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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. Ok watch my channel and choice a video i can give you the video that you want but just 1 video per week except the experiments videos ones.
  2. For be honest i can do it better but i wish cncnet team support me for make proper videos for get players i just need all kind of PNG images and a partner for every game so i can make a diary video for every game that help my channel and help the community.
  3. I play this mod and i like it i wish to play it in multiplayer to: Skype: https://join.skype.com/invite/Jlmb6XxoRrfb . Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YouTubeKikematamitos/ . Twitter: https://twitter.com/kikematamitos9 . Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/kikematamitos/ . VK: https://vk.com/carlosenrique . Plus Google: https://plus.google.com/+Kikematamitos .
  4. Yes i know that i am trash player but i play with competitive players you can ask to them ;) i play a cuplé of days per month and is not the only one game that i play :D so calm down i just like how Zhasulan play and i wish to see a challenge, is the kind of things that i like to see when i eat.
  5. The new video is not breznov is NewPlayer, he is cheater do you know it? shate the breznov video please.
  6. Yes, some people quits alt+f4 because they know that gone a crash the match.
  7. DFQ? No sure he is not i mean breznov and zhasulan are in the same level for me.
  8. Because he play only noobs that make him looks good, Bryan vs me was like You need to see Zhasulan channel for see a real good player in action: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyux6AyDWxWC9I99kDul-3A
  9. Why not play vs Good Players Like breznov, Mindwar or @Zhasulan ? Can be really good to see a pro vs Zhasulan in a Bo10
  10. That is actually to easy, many people that think that is OP is because don't have common sense about timing, if you play 1v1 allies need lab for get a expensive BF and put GGI inside in that time you can do a lot of things like mass tanks that kill BF to easy, most of the competitive players make a single 1 BF GGI just for hit and run and kill desolators (all competitive players use Iraq) mass Mirages is a better strategy because they are more versatile, if you are in a BF GGI situation wit soviets just separate your tanks or split and flank that BF, not try to drone the BF GGI because always are a seal or GI inside and engineer IFV can repair, some soviets make Kirovs for take the GGI rockets and use the thanks for attack the BF GGI, but most of the time a simple mass of thanks run arround BF can do all the job and mirages in allies scenario do it better that rhinos, also BF GGI is slower than any other thank LOL except elite BF GGI but also you can easy dodge the attack of BF GGI easy to. You can see many of that techniques here: https://youtu.be/Fxdq8J6Ul7w
  11. Say he wants a more active forum, not repy to anybody
  12. Don't worry, be gay!
  13. I read a post of Jason/ZiGZaG and i remember that i offer my help to teach him what i know about record gameplays and streaming, so we talk a little bit of that in Skype i want to share that conversations with the community because that was the last words he write to me, i attached the file and you can open in browser. Jason-Smith-111764.7z
  14. I think a better homage is watch one of his victories.
  15. I saw many cheaters that build all kind of units and buildings with same MCV, also many toxic behavior this game with Counter Strike have ones of the most toxic community i ever see in games, people quitting and lagging game deliberately, join in a group of discord to plan how to fuck a match or helping the team mates from spectator position, team killers and trolls, this game is very old i think most of the people that play it are above 25 years and mature but seems like all are kids and haters, i have like 15 people that are in my social networks, forums and comments in my videos saying that hate me because i am a 40 years old man playing a game, the true is that i am 30 and well is my like, a healthy and better activity that get drunk with beer, smoke weed or watch series that don't put your brain to work and keep it sharp also Bryan post about me and break the forum rules and admins say nothing i reply to them and admins delete my comment because i was attacking another user, seems that Bryan not do that or maybe he have some privileges, maybe because he is rich and put a donation to cncnet.
  16. Is related to the APM of the players, hi APM player can make more in less of time so they not boring at slow speed.
  17. I gone a enjoy the game in my way and i don't care anymore what you think about me, maybe i am more important for you that you for me so tanks for make me an important part of your life and i am sorry for not make you a important part of my life.
  18. Thanks for update the miners now i see that visual when they run over the water, i also ask if i can put the mod in the same folder of YR because i copy-paste the YR folder in another one for install RR there, but i have to few space in my SSD and i see that RR have another folder inside YR, thanks for reply.
  19. I mean 1 map for every teach building i know you guys are creative but sometimes simplicity is better, like the AK-47
  20. Hey guys i have a great idea, please respect the normal rules of the game, no modes and make maps like the Startube Oil in center original, but playable in 1080p screens, and make a version of this game with a single bunker, laboratory, Hospital and tech grand canon, remember that we have 4 players that can join against the winner of the X thing in the middle so is not OP. I put special attention in the hospital in center because can help to spam infantry (now more useful) and sure we need a bigger map because hospital needs more cells and hable to the player build defenses for protect him or use units arround the hospital. Just an idea i just love the old and simple oil in center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc5yXOSzyZc
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