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Tiberian Dawn Mapping Tools in 2020


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It is 2020 and CnCNet gave us so much improvement when comparing to 2006, when XWIS was the only thing we had.

Back there I remember we basically had 3 Map Editiors for TD:

  • CCMap: A Map editor for MS-DOS. Very unstable and ran in Fullscreen on a poor resolution to the day standards. Even poorly now, and we require emulators to run it.
  • CCWMap: A port of the previous map editor to Windows 95. Unstable as hell, but missions created by it worked flawlessly.
  • XCC Map Editor: A new map editor which was great for making multiplayer maps, lot more stable, but bugs prevented single player maps from working.

Since 15 years have passed from there, how is the state of art of map editors in TD? Do we still have these issues in XCC? I see that CCWMap still unstable, even on Wine. Do we have new map editors on the road?

Thank you.


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