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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. This aren't glitches, they are logic mistakes and this game was made before Euro was made lol
  2. Some maps have waves in guard mode so the waves attack the nearest objetives, for example if i have an elite unit sometimes the waves are focused in that objetive and that make it easy to beat map.
  3. Use diplomacy in a FFA can help to win wars, some people think is unfair, but i always say that in a FFA play to kill the week is a ticked to lose, is much better focused on the strong and play a waste war. Here a video in Extra Small map with that tactic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnSSLEHY2gI
  4. I see a tank or any other unit in a cliff over another cliff and another one cliff and looks like tanks have a long range, i think if somebody make a map with many cliffs the tanks can shot long range, also about the brutes or slave miners i think can be fun a map where slaves and v3 fight like Age of Empires stile
  5. I host, i start the game, i see only me load and you are victorious, that happen to me today and not before, i update my NVIDIA but i think that is not the problem, i use Windows 10 and i have good connection.
  6. Those are the most funny glitches that actually you can use in cncnet, do you know any others glitches or bugs?
  7. You need to record before start the game and play
  8. What about blood feud, Vietnam jungle, and that maps called "official tournament"
  9. So that is why sometimes i select my GI and press "D" and they not deploy? i have a lot of missing clics.
  10. Well they are a lots of great games that need love i am sure but be careful with that learning curve, sometimes is not how difficult is play the game not means that the gameplay is better, i hope have more free time for explore all of that old games. Remember make an statue whit stone tools can be difficult and need more skills but that don't means that make an statue with steel tools is not a good statue, sorry for my english.
  11. @Lucifer_MS I hope was you the guy that say edit this map for Yuri Only, we win the map without Yuri here
  12. Can be awesome if that leader give you a rank and not make u a simple lose-wins ratio, because i can be in top only beating noob maybe 1 point for beat a Sergeant and 5 for beat a Lieutenant, also you can't rank up if you win vs a lower level player only same level and up level enemy
  13. Kikematamitos

    Windows 10 RA2

    Well Origin sell the game with a bunch of another good Command & conquer games series for a good price and cncnet fix all for play online and is all you need, but if you want to play alone or campaigns I do this and fix the black screen.
  14. Kikematamitos


    I have the same Trojan horse virus, what is happening?
  15. Educational and vocational guidance is what you need check this out also if you know the concept of training, you can know that change a style of life need practice, practice the things that are good for you, start one by one in importance order, remember rise 50 ponds gone can be hard fore those that are starting, many people are very busy trying to survive and not think "how to spend time and live" in that way you are a lucky guy with many opportunities.
  16. Extra Small versions, Small map oil in center, Dune Patrol, Blood Feud, Country Swing, Ore!!!!!!, Tour of Egypt, in that order, you can download the maps here. paste all the files in this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Maps\Custom
  17. I think a infantry spam in a small map with GIs is a GG, GI have more range that Initiates and he gone a need to use the miner to deal with your GI also is they are gems you can build 2 eagles but you need to be faster if he build WF can make you fail
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