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First release of new forum theme!


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For quite some time now Grant has been working on a new theme for the forum that matches the new CnCNet site and now it has been set as default!


Now this does not mean that the theme is done, it will continually be improved based on feedback.


For those who cannot see the new theme you can click this link for those who still prefers the old C&C95 inspired theme click here. Alternatively other themes and settings are available in your user profile.

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  On 12/3/2014 at 8:06 PM, Jacko said:

Yeah me too.

Can we get a choice of forum theme (preferably a Tiberian Dawn theme  :D ) or is it stuck this way?


The old C&C95 theme is not going away, there's even a link to re-enable it in the original post. :)


Once the theme gets more developed the header image will change randomly between games, kinda like the background on the forum index.



Can we default back to C&C95? I keep going back to C&C95 but each time I come here by a topic reply email I get change to this CnCNet one.


If the link in the original post doesn't work properly try changing it by going to Profile -> MODIFY PROFILE -> Look and Layout -> and change CnCNet 5 to CnC Comm


Would be cool if someone managed to take some high res screenshots with some action we could use ;)

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Not a bad design, although the original is far superior in my opinion. It's so cool to look like the game you host :cncsmirk:


Plus more than two posts fit on the screen.


Also the link didn't permanently switch it :D It didn't save on logout. Yeah going into settings is required.




I could knit together some screenshots for my mod if that counts? XD

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After more extensive use, I got one problem with the new theme: when using quick reply, I always end up clicking the big "reply" button right under it... which is the one taking you to the "reply" page, not the one posting the quick reply.


Compared to it, the actual "post" button for the quick reply is really unnoticeable -_-

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Many things are unnoticable in the new design for both the forum and the main site. That's why I'll stick with the old forum and wait for smeone to finally put up the game and player count on the main page of cncnet, as it conveniently was before. And please, don't make me scroll down.

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  On 12/6/2014 at 11:51 PM, Nyerguds said:

After more extensive use, I got one problem with the new theme: when using quick reply, I always end up clicking the big "reply" button right under it... which is the one taking you to the "reply" page, not the one posting the quick reply.


Compared to it, the actual "post" button for the quick reply is really unnoticeable -_-

I've done the same thing, will be changing it shortly.

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  On 12/6/2014 at 11:51 PM, Nyerguds said:

After more extensive use, I got one problem with the new theme: when using quick reply, I always end up clicking the big "reply" button right under it... which is the one taking you to the "reply" page, not the one posting the quick reply.


Compared to it, the actual "post" button for the quick reply is really unnoticeable -_-

Now fixed, hopefully this is more clear?

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