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Everything posted by YosefAnan

  1. This is Awesome dude! ? Thanks a lot. ❤️
  2. Here you go: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yxgcl4q09op95sv/CampaignMissions.rar/file put all maps in the game folder then run the campaign to play from allied or soviet.
  3. Can you make a post to explain this details so we all benefit from your knowledge. ?
  4. for the game it's ok I played it and nothing is wrong everything is fine but I am wondering if we can make a CSF file and upload it to CnCNet for some text that we need for our maps maybe need to ask all our friends who makes maps to share what they need to put inside the CSF file and make it as an index for everyone so we can easily add it to trigger text when we need that. Also, I did the video and soon I will post it on my channel I will send the link to you.
  5. Nice map dude, put links to the maps list so we can download them easily. I will start play and record your maps soon after I finish the game missions.
  6. Thanks ❤️ Thanks, If they do that shame on them.
  7. watch how I use this beacon on my map.
  8. Hello dude! I upload to you the original big jpg of the map and the text to add it to the map, I also upload to you png file if you would like not to put the code so the png show on the map preview. Here you go. FaceDown_2.txt
  9. Hello Guys! I hope you guys like this map that my friend Sam-I-am did it mode as well making it as perfect as he can, and I hope that this map will be adopted from among the official maps. Our map at this link:
  10. Thank you my friend, I feel embarrassed. ? You praised me so much and I didn't do much except what I could do to make you and whoever play this map happy. I hope you guys like this map that my friend Sam-I-am did it mode as well making it as perfect as he can, and I hope that this map will be adopted from among the official maps. ??
  11. Hello Killer! welcome back dude. ?
  12. Thanks, I will test that soon.
  13. Yes, you are right, I have the same issue once I copy the game folder to make a test then I delete all the maps cncnet client starts much better and faster than before.
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