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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. I can't find any topic of this mod and i need to say to devs that fix that tanks and miner water walk i like the mod so much but that is just hard to see it.
  2. Ok i just copy and paste the YR folder for install there RR, i notice that RR is in a standalone folder, the question is if i don't need to copy YR folder and i can have both games in the same YR folder? i have not much space in my SSD
  3. Happen to me to but not actually with my windows defender.
  4. I fix it now, thanks for the advice.
  5. Do you think is fun to watch? This is one with ones of the best players in CnCNet i make it extra fun to watch: This one was a epic fail-epic win match, i not usually play Yuri but you need to see what happen and put attention to the chat: I always gone a post my best videos here so wait for more, or also you can
  6. Is to hard make a drone for stop that or make a harrier?
  7. Ok I need to tell you something i want to play all variants in a live stream tomorrow.
  8. Almost all the forums that i meet have YouTube video support like this one but OK i will post videos in normal links
  9. Yes and happen in special maps were oils are buffed
  10. OMG she are masturbating! clic-clic-clic, no i am never see this.
  11. Is not posible embed the video something that i do is take the thumbnail and put a link there, for example: Also @FReQuEnZy This kind of maps make the game tactical, the tanks spamming not works at all here and you need to a smart use of the money that you have and think about is a FFA map so you need to put attention to all the players, for example, early V3 can be useful, Boris and BF to and Magnetron is very OP here, also a Kirov in late game can do a lot of damage.
  12. I saw it before nice match is to hard be allied in small maps, if fast game was off i think you win
  13. Can you play vs Zhasulan in blood feud?
  14. Yes, is not mine but i was amazed because i see this battle a long time ago in dune patrol, people playing to the last tank.
  15. I never see a better battle that this one: If you see a better battle please share it here in the comments.
  16. Ok people i am thinking and expanding the posibilites of this game in normal rules (no .ini editing) just for have fun and i discovery new phenomenon that i show you in this videos: Another chapter and searching for more!: The last chapter here:
  17. Is not better just put an email or PM and share the link? anyway here is ones of my most epic matches in CnCNet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aLFkx81JqHm-Sbsgul9Q6I7WSMmDf_BP/view?usp=sharing
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