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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. That is my big problem, large resolution make easy to split and flank but also make you weak in micro and timing.
  2. What about Frequenzy? SyPoy? Marcus?
  3. Well i have a lot of experience in that, i can teach you what i know, Dxtory and H.264 codec for record is the best way for a crappy computer, that is what i use when i play in shitty laptop and Is not bad also you can change the settings to get the best ones for your pc. If you need more help, i use the same name in skype.
  4. Quick match is like a random players? I want to test it!
  5. I have a YouTube channel, people think i play a lot but i play one day per week or two don't leave what you like, if you leave it you never gone a learn moderation and admin your energy, i can help you if you want.
  6. What? why the hell i will be banned? do you read all what i write here? Don’t argue with idiots because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. —Greg King or the best one: If you're going to argue with an idiot, make sure you're not doing the same.
  7. He is just a hot head or that kind of people that are angry all the time, gone a get diabetes some day for that i wait a lot of time before choice to claim my name.
  8. Like i say it here you can leave my name in thumbnails but not use it in the tittle or description, please don't do anything more, you can be punished by YouTube i try to help you many times, about not using the Frank Klepacki music, if you say the views are not moving, why you care so much about this?
  9. This game is far to be dead MO mod is awesome i hope our videos make the community grow, i have many friends that are making awesome maps and mods.
  10. Small maps soviets, large maps allies that is all
  11. Recent video in maybe the most funny map ever made: ? Watch here ?
  12. That is true but i start to think he use my name just for earn more views also a celebrity can use the law vs defamation, this is a real crime and he do in the way of damage me, was months comment to him for help before i take the choice of claim the use of my name in thumbnails and video tittles is my name and he use it if he quit from the tittle can be ok and leave the thumbnail is ok for me i leave them online for many months but now he use it for take benefit of the people that search my name.
  13. Nice, I will try it soon as posible
  14. Simple, help me to stop the trolling you can say something like "everybody of us lose a lot before learn" if you live with evil people maybe you learn that and judge the rest without know how real is it, take a long of time before i say for help and you do nothing maybe you need that a real pro beat you 10-0 and put a video with this tittle "Real Pro vs Bryan" and people start to trolling you and know what fells. If you think i am evil is your problem.
  15. I try: The reason why i so mad about he call him self pro, is because i hate misinformation, maybe we need an official tournament in YouTube for see the best players i try to do one but people don't respect it.
  16. Hello, its me the asshole, the reason of why i do that is because i say to Bryan to help me to stop all the trolling that comes to me from that video, i am not pro he is not pro everybody know that, we are average players and he have more experience, i have 2 years playing this game he play for more years and look his screen and look my screen he can see the whole map and not me that make my split very difficult. I play vs good players and i upload my loses and i am agree when Real Strategy Gamer upload videos with my name, why?, because they not support trolling and play like a gentleman and he is my friend, Bryan support the trolling vs me and do nothing i have a post of that here a long time ago and he still doing nothing. This was our history: I was recently uploading my games of RA2 and Bryan say "Hey can you give me some views to my channel" and i see his channel and i like it a lot!, that montage whit eagles go to my favorites and i start to watch him in every video, i like every video he makes, i was his fanboy and you can see my comments in his old videos (if he not delete them) i say "this is Spirit of the Law RA2 version" because i love Age of Empires Games like you can see in my channel, but in that time i know it he is not pro because i met real pros one of them say "hey you videos are really hard to watch" because i was not using hotkeys and he start to teach me and i meet another real pros that have insane APM (Actions Per Minute) and before that i comment to Bryan "hey dude nice videos but you are not pro" and many other people say the same, so i tell him that for help him, but he was mad and his community go mad to so he challenge me wen i was busy with my life working a lot and many problems so take like a month before do the challenge and i promise to him to that weekend and i was tired in sunday and i do the challenge because i promise to him, i not record my games because i know i gone a lose, he is more experience, but wen i say "he is not pro" i not say i am, i never say i am pro, i still average player, but many of his followers are just stupid people that can't see why i quit many times, in dune patrol a few mistakes is a lose in a mirror Iraq, before that the trolling start and i tell him some help for stop the trolling and he only say bye bye, delete me in Skype and never talk with me again so i delete his channel from my featured channels. Also many people search my name and the videos of Bryan apear in top, that is not fair that a people that hate me and trolling me benefit of my search, if was Real Strategy Gamer or another one with good attitude is ok, but not you. When i star to playing here i always say i am noob i really want to see if somebody remember that and pros help me to learn, i say jokes about "the lord is angry" and was so fun i lose many matches before win my first one online so i start to upload my good matches a matches of a noob that never say "i am pro" so the pros watch my matches and have fun with that because i was noob i really wan to see a comment from somebody that real know me, because i am not an evil person and i always try to help to everybody. Thanks for read this.
  17. I think both maps are unbalanced in same level players that spot always gone a win.
  18. Hello guys The purpose of the group is bright the opportunity to the players of met each other, post scores, memes, and all related to Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge game in CnCNet. ? CnCNet RA2 YR players ?
  19. We need the last match but vektor and sypoy are not connected.
  20. Hello guys ? WATCH HERE THE VIDEO ?
  21. Yes they come the Tournament 2 Bo5 whit updated rules.
  22. We have the first winner: https://en.gametournament.net/torneos-de-kikematamitos/tournaments/tournament-1-cncnet-red-alert-2-yr
  23. I think many of the hate vs me is just misinterpretation, "Kike" is the short way for say "Enrique" the correct way is "Quique" but need use the "u" between "Q" and "i" and "e", and Whit "K" is better and shorten because "Q" and "K" have the same sound in Spanish, so i am not a Nazi lol.
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