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This is beyond pathetic...


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UPDATE: He has now filed a second trademark claim against another video of me stomping him after stating he wants us to be friends and I should help him. #Logic.

Be sure to subscribe to my channel to catch the next Kikematamitos slaughtering: http://smarturl.it/SubBryanVahey


Kikematamitos has now filed a trademark claim against my video because it "damaged his reputation" and he "didn't give permission for use" after not only agreeing to 1v1 me for the sake of making cross-promotional videos, but pressuring me for months to play him to make said videos. After losing 13-0, he refused to upload anything and has now decided, 6 months later, that his frustration is still not settled so he's taken it to YouTube. 


This after he has posted multiple videos in the identical format 1v1ing other players. I knew this guy was a child -- that's why I removed him from all of my contacts and YouTube promo list, and largely ignored his verbal attacks against my content on multiple videos in the comment section. This takes it to a new low. Be careful with this idiot.

<picture removed>

Moderator Edit: The picture was removed since it contained name/email address and other things that were probably not meant to be visible for anyone besides you


Edited by iTzBryan
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I was always wary of this guy from the few times I've played him in his games to his weird-attention seeking ways on the forums relating to his videos.

The few times I've played with him he's always had a sore loser attitude which leads me to think he has a huge ego problem.


Sorry you have to deal with that nonsense, hopefully nothing negative comes out of it.

Edited by XXxPrePxX
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some ppl grow up physically but still have minds of kids u just gatta live with it if u have a prove of him asking u for the 1v1 [Which i already know he was hating on ur video at the comments section since i was there ] then u have nothing to worry about i think ppl r just amazed by his subs but here 98% pros ignore him i hv played with him b4 teamgames and he always blames his m8s while he can't do anything himself so he's known for that don't let it get to u and keep on ur normal vids i find them entertaining

Edited by DoDger
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  On 10/2/2017 at 6:13 PM, Grant said:

Thanks for the heads up!

Will have to be vary of this type of behavior in the future. Serious sour grapes from Kikematamitos I guess!



I can't believe it. The astronomical ego it must take to try and harm another creator for some perceived personal benefit...


  On 10/2/2017 at 6:29 PM, XXxPrePxX said:

I was always wary of this guy from the few times I've played him in his games to his weird-attention seeking ways on the forums relating to his videos.

The few times I've played with him he's always had a sore loser attitude which leads me to think he has a huge ego problem.


Sorry you have to deal with that nonsense, hopefully nothing negative comes out of it.


Ego was the first thing that came to mind. Thanks for your support.


  On 10/2/2017 at 6:29 PM, DoDger said:

some ppl grow up physically but still have minds of kids u just gatta live with it if u have a prove of him asking u for the 1v1 [Which i already know he was hating on ur video at the comments section since i was there ] then u have nothing to worry about i think ppl r just amazed by his subs but here 98% pros ignore him i hv played with him b4 teamgames and he always blames his m8s while he can't do anything himself so he's known for that don't let it get to u and keep on ur normal vids i find them entertaining


He has trouble accepting he's inferior at a 20 year old game. It's obviously still eating at him for whatever strange reason. I get that our vs's didn't go as he planned. But censoring it 6 months later is not the way to go about it. So childish.

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Hello, its me the asshole, the reason of why i do that is because i say to Bryan to help me to stop all the trolling that comes to me from that video, i am not pro he is not pro everybody know that, we are average players and he have more experience, i have 2 years playing this game he play for more years and look his screen and look my screen he can see the whole map and not me that make my split very difficult. I play vs good players and i upload my loses and i am agree when Real Strategy Gamer upload videos with my name, why?, because they not support trolling and play like a gentleman and he is my friend, Bryan support the trolling vs me and do nothing i have a post of that here a long time ago and he still doing nothing. 

This was our history: 

I was recently uploading my games of RA2 and Bryan say "Hey can you give me some views to my channel" and i see his channel and i like it a lot!, that montage whit eagles go to my favorites and i start to watch him in every video, i like every video he makes, i was his fanboy and you can see my comments in his old videos (if he not delete them) i say "this is Spirit of the Law RA2 version" because i love Age of Empires Games like you can see in my channel, but in that time i know it he is not pro because i met real pros one of them say "hey you videos are really hard to watch" because i was not using hotkeys and he start to teach me and i meet another real pros that have insane APM (Actions Per Minute) and before that i comment to Bryan "hey dude nice videos but you are not pro" and many other people say the same, so i tell him that for help him, but he was mad and his community go mad to so he challenge me wen i was busy with my life working a lot and many problems so take like a month before do the challenge and i promise to him to that weekend and i was tired in sunday and i do the challenge because i promise to him, i not record my games because i know i gone a lose, he is more experience, but wen i say "he is not pro" i not say i am, i never say i am pro, i still average player, but many of his followers are just stupid people that can't see why i quit many times, in dune patrol a few mistakes is a lose in a mirror Iraq, before that the trolling start and i tell him some help for stop the trolling and he only say bye bye, delete me in Skype and never talk with me again so i delete his channel from my featured channels. 

