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Everything posted by Iran

  1. It's an option and it will always be an option and it's disabled by default. Quickmatch is Grant's call but it will probably use similar settings to XWIS QuickMatch and this option will obviously NEVER be enabled.
  2. It's an option you can choose, and I patched the game so capturing tech buildings only takes one Engineer and the game will show a different cursor if the Engineer were to only damage a building and not capture it (code I copied from Ares).
  3. Pretty much just normal usage. I can't do much about lag unless it's persistent for a lot of players. You'll have to report issues manually.
  4. Iran


    Could be someone else trolling under his username. We'll be adding an (optional) nick registration system soon (it's needed for ladder authentication too).
  5. It's running 'in the background' as to speak, on tahj's test server. He's working on developing it.
  6. The beta Grant linked is the latest version of the CnCnet 5 client for Yuri's Revenge, it has an auto-updater too so it will always update to the latest in development version. All basic functionality is implemented, we're really looking for testers and there are some minor issues and extra things which aren't finished (e.g. settings menu). We'd like to see more testing before we release a public beta where a lot of people can potentially experience issues which ought to have been fixed during testing.
  7. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2918.0
  8. It's a different client, it's Rampastring's client which is also used by the mods Dawn Of The Tiberium Age and Twisted Insurrection. We've been modifying parts of it for the last few weeks,
  9. Beta link: http://iran.cnc-comm.com/yr/CnCNet5_YR_Installer.exe
  10. I just tried and the 'game lobby' window that appears when you're hosting (with maps, human/ai players list) is an extra window and the main window is still there, so you can still chat in the main CnCNet/Red Alert2/ Yuri's Revenge chat room will hosting a game.
  11. If incidents like these can cause us to lose players then it's good you report them. Like you said the ignore list doesn't help when spammers are harassing a lot of players.
  12. Very cool map. Looks extremely interesting, especially with the spawn locations. The lobby uses this tool I wrote: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2530.0 you can run it in a command line manually too if you like.
  13. New P4 looks pretty interesting. What about a A Path Beyond mega map? ;p
  14. We are using CCHyper's fix (we use his HyperPatch executable as base for our own patches) but even though the readme states it fixes the WaveClass errors, they still seem to happen. One workaround has been to disable the comple drawing of WaveClass drawing, but I guess that's not desirable. Setting detail level to the lowest setting doesn't seem to work. It's very frustrating because I don't think there's a fix without side-effects.
  15. Thanks, I'll link FunkyFr3sh on IRC chat about this when he gets on.
  16. The protocol spec has support for a 'tourney' game flag
  17. Hifi created a clone of the GSA master server for Renegade.
  18. The APB players are pretty terrible or I'm just good at Renegade and its mods. ;-)
  19. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/dear-virgin-interactive-1575686.html
  20. Funky added support for it to his client a week or so ago. It now shows a game flag next to player name. So it ought to be possible..would be best to ask hifi.
  21. It's used by ChronalVortexClass::Render(void)
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