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Everything posted by Iran

  1. Iran


    Nice video. Yeah I noticed it too, it doesn't always drop the right building and with some buildings (e.g. barrels) it crashes.
  2. Are you gonna play Red Alert 1 too? You can download the best patched version from http://iran.cnc-comm.com/redalert
  3. Nice videos. You can toggle sidebar on and off by pressing the TAB key.
  4. Goatmessiah I really like your work! Can you compile it into an alternative temperate theater? We can add support for it.
  5. Iran


    Enjoy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dausdg0w4mvton9/ra95_paradrop_buildiings.exe?dl=0 Code: https://github.com/Iran/ra303p-iran/blob/master/src/teamtype_buildings.asm
  6. Iran


    There's probably some hard-coded checks not to use BuildingTypes when reading in taskforces. Or it just doesn't consider buildings at all. EDIT: Yeah it doesn't consider buildings. I can probably patch it in, seems to be easy LOL. So you can use buildings in teamtypes and paradrop them AUTO:00560660 mov edx, offset asc_005F11CE ; ",:" AUTO:00560665 mov ebx, eax AUTO:00560667 xor eax, eax AUTO:00560669 call strtok_ AUTO:0056066E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTO:0056066E mov edi, eax AUTO:00560670 mov eax, ebx AUTO:00560672 xor edx, edx AUTO:00560674 call InfantryTypeClass::From_Name(char *) AUTO:00560679 cmp al, 0FFh AUTO:0056067B jz short loc_00560687 AUTO:0056067D movsx eax, al AUTO:00560680 call InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(InfantryType) AUTO:00560685 jmp short loc_005606C4 AUTO:00560687 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTO:00560687 AUTO:00560687 loc_00560687: ; CODE XREF: AUTO:0056067Bj AUTO:00560687 mov eax, ebx AUTO:00560689 call UnitTypeClass::From_Name(char *) AUTO:0056068E cmp al, 0FFh AUTO:00560690 jz short loc_0056069C AUTO:00560692 movsx eax, al AUTO:00560695 call UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(UnitType) AUTO:0056069A jmp short loc_005606C4 AUTO:0056069C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTO:0056069C AUTO:0056069C loc_0056069C: ; CODE XREF: AUTO:00560690j AUTO:0056069C mov eax, ebx AUTO:0056069E call AircraftTypeClass::From_Name(char *) AUTO:005606A3 cmp al, 0FFh AUTO:005606A5 jz short loc_005606B1 AUTO:005606A7 movsx eax, al AUTO:005606AA call AircraftTypeClass::As_Reference(AircraftType) AUTO:005606AF jmp short loc_005606C4 AUTO:005606B1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTO:005606B1 AUTO:005606B1 loc_005606B1: ; CODE XREF: AUTO:005606A5j AUTO:005606B1 mov eax, ebx AUTO:005606B3 call VesselTypeClass::From_Name(char *) AUTO:005606B8 cmp al, 0FFh AUTO:005606BA jz short loc_005606C6 AUTO:005606BC movsx eax, al AUTO:005606BF call VesselTypeClass::As_Reference(VesselType) AUTO:005606C4 AUTO:005606C4 loc_005606C4: ; CODE XREF: AUTO:00560685j AUTO:005606C4 ; AUTO:0056069Aj ... AUTO:005606C4 mov edx, eax AUTO:005606C AUTO:004537B4 StructType BuildingTypeClass::From_Name(char *) proc near AUTO:00453A6C BuildingTypeClass & BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(StructType) proc near
  7. Iran


    Holy fuck that's hilarious LOLLLLLLLLl Isn't it possible to do this just by defining a flame tower as teamtype for the @PINF?
  8. Iran


    Just show the video LOL
  9. Can I download the GLA voice clips in GLA format? Otherwise what is the best method to extract the voice clips and conver them to WAV or MP3? I'm making funny ISIS movies and I want to do a voice over for a suicide bomb truck video I saw lol I already made an ISIS video with some appropriate music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p02rK5ZiD4 I'd also liek to have the sound clips for the RA2 demolition truck
  10. BuildingClass objects are extended TechnoClass objects so if the function uses the extended part it will crash. But you can try.
  11. I just said it wasn't possible, it's only avaiable for BuildingClass objects so buildings.
  12. Modify these values: .text:0041D262 07C mov dh, 7Dh .text:0041D2F9 07C mov bl, 7Dh .text:0041D390 07C mov bh, 7Fh Change the 7dh and 7fh, I suggest using values starting from 0x00 to 0xc, they are remap types and not color intensity or whatever.
  13. The special draw laser exception is part of a BuildingClass function which handles animations and sound effects. 0x0041D058 BuildingClass__Fire_Animation?? For turret this is called: .text:0041D10E 084 call play_anim For Obelisk this is called: .text:0041D34B 094 call draw_line Both buildings call: .text:0041D137 07C call Sound_Effect(VocType,ulong,int,HousesType) It handles the Obelisk firing sound.
  14. Yeah that's true, only movies and videos aren't cached.
  15. Iran


    Can you make a video? Sounds hilarious! Might be a cool video for the CnCnet YouTube channel.
  16. There is a scripted map action to grant superweapons, does it still work with CnCNet 5 YR?
  17. Yeah I added the fixed Voice Rhythm 2 track to PortableRA.
  18. You should modify the teamtype the paradrop drops, not remove the ability completely ;(
  19. Nice to see some videos of YR up on our YouTube.
  20. AFAIK I'm using the same settings as used by CnCNet 5 TS. I'll look into it though when I have some time. It's just a few variables.
  21. RA2 will be added. 55aa: there are some small changes (including engine differences) between that game mode and real RA2.
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