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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. So, what happen to Sunny i was thinking he was the best (or are) in Yuri's Revenge but some people say that he cheat
  2. System need to register all matches including the matches were a player quits but he can choice Yuri anyway and if the competitor are agree is ok.
  3. Why both die? i mean when no physics on game and shots are just apear in the textura always one are alive and the other death, rockets, tank balls and grenades from flak trooper have physics and i was thinking shots of infantry like Seal, Boris or Tanya was just texture prints animations like mirage tank
  4. Yes that is almost a perfect map but for make it fair need to be the teams in bottom left corner vs top right corner for be fair for the position of war factory, almost all the maps that i think are balanced are in that way. Extra Small without crates is one of the most fun maps ever made with oil in center map ToE is a very fun map but without crates and no timer but they are a lot of new players that love crates and timer because can't deal with rush tactics, Sedona is one of the maps that i hate more because you need to win camping a lot without SW and is unbalanced, Wasteland is like a Extra Small buffed and ones of my best and epic battles happen there, Rekoool is ones of the most popular maps but i dislike it because i am not good for play fast i am very slow in the keyboard and left side can base walking easy and right side is ver slow to start because gems are some seconds far that in right side for the position of refineries. And well what about this version of Wasteland? ?
  5. RA2 is not a balanced game in the competitive scene, RA3 is every balanced and spamming tanks is not the way you need to micro a lot and flank or split all time in land, air and sea
  6. EA release Red Alert 2 for free in the past but now is in a game collection so i think not i get it in origin when was for free but i say i buy it for save explanations to all the comments that always ask the same.
  7. I was thinking they are not physics in that shots
  8. At least hear the clics on mouse and keyboard and a face cam for sure not matter if you don't speak english.
  9. Zhasulan looks amazing for me but i not see videos of other players playing like that looks superior to moon3 for me.
  10. Well that happen when somebody are in love X rules, i think a skilled match need be played always with SW because my common sense say they gone a camp a lot.
  11. Is great to see the game from their perspective and not from Spectator for see how exactly they play.
  12. Is funny how nobody mention Sunny, but yes moon3 is posible the most popular top player for now.
  13. I like how blue build in the first match i gone a try to copy that
  14. More that Zhasulan? https://youtu.be/ApHNbtj7m6c
  15. Can be great to see a video of him, yes, with face-cam and his dialog, a true pro player with hi APM is just amazing see videos like this one but i can't find a video of Ra2, also who is or was the best player ever? in AoE3 was _H2O and we are agree in that community about that, in this community, who is the best ever were all are agree? I know that i start to late in this game, i never see the Westwood days or XWISS so don't know about tournaments, maybe is because YT is after RA2 we don't have that materials.
  16. I like the cncnet interface i wish can exist a cncnet for Red Alert 3 because cnc-online use the game interface, who play Red Alert 3 here? i am noob and i want to start online.
  17. Yes that can be a great idea, maybe we can make the random map in the game out of cncnet and save it and post it in cncnet custom folder?
  18. Say that to Bryan that is the reason of all of this.
  19. I am not sure what word can be used but is a fact that in this community pro is a word for describe exactly what i say, you take it out of context because you say he can be a pro because he recibe money from that, but his profesional action are limited to entertaining audience with a game, not in play the game profesional, anyway i tell him the way how we can be friends again and i give him options for the use of my brand, i am opened to friends but i can't tolerate the use of my brand for a guy that hate me and promote the hate vs me in the past, maybe you lost this, and i write here because he block and in skype and Facebook: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7538-this-is-beyond-pathetic/?do=findComment&comment=57831 Please read it.
  20. Well that is true, he is a profesional YouTuber like me, but you take it out of context, in gaming culture we use the profesional for describe the players that know all about the game in any situation and just they care about their APM (actions per minute), but his contend is about a game and his actions in the game and that actions are not of a profesional in that game, we are not saying that he is not a profesional YouTuber, just not a pro in the game like many others players that have awesome skills and deserve that pro tittle more that any other, misinformation is forbidden in many other forums about other games or other interests, for example in a weapons forum were i post a pistol saying is a cold 1910 genuine and is not true, the moderators delete my comment, but for be honest corruption is common, maybe Bryan win a lot of money in YouTube and make donations so he have some privileges for that, i never make donations because convert pesos to dollars is a very bad idea but if i was a little more rich i sure will make contributions, maybe if i get my desire job i can do ir with regularity.
  21. So, i can share a match of me saying pro vs pro? that is the reason of this, he is doing misinformation and lying and a offense to the real pro players that maybe are in the top 1v1 i think lie is another way of negativity, maybe Bryan is to young for understand etic concepts i am 30 years old with some works in culture of legality, so i am always disagree with things like fake news in Facebook, miracle products and scams, but if Sunny, Kynky's or Mindwar say that Bryan is pro i gone a stop with this because gone a be me the guy that makes misinformation and lie.
  22. So, now you can stop using my brand in your videos, use it in the thumbnail, or use my real name here "Kikematamito" not the name of my channel, only my friends can use my brand, i decline my flags in YouTube because you gone a have 3 strikes and one of your friends tell me that, so please not use "Kikematamitos" in the tittles, description or tags, you don't need it anymore, my logo and name is a brand i not lie you if you need proves i can give to you before flag your videos again, please i give you many time i wait for years, you are adult you can be honest, or be my friend again and you can use it all the time, if you wan to be my friend again and stop this we can record a video call in skype and play some matches with the real pro players for be honest with our community i am sure they don't gone a stop watching you if you lose vs the pros, i play Age of Empires III and Insurgency, the pro players of that games watch my videos and comment in a not toxic way, actually i am less active in YR because i have a lot of things to do and i was working and i need to study for a exam for be special education teacher, so YouTube is not my priority anymore, in the past yes because that was my unique way to get money and survive, eating just rice and eggs most of time because no jobs here, but now México are better and i have many opportunities now, so when you attack me in YouTube you was cutting my unique way to get money, actually i don't care but i gone a still doing things for YouTube just for fun and like a secondary money earn, so i say sorry if i damage you in some way but please don't damage me using my brand, we can do a good example for our communities if we are friends again and make the pace just like the Coreas!.
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