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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. Depends on rush distance (length of cells between bases that units move over). On Quarry, I would pretty much never play 1-2 refs, maybe even with Nod. But also, you need to make production to spend the money you take in. Barracks/Hands are cheap and quick to produce, but grens are something you can spend more of your money on. So higher ref builds are usually better for GDI (IMO). But there might be Nod builds where you can quickly switch into apaches, for example, to spend the extra credits.
  2. Yeah, I would LOVE to be able to tweak a few things like this. It'd be good feedback for C&C: remaster, too. I should finish up that google doc and do that podcast thing. Else, TBH, the remaster will be terrible. I hate saying that, but heck, we have a question of if we should have unit/structure categories on the sidebar. NO Stuff like turrets AGTs, even tesla in RA, are balanced by NOT being able to make other structures while they're being made. Base creep is part of the game, but it can get out of hand. It's probably too powerful as it is. It shouldn't even be a poll.
  3. Well I've talked about making a standard for maps etc, before. And having a list of archetypes for the maps that we have. Some people kinda thought it was good... but no real move to make anything happen. We could maybe look at setting up a league or something. I don't really have a lot of time now, though.
  4. No, sure... in some cases it's obvious. But we still don't know who plays better on what maps/styles etc. We also have no true standards to play the game by. So, there's that, too. I tried to fix that many times, but can never get enough voice forward to have the design team give a sht. So meh. It's whatever. That's probably the big reason I cannot be bothered pushing myself competitively at this game. There is no official way to see that you're getting better. There are a few silly tactics that mess it all up. There are little to no tournaments. No ladder. etc Eh.
  5. It's hard to really rank people, because everyone's styles are good in different situations. Like, I've beaten Ferret, but never LoveHandles... maybe years ago with apaches, but meh. We don't have any points system to really see, so it's mostly speculation.
  6. As soon as you change one thing, you can often completely change how you play; depending on how complex the rest of the game is. We've all talked about the tweaks you could make to get the game to be near perfect... but to explain that to someone, they already need to understand the game, as is, to understand the changes. Now, is EA going to come here and learn the game and then make those changes? No. They are not. So, it's not going to happen.
  7. Yeah, as much as there's a flicker of hope inside me that this project will be awesome and revive C&C... my mind just doesn't believe it. I don't want to get my hopes up, because I just can't imagine EA, in particular, doing a good job. At this stage, I wish they'd just sell the franchise to someone who DOES give a damn. RTS games need a lot of love to even be good, let alone amazing. SCII has had SO much poured into it, and people STILL complain about it. If that was EA, they'd have scrapped it long ago; I doubt it would have even seen it's last expansion, due to popularity falling off during the HotS era.
  8. What about Ephraim? He mostly focuses on tanks, but he's pretty good. Solid macro. He's beaten me before. Not sure what his GDI v Nod is like. Oh... you talked about him. Yeah. Cn2 is good, too. IDK who's better between us.
  9. That can literally take years, in an RTS game, to balance. Because people evolve new tactics to counter stuff. Heck, SCII's been at it for near on a decade, and they still can't get protoss to open with a robo vs zerg. These games are complex and take a LOT of time and dedication... and IDK if you know; but EA is NOT dedicated to patching it's games over the years. They make something, try to sell it a lot, put a load of micro transactions in it... and if people like it, they continue support for a while. Once people get a bit bored, EA just moves on.
  10. Not sure what 12 means. But for F22 etc http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/YF-22 http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Widow_(Aircraft) I guess they just never made it into the latest parts of programming or something?
  11. PHD has beaten me up, for sure. I've probably played less than 10 games against him, all up, though.
  12. Medium tanks build slowly. So you need to have multiple barracks to keep up on having enough units on the field to deal with attacks. As you spread thin, making more refs, you need to make infantry from multiple areas to keep defended. Medium tanks can help out, but they're slow and need the support of the grens (this can also be dependant on bike/buggy ratio... if there are few bikes, the meds can handle them easier). When the bases push into each other, it's a bit different, and it's there that I think that Nod has the advantage. Turrets are insane... I think Obelisk is less powerful, due to it's cost (including PPs needed to make it work). SSM and artillery can be insane, though; zoning out grens is a BIG deal, due the MLRS not really being available.
  13. Q sets way points for the unit. By telling your unit to attack first, you let it choose a target, and then use Q to make your tanks follow a set of positioning commands, while still locking their turret onto the chosen target.
  14. Yeah, I agree with cn2. Nod has more control over the map with fast moving units... GDI is more static, and controls the map by placing structures around, particularly barracks, but also AGT. Not to say that Nod can't play that same game... ultimately, I think that Nod can absolutely fight base creep against base creep, and I think that their key to that is the turret. It is indeed very strong.
  15. It really just depends on what you're trying to achieve at any point of the map. So, the question you have to ask about the red circles is just "how do I want players to interact with this part?" Other than that, given that it's a remake of GA, it's just making sure it kinda looks like it and has the same sort of layout (which it does).
  16. Yeah, a remaster is not a remake, it's a remaster. The core game needs to be in there 100% with the OPTION to turn on better graphics, UI updates, tweaks or overhauls in balance etc. If you try to skimp out on this and get in there and change it all, even though you might please some people a lot, I can guarantee you'll piss of a whole lot more. The big thing here that you can do is to add more modes to the game... one of the ways you can do this is with something similar to the "arcade" in StarCraft. This not only allows EA to make all sorts of new game modes, you could make a true C&C MOBA even... but this allows the community to come up with game modes.
  17. Oh, the boy beats me to it xD Here's hoping we see something good. Do you think they'll be gutsy enough to try and make C&C95 for new PCs? Or do you think they'll stick with TS/RA2? https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9108-possible-official-remake-by-ea/
  18. I mean, I could go on, but that's the statement. Could be good... could be not, haha. https://forums.cncnz.com/topic/21536-breaking-jim-vessella-confirms-eas-interest-in-pc-cc-titles/
  19. So is this map being released? You done anymore testing, yet?
  20. Yeah, there was a (maybe) bugged secret. But anyhow, some guy finally got them all. It's cool, because it shows us that there's almost always more to a game than meets the eye. It's funny because it invalidates all 100% Doom 2 speed runs. https://www.polygon.com/2018/8/31/17807464/doom-2-last-secret-discovered-map-15-level-15
  21. Mostly stuff I'd kinda heard about before. But always cool to find these little gems
  22. Neat layout. I like the open areas vs choke points.
  23. Yeah, I third everyone else! I really like the layout! The only thing that might be an issue is the amount of resources. Maybe drop some ore Ore around (larger fields of gold).
  24. Well something to that tune is the idea. Just anything that shows the difference. There even used to be a "hint/tip" for RA1 that said something like "pros play with these settings... 10000 credits, bases on" etc. Even that is something. Just, we know how much maps can mess this game up, so it's an important part of it.
  25. Well done man. Looks like it really took some time! ❤️
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