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There is now a Docker version you can host on your server. Instructions can be found in the GitHub README.


Running CnCNet server using systemd (Linux x64)


wget downloads.cncnet.org/tunnel.sh
sh tunnel.sh 200 "Unnamed Server"

If you're unsure what linux distro to choose, just take the latest version of Ubuntu

Using the above method you can run both CnCNet servers as a service and they will continue to run even after the server restarted.

Alternatively you can also run the servers individually (see below):



New Server (All Games)


Linux x64 example:

wget -c https://downloads.cncnet.org/cncnet-server.tgz -O - | tar -xz

nohup ./cncnet-server --name "My cool server" --maxclients 200 --port 50001 --portv2 50000 > cncnet-server.log 2>&1 &

Linux ARM



On XP, Vista and 7 make sure .NET 4.0 is installed: https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=17113

Download the server and start it: http://downloads.cncnet.org/cncnet-server-gui.exe



Note: Servers are chosen automatically by CnCNet and are only used in case 2 players fail to establish a Peer-To-Peer connection. Yuri's Revenge players can select a specific server via the advanced settings while hosting a game room.


Old Server (Yuri's Revenge only)


Linux (Ubuntu) example:

sudo apt-get install default-jre

wget http://downloads.cncnet.org/cncnet-tunnel.exe

nohup java -jar cncnet-tunnel.exe -name "My cool server" -maxclients 200 -port 50000 -headless > cncnet-tunnel.log 2>&1 &




Download the server and start it: http://downloads.cncnet.org/cncnet-tunnel.exe

Note:  To use a specific server you'll have to select it via the advanced settings while hosting a game room.






The servers will not show up instantly on the website, it can take up to 4 hours




Edited by Grant
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