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Everything posted by Iran

  1. Try playing with the YR settings in the settings menu of the CnCNet 5 client. Maybe it's the 'Use graphics patch' setting? Otherwise try placing this ddraw.dll file in your game folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x10hvfosgn0k0mp/ddraw.dll?dl=0 Anyway, our apologies for the inconvenience.
  2. Try placing this file in your RA2 folder: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xlidkrvsfkom3q0/BINKW32.DLL?dl=0
  3. ts-ddraw already works with ra2/yr, just place the ddraw.dll file in your RA2 folder
  4. So you've been playing on and off for about 20 years? At what age did you start playing? 20 years is a long time. ;p Red Alert was released in October, 1996 btw
  5. We'll be looking into adding code to detect this issue, where admin rights are needed for the client to function (e.g. modifying Settings.ini).
  6. This issue should now be fixed, a update was pushed in the late European evening yesterday.
  7. Iran

    Bug tracker

    Good job collecting bugs. wsock32.dll: I can program the client to remove it if found. settings.ini: I'll ask Rampa, it's his code doing stuff with it. win8 menu: win8 issue, needs ts-ddraw. Will look at semi-automating this with the client in the future (probably in a few months) clientgui update issue: Not sure, might be that update site is temporarily down, I've had it happen to me once when I was testing. Please collect more bug reports for this one (or other updater files)
  8. Helicopter rotors, MP starting units and the foundations are hard-coded in RA1.
  9. Do you have Yuri's Revenge installed?
  10. Go to http://www.xwis.net/forums , they sell keys which you can use.
  11. Check game.dat, it's the name of the game exe it's trying to launch. What happens if you start a game with just one human player?
  12. CnCnet hosts the community replacement for the GameSpy master server used by C&C Renegade.
  13. Explain how Dune 2000 wasn't made by Westwood It was made by Intelligent Games.
  14. Emperor for the Dune was made by the same studio which did Dune 2000, it wasn't made by Westwood. In-game coding standards are a lot like that of dune 2000. Funky added support for Dune 2000 so you need to ask him.
  15. It's a bug with the program itself, still need to fix it. It's on my todo list and I'll look into it in the next few days. It's an easy fix. You can also play skirmish games by just opening the normal client (non-Skirmish version) and starting a game with only AI players.
  16. Can someone link me a copy of Emperor? Is NOX server based?
  17. What resolution did you set in ra2md.ini?
  18. Here's the Yuri's Revenge beta: http://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge-testers RA2 will come in a few months.
  19. That's because that's the RA2 settings tab and not the YR one (which isn't finishde yet). Open up RA2MD.ini in the game folder and modify the resolution values in the file under the [Video] section.
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