Also many people search my name and the videos of Bryan apear in top, that is not fair that a people that hate me and trolling me benefit of my search, if was Real Strategy Gamer or another one with good attitude is ok, but not you. 

When i star to playing here i always say i am noob i really want to see if somebody remember that and pros help me to learn, i say jokes about "the lord is angry" and was so fun i lose many matches before win my first one online so i start to upload my good matches a matches of a noob that never say "i am pro" so the pros watch my matches and have fun with that because i was noob i really wan to see a comment from somebody that real know me, because i am not an evil person and i always try to help to everybody. Thanks for read this. 



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Kikematamitos, when you get popular on YouTube you will get trolled. You just have to learn to ignore it and move on. Keep making videos that people enjoy. You guys need to just simply apologize and move on. Ignore the trolls, it just means you've gotten pretty popular. When we're on discord and play Extra Small we like to say, "Kikematamitos presenta: Kirov reporting!" Maybe you're not pro, but you contribute to the ra2yr community more than most pros. Don't be petty, keep doing you!

Edited by FlyingMustache
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  On 10/5/2017 at 4:56 PM, FlyingMustache said:

Kikematamitos, when you get popular on YouTube you will get trolled. You just have to learn to ignore it and move on. Keep making videos that people enjoy. You guys need to just simply apologize and move on. Ignore the trolls, it just means you've gotten pretty popular. When we're on discord and play Extra Small we like to say, "Kikematamitos presenta: Kirov reporting!" Maybe you're not pro, but you contribute to the ra2yr community more than most pros. Don't be petty, keep doing you!


I try: 

posted image

posted image

The reason why i so mad about he call him self pro, is because i hate misinformation, maybe we need an official tournament in YouTube for see the best players i try to do one but people don't respect it. 

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You post my message as if I said something wrong or embarrassing -- Let's recap: You maliciously went behind my back in order to try to remove my video from YouTube without ever contacting me on the matter. Again: Fuck you and your PR attempt to look like an angel.  You, your channel, and any semblance of "friendship" is long gone. I have long ignored your ignorant and negative comments on my videos. I have consistently either deleted or tried to put out flame posts against you on my videos. But now you've attacked my channel directly. Nobody is fooled by you.

  On 10/5/2017 at 4:41 PM, Kikematamitos said:

... "hey dude nice videos but you are not pro" and many other people say the same, so i tell him that for help him, but he was mad and his community go mad to so he challenge me wen i was busy with my life working a lot and many problems so take like a month before do the challenge and i promise to him to that weekend... 




Wait, I can't tell if there is a language barrier here or if you are plain lying: YOU were the one who spammed my messages and YouTube videos asking to VS for weeks on end. Let's not get that twisted, pal.

  On 10/5/2017 at 3:21 AM, scalpem said:

1v1 me

but seriously, does that mean the video is going to be taken down? or will your channel be damaged? i am always entertained by your content so keep doing what you doing.


It will be reviewed by YT and has the potential to be removed based on their analysis of his allegations.  Appreciate the love.

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Simple, help me to stop the trolling you can say something like "everybody of us lose a lot before learn" if you live with evil people maybe you learn that and judge the rest without know how real is it, take a long of time before i say for help and you do nothing maybe you need that a real pro beat you 10-0 and put a video with this tittle "Real Pro vs Bryan" and people start to trolling you and know what fells. If you think i am evil is your problem. 

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K, Ignore the personal attacks and trolls and move on. I noticed they trolled you when you posted the excuses comment there. No need to start a drama and get triggered just because someone proclaimed himself a pro. Just say gg and have a good laugh.

If you're hurt because of the trolls in a YouTube video, then you're not the only one. YT comment sections are always like that. I've seen tons of videos and comments about trolling celebrities and politicians and almost none of them get removed. Welcome to the internet.

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  On 10/6/2017 at 3:01 AM, ore_truck said:

K, Ignore the personal attacks and trolls and move on. I noticed they trolled you when you posted the excuses comment there. No need to start a drama and get triggered just because someone proclaimed himself a pro. Just say gg and have a good laugh.

If you're hurt because of the trolls in a YouTube video, then you're not the only one. YT comment sections are always like that. I've seen tons of videos and comments about trolling celebrities and politicians and almost none of them get removed. Welcome to the internet.


That is true but i start to think he use my name just for earn more views also a celebrity can use the law vs defamation, this is a real crime and he do in the way of damage me, was months comment to him for help before i take the choice of claim the use of my name in thumbnails and video tittles is my name and he use it if he quit from the tittle can be ok and leave the thumbnail is ok for me i leave them online for many months but now he use it for take benefit of the people that search my name. 

