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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. Maybe because PRO players don't upload their matches or don't know how to go in the YouTube business, i always try to teach how to record and how to make it for YouTube, ask to Zig Zag i was teaching him, i dislike how an average player that call him self pro that search for people that make him looks good.
  2. This is pure love i can't say anything more: https://youtu.be/1DAOdnymNZM
  3. That effort the "Play forever" i wish be old and join a match, i want to play the games that i love all my life.
  4. The message is not for you.
  5. Dude, that quality of video is very bad i can help you to get better quality. @ZiGZaG
  6. Hi, i see and people tell me that are a fake Kikematamito doing crappy things like kill team mates and cheating for damage my reputation, my question is if we can know the ip of that guy so we can know were come from (hoping he not use VPN) i am from México so my ip always come from there. The best you can do is add me as a friend on Skype (Kikematamitos), Facebook, or VK, So you can ask if i am online. Also i hate trolls, they are monkeys: https://youtu.be/i9RytyB5dNs?t=18m5s
  7. This topic still working? i want to share ones of my matches for be in the official channel, can i just post the link here?
  8. Kikematamitos


    Maybe he not read this
  9. Well i dislike Rekool and Sedona because wins the best camper and is to much time "without action" and just a final battle, also the game can be played in many ways and you need to respect the likes of other players just like they need to respect your likes, i saw some "pro" say custom maps like Extra Small or Oil in Center is a noob game but is just another way to play the game, for put this in perspective if you think that they are noobs because don't like a standard economy management, think about this game is so simple compared to Age of Empires 3 were you have 4 resources to control and every resource have different fountains with different speed or complexity of gathering, also you can try to learn their names i always look for names that i know they are good players or make your own game with "pro" or "good players only" that scary them and probably don't join. This is a game and everybody are free to play it, but communities sometimes damage to much the game that ruin it like when i play Counter Strike where cheaters and trolls make me stop playing it because is imposible to get a decent game just how i like, but they are a lot of players that like how you play the game and gone a be happy (or angry of challenge) to play whit you.
  11. If you are online some day like me i wan to play it most of the time we fail because a player quits
  12. Hello dude, Facebook delete my account i don't know why (maybe for talk bad about US government) i decide not use Facebook for now but i lose contact with you, i use Skype and i have VK, also my email still the same: [email protected]

  13. Also you can kill it if that thank have iron curtain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJr_J1Lsrg4
  14. Well this is for all my friends that i have there, Facebook delete my account for no reason, so i don't gone a make another one (Facebook for noobs anyway), but i have another ways were you can contact me: Steam VK Plus Google (hangouts) Skype: Kikematamitos Email: [email protected]
  15. Well, that is true, streaming need good bandwidth for get a good quality also lags the game, so is better if you record it and upload it.
  16. OMG dude nice players but bad video quality, first fix that resolution to native and use H.264 codec with DxTory if you don't have GeForce Experience, i can teach you how i had a bad pc in the past and i know how to record in hi quality. Sorry i am OCD i can't watch that, looks stretched.
  17. Dudes, record that matches and share the link
  18. Well they are a lot of videos beating 7 AI brutal but the spirit of cncnet is multiplayer
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