet/QuickMatch
  9. Do it before you even log into the QM client in the next month.
  10. Activate a new nickname here https://ladder.cncnet.org/account
  11. You cannot, it's against the rules to use multiple accounts.
  12. Maybe this helps. https://github.com/CnCNet/ts-patches/blob/master/res/tibsun.exe.manifest
  13. Have him restart his router a few times to get a different IP address.
  14. dkeeton

    Can't Install

    You must have Yuri's Revenge installed on your computer by EA Origin or CDROM or froma a backup copy. CnCNet Provides the multiplayer component to allow you to use your existing Yuri's Revenge/RA2 installation to play online.
  15. In other cases the problem was the antivirus and cncnet needs to be added to the trusted applications list.
  16. Set the renderer to ts-ddraw or cnc-ddraw in the cncnet display settings.
  17. You got an error that caused the game to get miscounted, You just need to report that on discord to get the game removed.
  18. You didn't say that you got "Other system not responding" Error.
  19. Your computer didn't report any result as if it was disconnected from the internet. It's possible that you clicked cancel or left the disconnection screen too early and no game report was made.
  20. You might have to delete there registry entry for QuickMatch at HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/CnCNet/QuickMatch
  21. Can you find client.log that is in the Client directory in your game folder, and make a screenshot of the error please.
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