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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. lol, you are even dumber than everyone says. Congrats, you exceed expectations. Get good, please try to stop losing to people who have played your game for 1 week.
  2. I can tell that you did not watch any of the videos. You originally stated that Tiberian Sun has less variety than TD and it's clearly false. Tiberian Sun has more useful units and strategy than TD. You also thought that TS has less players than TD and it's also false by a factor of 10. Now you've switched to the idea that the TS units are unrealistic or impractical. Who cares? In tetris the blocks can only be rotated to 4 positions but in reality such blocks could be rotated 360 degrees. I guess that makes tetris a terrible game. MikePence played TD for 1 month and already beat you multiple times. I can promise you that you could play Humble, or Redrum, or Carnage, or C0rpsmakr on TS every day for a year you would not win a single game. And they could beat you without ever repeating a unit composition or strategy.
  3. Lots of variety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAk7J_im7N4 https://youtu.be/mBLP-KKfm4U?t=61 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf5oi2yjrl4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOVbG0FK5UM
  4. Agreed ^ In Tiberian Sun you have a much larger choice of economy vs tech. Most complaints about TS come from a complete ignorance of the economy. Any pro TS player could come to TD and wreck everyone within 1 week.
  5. There is nothing to prove here. Harvester hunting isn't against the rules. Why is your harvester so far away from your base?
  6. How can the QM be changed to accommodate your "laziness"?
  7. No, the disconnected player will lose the game. In this game, neither of you disconnected, it must have been that the tunnel server went down or some other weird internet anomaly.
  8. There may be a difference. In Tiberian Sun the owner of the miner gets the money. In YR the owner of the refinery gets the money. Is RA2 the same as YR?
  9. dkeeton

    Error code

    This looks like a bug that was patched in December. When is the last time you let the updater run?
  10. This is fixed now. The version of the KOTG map in the ladder map pool has been fixed so you won't spawn in the gems anymore. Other maps that needed it are fixed now too. Restart the QM client to make sure you get the latest version of the maps.
  11. For some reason this comment just snapped me back to reality. There is no way a topic about balance changes is ever going to work if we get comments about what should or ought happen. Instead, make your change that you want to see put it in a map file test it then just report your exact changes with why you think the change works, no more shoulds or oughts or hypotheticals, it's never gonna end. Just make the change and test it. No disrespect meant to you ore_truck, this comment all over the place and triggered my internal consistency filter.
  12. There isn't really a buff vs infantry here, the 50% is only vs Brutes and Desos. I added a moderate buff vs buildings and harvesters because the enemy can counter your tank destroyers by simply not building any tanks. It doesn't feel right to have this unit being something that you can only use after the enemy commits to tanks. As it stands now 5 TDs can't even overcome the rate of repair on a building. If anyone wants to experiment with versus the order is: Verses = infantry, hero infantry (tanya etc), heavy infantry (brutes/deso), light vehicles, medium tanks, heavy tanks, normal buildings, armored buildings, walls/conyard, drone, missles/rockets Verses=2%,2%,50%,100%,100%,100%,15%,15%,15%,100%,100% And a thought about Libya trucks: I think they should cost less and do less damage but have way more hit points, maybe Strength=500 and do only enough damage to kill a power plant and a battle fortress, then give them the speed to run a bf down like a cheetah. Eh, just a thought, I haven't even tried that in a game.
  13. My opinion about the tank destroyer - increase the turn speed and then give it Rhino Tank range and re-work the versus... This tank destroyer feels like something you could micro a lot. I don't see people tweak these options a lot so I just want to remind people that they exist. [TNKD] ROT=10 [SABOT] Speed=10 Range=5.75 [SABOTE] Speed=10 [UltraAP] ;Original Verses=2%,2%,2%,100%,40%,100%,2%,2%,2%,2%,100% ;Increase the damage to harvesters, desolaters, brutes and buildings Verses=2%,2%,50%,100%,100%,100%,15%,15%,15%,15%,100% [UltraAPE] ;Original Verses=2%,2%,2%,100%,50%,100%,2%,2%,2%,100% Verses=2%,2%,50%,100%,100%,100%,15%,15%,15%,100%,100%
  14. The minimum delay is 12 frames in the QM Ladder "Ranked Matches" and 21 frames for regular custom games. If your game is operating at 60fps then the 21 frames will be 350ms. Everyone experiences the exact same click delay in the game so there is no advantage to any player. If your game doesn't maintain 60fps due to CPU lag then the game will dip to 50 or even 45 fps and the delay can get over 500ms. Can you try a Ranked Match to see if you have the same delay problems?
  15. You can delete the version file from your game directory to force an update.
  16. The network connection problems related to the Windows update was patched for Yuri's Revenge back in December*. Since then, most problems related to not loading in games are usually problems with the selected tunnel server. If you host a game choose "Advanced" and choose various tunnel servers until you find one that works for you. *I don't know if Mental Omega has been patched yet.
  17. Yes! The Mac user just needs to click on "View all Downloads" and choose the appropriate Mac version. https://cncnet.org/red-alert#download
  18. It's highly dependent on the time of day that you try to play. A fair number of QMs happen when both players agree in the original cncnet client or through discord to queue up for matches. There is another feature of the QM client that might make it easier. The QM client will remove you from the queue when it detects that YR has started through the cncnet client and will put you back in the queue automatically after it detects that the game has ended. So you don't have to sit and stare at the QM while you wait, you can queue up and then go and play ffg's and some QM matches might happen in between the for-fun-games.
  19. I noticed that qt can read directdraw surfaces. Here is the source for it. https://github.com/qt/qtimageformats/tree/5.10/src/plugins/imageformats/dds
  20. This is has been fixed in the latest patch.
  21. Can you update your video card drivers and make sure you have the latest Microsoft DirectX installed.
  22. The point of that "editor" commentary is that the AoE scenario editor is built in to the game and is meant to be part of the game. The Blizzard map editors are external tools that the average player will never even be aware of. His other videos on game design are interesting too.
  23. Oh, a fellow nerd. Not meaning to hijack this thread, but this guy has some interesting things to say about RTS games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5SAfTSIOE4
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