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u have like 30k subs iam pretty sure u have to deal with hate every now and then Just ignore i understand if u have a good intention at the start but u did it the wrong way like if u r an average player and u know that it's good to say it like u did but u can't go out there and call other ppl not pro see if u had a good intention what u just said tells us the opposite if u have such opinion just keep it to urself but u said u wanted him to fix the issue i don't see rly how he can after all that time yet u wanted to damage his channel he has like 11-12k subs u have more than double of that when 1 or 2 try to hate on just ignore it bcuz ur channel is ganna keep growing and u can't be offended by every negative comment u will see look at any video out there u will always see dislikes no matter what just keep on moving i hv started utube channel like 7 days ago i can post a video and name it the Super ultra Pro play if u don't like it don't watch rather than going in and type a comment that will totally be getting wrong

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  On 10/6/2017 at 1:18 PM, DoDger said:

u have like 30k subs iam pretty sure u have to deal with hate every now and then Just ignore i understand if u have a good intention at the start but u did it the wrong way like if u r an average player and u know that it's good to say it like u did but u can't go out there and call other ppl not pro see if u had a good intention what u just said tells us the opposite if u have such opinion just keep it to urself but u said u wanted him to fix the issue i don't see rly how he can after all that time yet u wanted to damage his channel he has like 11-12k subs u have more than double of that when 1 or 2 try to hate on just ignore it bcuz ur channel is ganna keep growing and u can't be offended by every negative comment u will see look at any video out there u will always see dislikes no matter what just keep on moving i hv started utube channel like 7 days ago i can post a video and name it the Super ultra Pro play if u don't like it don't watch rather than going in and type a comment that will totally be getting wrong


English please... lol

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  On 10/6/2017 at 3:25 AM, Kikematamitos said:

That is true but i start to think he use my name just for earn more views also a celebrity can use the law vs defamation, this is a real crime and he do in the way of damage me...


You agreed and pressured me to make videos. Period. You're just angry 6 months later that you literally couldn't win 1 game to make it seem like you're the better player (e.g. win 1, lose 13 but only post the 1 win as you always do with your content). To be blunt: my videos on average get thousands (some tens of thousands) more views than yours; so let's not act like me stomping you is a massive marketing ploy -- those video's view counts have not moved in 4 months. What needed to be said here has been said. Seeing as you sound like a broken record of your whining, complaining, and excuse laden rhetoric from 6 months ago, I'm done here. And thank you for the second trademark claim against a different video. I'll be sure to return the favor very soon. :) 

Edited by iTzBryan
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It's quiet hilarious people still care for trash talking in 2017 ? if you are streamer and you are not at Professional level then you must be ready to deal with the shit/trash talks every now and then so what's so unique in this ?

People can use Marko and latof's name too and who are you skill wise ?

Just ignore the b.s and move on and enjoy the game . And if you both really want to prove a point then organize a f****** series and both post it on their channel regardless of result :) I know both of you won't do that so the better thing is to move on and hf with the "dead" game .

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  On 10/6/2017 at 5:50 PM, ZAIN said:

And if you both really want to prove a point then organize a f****** series and both post it on their channel regardless of result :)


...the point of the 13 games we played 6 months ago was to do exactly that, but he refused to upload them after getting shit stomped and resorted to making a laundry list of excuses and personal attacks. Now going so far as to directly attack the channel. 

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  On 10/6/2017 at 5:50 PM, ZAIN said:

It's quiet hilarious people still care for trash talking in 2017 ? if you are streamer and you are not at Professional level then you must be ready to deal with the shit/trash talks every now and then so what's so unique in this ?

People can use Marko and latof's name too and who are you skill wise ?

Just ignore the b.s and move on and enjoy the game . And if you both really want to prove a point then organize a f****** series and both post it on their channel regardless of result :) I know both of you won't do that so the better thing is to move on and hf with the "dead" game .


This game is far to be dead :D MO mod is awesome i hope our videos make the community grow, i have many friends that are making awesome maps and mods. 

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  On 10/6/2017 at 5:27 PM, iTzBryan said:

You agreed and pressured me to make videos. Period. You're just angry 6 months later that you literally couldn't win 1 game to make it seem like you're the better player (e.g. win 1, lose 13 but only post the 1 win as you always do with your content). To be blunt: my videos on average get thousands (some tens of thousands) more views than yours; so let's not act like me stomping you is a massive marketing ploy -- those video's view counts have not moved in 4 months. What needed to be said here has been said. Seeing as you sound like a broken record of your whining, complaining, and excuse laden rhetoric from 6 months ago, I'm done here. And thank you for the second trademark claim against a different video. I'll be sure to return the favor very soon. :) 


Like i say it here you can leave my name in thumbnails but not use it in the tittle or description, please don't do anything more, you can be punished by YouTube i try to help you many times, about not using the Frank Klepacki music, if you say the views are not moving, why you care so much about this? 

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  On 10/6/2017 at 7:10 PM, Kikematamitos said:

Like i say it here you can leave my name in thumbnails but not use it in the tittle or description, please don't do anything more, you can be punished by YouTube i try to help you many times, about not using the Frank Klepacki music, if you say the views are not moving, why you care so much about this? 



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