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  1. Believe its just enter key
  2. https://cncnet.org/tiberian-sun The downloads here are complete since its freeware and includes the renderers like ddraw automatically. Maybe just give this a go first
  3. It is pending an update. You could try the "dev" update channel in the client options.
  4. You would need to register an account with them and then request it. Bit of an outdated web page but think it works once signed up Anyway glad its sorted for now 👍
  5. https://gamesurge.net/utils/requesttrust/ Can request a connection limit increase here. The ban usually goes away after a short time.
  6. You can change it in game . Its a known issue https://github.com/CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package/issues/416
  7. Try https://mapdb.cncnet.org/yr/d7ddc0102055f038edd1846815a974736470bd96.zip Theres a lot of variations here https://mapdb.cncnet.org/search.php?game=yr&search=extra small
  8. Do you remember the exact name? Should be able to find it in the map database https://mapdb.cncnet.org/search/?game=yr&search=
  9. To make the AI harder, do you have this
  10. An old client dll was being loaded when it shouldn't have been. Happened for older cncnet installations. The fix was to delete the old dlls causing trouble
  11. Have you tried with integer scaling on or off, depending whats been set in your settings? Have a look under display settings
  12. Please try this download: https://github.com/CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package/releases/download/yr-8.65.2/CnCNet5_YR_Installer_8.65.2.exe
  13. Thank you, we should have a fix available soon
  14. Darn, can you upload here https://wetransfer.com/ if it needs an email, [email protected] would work We don't know which file, thats the problem at the moment!
  15. Could you both please attach a zip of your Resources folder.
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