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RA Multiplayer Mod - "Tiberian Alert" - by Ferret


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  • 3 weeks later...

New version (v5.0F)!


I'll be adding some more maps to the pool soon. :) I currently have some TD maps in there that you may recognize.


In the near future I'll be editing the thread to show stats for every single unit, and more than likely a video showing how these units function.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/7/2013 at 3:23 AM, Vendetta said:

The thing is, this is not new, more a stolen idea, I've made a map that is older than this one and is based on the real CNC95's values,

check my older posts, there you will see it.

You act as if the idea of modding RA to C&C1 is so amazingly original that surely no two people could ever have come up with it independently :dry:


I assure you, it's not. There have been tons and tons of RA-to-C&C mods, both in map and in mod format :roll:

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  On 11/7/2013 at 3:23 AM, Vendetta said:

The thing is, this is not new, more a stolen idea, I've made a map that is older than this one and is based on the real CNC95's values,

check my older posts, there you will see it.


And don't forget to look into my new upload.



It's funny because the idea originated from STM (Slow Tanks Mod), which I believe was a good benchmark for starting TA. For whatever reason you like to think that I stole your idea. Which by the way, you've only just recently released your version publicly to much current knowledge. How could I have stole your idea? Everything I created was from scratch.


Although not completely necessary, but I would like to add that I don't know what your problem is. You've got some attitude that you need to clean up Vendetta, seriously.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will be remaking some of the original C&C95 maps into the TA map pool. If you have a map in mind that you would like to put into the map pool. Please let me know and I'll try and put it in as soon as I can.


As for that, a new version was uploaded (9.3). Have fun!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  On 5/28/2014 at 10:12 AM, White said:

Oh hey, you know that the nuke warhead value doesn't change the area damage, only the initial hit. The spread of the nuke is fire warhead, if I remember... which is why it does like NOTHING to tanks.



I responded to your private message.

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  • 5 months later...

There will be a major rework later this week. I've been working on a new patch under the radar for quite some time now. The main goal is to revert some of the older feels of Tiberian Alert so it doesn't simply copy Tiberian Dawn as it ended up being later on, as well as bring back some of the slower paced gameplay.


I plan to upload YouTube videos describing units, what their roles are, and how they're combat effective in the game. I will provide stats and maybe even some micro examples on how certain units could be used. The stats in the video will also show the difference between vanilla Red Alert and Tiberian Alert, comparing and contrasting the units and going over how they have changed.


Let me know if you have any ideas, suggestions, or are willing to play-test the newer version before it goes live.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 weeks later...

"Datamined" changes for 1.83 thusfar


Note: Medium/Heavy are now Light and Medium tanks respectively.


Unit Repair is free

Most Infantry movespeed increased by 1

Engi speed increased by 2 instead (double speed)

Flame Tank HP lowered by 25% (were 33% better before nerf) 1.00 divide by 0.75

Rocket Tank HP lowered by 37.5% (Were 60% better before nerf) 1.00 divide by 0.375

Rocket Tank Speed lowered by 2 (1/6 slower)

Medium Tank HP lowered from 450 to 425

Hind HP increased by 50%

Hind cost increased from 1000 to 1200

MiG bomber HP increased by 40%

Yak HP increased by 33%

Yak HP increased from 1300 to 1500

Artillery movespeed lowered by 1 (25%)

Artillery HP lowered by 6% (50 HP)

MCV requires service depot instead of Tech Center

Camo Pillbox reworked as a pseudo Adv. Guard Tower

Camo Pillbox cost 750, 400 hp and heayv armor

Camo Pillbox deals 75 damage, 75 rof, 7 range, HE.

Flame Tower introduced to allies, requires Refinery

Helipad costs increased from 300 to 500

Helipad is Allied exclusive

Airfield cost increased to from 300 to 500

Airfield is soviet exclusive

Pillbox is soviet exlusive

Colt45 weapon uses silencer sound effect

Turret attack speed increased by 20%

Grenade Properties have been changed to default (Attack speed icnreased by 33%, faster projectile)

Flame Tower has 25% faster Projectile, 20% increased damage and 1 extra range from the default stats.

Rifle Infantry damage increased by 33%

Rifle Infantry projectile speed changed to 150 (100 is max and hardcoded to be instant)

Ranger damage lowered by 33% (were 50% better before nerf)

Sam Site damage increased by 33%, Projectile speed 50% faster

Stealth Tank attackspeed increased by 11%

Stealth Tank range lowered by 1

Stealth Tank projectile speed lowered by 60%

Medium Tanks dmg/rof changed from 45x2/100 to 40/65

MiG's damage increased by 6.66%

Light Tank HP lowered from 375 to 350

Light Tank damage decreased by 12.5%

Shock Trooper cost lowered from 800 to 500

Civilians don't attack

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  • 2 weeks later...

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