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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. I thought that they were more like different time lines, too. Like, how they did Dune (whoever you play as, wins the war). Well, that's how I always saw it.
  2. I think this is one of my more fun games matches. Use if you want. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gGXsZSSQCE
  3. Oh, you have to use GIMP to do it, really. I could maybe write you up a step by step if you were really interested. Look Ferret, Rocket turret!
  4. Yeah, it's interesting in that way... the more that I look at it, the more it seems like it has areas that make it look big. I think the part that makes it look small is that it has a pretty small rush distance; which is something I often like in a map. Literally just realised that there's no download on this page xD Wow, go me.
  5. If it's an issue on just smaller maps, it might be that the new higher resolution means that the map maybe smaller than the screen. If that's the case, whenever it happens, just push Esc twice to refresh the screen.
  6. Cool. How'd you get the digital 3D models, or did you draw it up yourself?
  7. Is this map full sized, or smaller? Seems really small... maybe it's just the layout.
  8. The spacing between the fields looks good, actually. I imagine this map to be very aggressive. Reminds me a lot of the balls map you made. The one where people start in the middle together.
  9. Well he clearly got it for flame tanks in that game... with all the flame tanks yet lack of obs/stank/SSM.
  10. Always cool to see a new modder/mapper around. I'd love to see what sort of ideas you bring. I think the best work seems to be made when people put their ideas together fluently. Much like Tore, I'm sad to hear that you didn't have a good time with the OpenRA community. I will warn that there have been some trouble makers here, but the mods seem to do a pretty good job keeping a lid on them so that we can work on stuff. So if someone is out of line, just slap the "Report Post" and it should be dealt with pretty promptly. I did write up a very large post on mapping (it was for TD rather than RA, but you might find it interesting and get something out of it). it can be found here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/8062-understanding-map-design/ Welcome to our forum. -AW
  11. Not gonna lie, I came here all "Oh, a Cn2 map! Let's see what this master's whipped up!"... and then I was kinda just disappointed xD I'll give it a crack sometime. You never quite know what you have until you take it out for a spin. Peace bro.
  12. I'd really like to see how rush down rampage would play in TA. It has that fast paced feel to it. Not sure if you've ever played TD on it, it's pretty cool. https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7619-whtrush-down-rampage/?tab=comments#comment-58437
  13. Neat, you got Trichotomy up and running!
  14. Oh you tagged all our names by the maps! Nice man, thanks for the shout out!
  15. Cool stuff. Would be good to get previews of all of them, but I know it does take a little bit to mock them up.
  16. I'm kinda surprised that people could tech all the way to SSM, but maybe that's just that some people are left alone during a FFA. I think the way that GDI works benefits from being able to access tiberium, especially early on. You can make quite a few refs and then quickly spend the income be making a few barracks. If you play a "nod style" and go strait to vehicles, they pretty much all build slower. I'd think that AGTs would work quite well on a map like this, but I do think that turrets are the best defence for their price.
  17. Yeah, I'd be happy to jump in for some games. I wish we had a true spectator mode for C&C95, maybe I should try make some more 3 player maps to help making maps that work well 1v1 regardless of spawn points. Lovehandles usually mops the floor with me, lol. But it's always fun.
  18. Yeah, I think I'd have to redesign it from the bottom up, for a 3v3. Even just the amount of resources, I think, would be an issue. There might not even be quite enough for 2v2, tbh. The design, regarding expanding, is that you can choose between the middle or the edges... so I think it'd just throw it off. I could look into making a 3v3 map, but I think I'd have to come up with something pretty different.
  19. What games are people playing, where you have extra $$$ just lying around to throw into random AA in your base JUST IN CASE they have flyers? Heck, when I play against Nod players that haven't thrown down an other strip in a while, I get jittery that apaches are coming, yet even mustering enough AA to deal with that properly, is hard.
  20. Yeah, it can become imbalanced in other ways if you choose this route. Similarly to how having crates on imbalanced the game. Everyone CAN get a good crate, but not everyone WILL etc.
  21. I've made them buildable with an editor, years ago. The thing flew around like a helicopter. Entertaining, but not much use, given that it hovered next to it's target and dropped the bombs... next to the target, lol.
  22. Wait... is there an A-10 just in the middle of the map? O.o
  23. Yeah, depends what you mean by "fun". Different people find different things "fun". Map looks pretty good, though, tbh. You might want to watch out for harvester pathing in spot 2. If the north tiberium is closer, it'll try to drive all the way around the map.
  24. Yeah, I hear ya. I wouldn't want to see a change like MLRS/Chem Troop tech changes to be forced, but I'm not against seeing them as a check box. A comm centre is a much lower tech and price, though. It's a natural part of a match (especially as GDI vs Nod). The Super's are not so natural. They're a big investment by comparison.
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