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Everything posted by YosefAnan

  1. Final alert 2 Tutorial - Trigger & Tag (Advanced Tutorial) This tutorial from final alert 2 Manual Creating & Using Triggers and Tags In addition to events and actions triggers also have a structure called a tag associated with them. Tags are identifiers for the triggers; they tag them for use. The trigger editor with Final Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge TM automatically sets up and handles tags for you, but it is important to understand their purpose to accomplish many tasks. One common such task is a trigger that will fire when an important unit is destroyed, such as Tanya. Step 1: Create A New Variable Trigger: Set up a local lose variable after Tanya is killed Create a new variable called "Tanya lost" using Edit-Local Variables Step 2: Create The Trigger Create a trigger with the following attributes: a. Name: "Tanya Killed" b. Event: "48 Attached object destroyed" c. Action: "56 Set local" parameter is the variable you created Step 3: Adjust Tanya’s Attributes Place Tanya on the map under the human player's control. Double-click on Tanya to bring up her unit attributes. Now change the "Attached Tag" property to "01000001 Tanya Killed 1". Simple, isn't it? Structures and vehicles can also be attached to a tag, in addition to any Teams you have created. This is how the player wins when the Kremlin is destroyed (same event "attached object destroyed") or after a paradropped Yuri is killed. Many actions also use tags, such as action 14, "Give attached objects to house". Original tutorial writer: Thalassicus Watch the video to the end ? Map Name: Nuclear Winter - by Kyle Belrose - Download the map under video in the description
  2. In this video I show you how to make trigger to start like PUBG game and where to drop then search for the barracks and war factory, here are video about the idea: So I make this new map to know the Technic of how to used mail box trick for spy sat and air drop and how to destroy it by barrel which attached with destroy attached trigger, also I named it to my friend "Blake Glas" here are the map: Map preview: Map download under the video on my channel.
  3. In this tutorial I show you how to use a trigger to run Superweapon while it's off on the game, I make the event by time but you can make by anything you want like if something destroys run the trigger to use SP. Also, I show you two ways how to run the Superweapon watch the video to the end. Download the map under the video in the description on YouTube.
  4. Thanks, I will try when I have time to play it as soon as I can. about the map it's under the video in the description, here you are: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3aigxezvo1uim0c/%5B1%5D_Mission_1_-_KraPzU.map/file
  5. Mission 1 - KraPzU - Map by Marvin Fritze - Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge
  6. great work dude! I hope to have a free time to try it and post it soon om my channel!
  7. @RadicalEdward2 - I don't know if you can fix it, it's kind of bug in the game! - Yes it should be close to the bridge so it works well because if it far away one cell bridge repair huts will not works, I think there is a way to make it programmed to be destroyed or repair but I am not looking at it yet.
  8. Not old older version, you have to take off beginner mode.
  9. Oil Derrick in The Center Remastered Because most players love to play oil derrick in the center I make this one with two versions one is modded and the other is normal or standard, also I made one for 4 players and one for 8 players: For the Normal map (Yosef Anan - Oil Derrick in the Center Remastered v1.3) nothing is change. Here is the map: yosef anan - oil derrick in the center remastered v1-3.map But for modded version (Oil Derrick in the Center Remastered v1.2.0) you have to read the following: * "Flak track is Open Topped", 6 passengers can shoot. * Available units: Spy, Robot Tanks with a laser weapon. * Guardian GI can Occupy the Bunkers and shoot missiles. * You can click to repair the bunkers. * Soviet Sentry Gun and Allied Pill Box can promoted to Elite "120mmE" * Outer source of money for all players, $200/100 delay Here is the map: yosef anan - oil derrick in the center remastered v1-2-0.map Finally The normal map for 8 players: Yosef Anan - Oil Derrick in the Center Remastered v2 x8 Here is the map: yosef anan - oil derrick in the center remastered v2 x8.map Watch the video
  10. Oil Derrick in The Center Because most players love to play oil derrick in the center I make this one with two versions one is modded and the other is normal or standard, also I made one for 4 players and one for 8 players: For the Normal map (Yosef Anan - Oil Derrick in the Center Remastered v1.3) nothing is change. Here is the map: yosef anan - oil derrick in the center remastered v1-3.map But for modded version (Oil Derrick in the Center Remastered v1.2.0) you have to read the following: * "Flak track is Open Topped", 6 passengers can shoot. * Available units: Spy, Robot Tanks with a laser weapon. * Guardian GI can Occupy the Bunkers and shoot missiles. * You can click to repair the bunkers. * Soviet Sentry Gun and Allied Pill Box can promoted to Elite "120mmE" * Outer source of money for all players, $200/100 delay Here is the map: yosef anan - oil derrick in the center remastered v1-2-0.map Finally The normal map for 8 players: Yosef Anan - Oil Derrick in the Center Remastered v2 x8 Here is the map: yosef anan - oil derrick in the center remastered v2 x8.map
  11. You and Zhas making a cool videos dude ❤️
  12. Good map, just if you add 2 or 3 conscript if one die other keep fighting.
  13. You're welcome ❤️
  14. Hello guys! I was working on a map and I noted that the command of the script "Load onto transport" not working I was making this tutorial and I back to make sure that I am not wrong but everything of my map work was fine, what the problem?
  15. Memes Match
  16. Final alert 2 Tutorial - How to make or turn your allied Base your base! How to turn your allied base to your base by Triggers? This video show you how to do this step for your missions and campaign. I make new Trigger and tagged it with Barrels which will be destroyed after time 50 with Action 32 Destroy attached building to run the other trigger instead of shooting the barrels. if destroyed change home b to a_2.yrm if destroyed change home b to a.map if destroyed change home b to a.yrm
  17. You sure that you use cncnet client? i play from LAN with my brother from long time and it's work.
  18. If you want to ban any one go to the cncnet client lobby and in the right side where the nicknames of the players, right click on the guy you want, then from the list choose Block.
  19. I help him with that, maybe he don't have the "CNCMaps Renderer". I think you need to watch this video to enhance drawing the cliff. good work, keep making maps.
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