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Everything posted by Iran

  1. I can't fix the website being down.
  2. Maybe, never looked into it. Maybe CCHyper knows.
  3. Iran

    Map format

    .bin for C&C95 is two bytes per cell, first byte is the template and the second byte is the tile of the template. For sole survivor you can use a hex editor and modify the maps. Try changing the first few bytes of the file and check what happens to the top north west of the map.
  4. NewINIFormat= controls the way the game reads the map, primarily the MapPack stuff and Overlay stuff (the parts which are different from C&C95).
  5. TS/RA2/YR have a check for whether a mouse is present using GetSystemMetrics, actually there are two checks. They don't always work because most Windows systems will report trackpads (without mouse connected) as having a mouse with buttons, and sometimes systems don't detect USB mouses (happens with older Windows). Anyway the following checks need to be removed from Tiberian Sun: .text:005FFDCC push 13h ; nIndex .text:005FFDCE mov esi, ds:GetSystemMetrics .text:005FFDD4 call esi ; GetSystemMetrics .text:005FFDD6 test eax, eax .text:005FFDD8 jz loc_601A80 ; <--- jump to location if mouse not present, shows message and exits game .text:005FFDDE push 2Bh ; nIndex .text:005FFDE0 call esi ; GetSystemMetrics .text:005FFDE2 test eax, eax .text:005FFDE4 jz loc_601A80 ; <--- jump to location if mouse not present, shows message and exits game
  6. You can easily disable it.
  7. Which game and which function names (if RA1)?
  8. You can only have 25 objects using Name= and the game has special logic to clear Name= on scenario start, so it doesn't work properly in RULES.INI
  9. Crashes trying to read the building list. Does the map have any walls?
  10. Nod Command Post is pretty interesting.
  11. Spend 5 minutes looking into this. To make Tanya auto-attack, the following instructions need to be patched: Original: 004EF22A 83F8 05 CMP EAX,5 004EF22D 75 32 JNZ SHORT ra95.004EF261 Patched: 004EF22A 90 NOP 004EF22B 90 NOP 004EF22C 90 NOP 004EF22D EB 32 JMP SHORT ra95.004EF261 Use a hex editor and at offset 0xEE62A change "0x83 0xf8 0x05 0x75" to "0x90 0x90 0x90 0xEB".
  12. Yeah...I was wondering for the proper version, I saw his switched colours one.
  13. Were you able to get the beta pic Nod color scheme working? Please post an image.
  14. I only added Crusher= IIRC
  15. I suspect they're different binaries shipped with different game versions (original and expansions?) or do the expansions not come with EDWIN.EXE? I just mounted the Counterstrike ISO but I don't see EDWIN.EXE on it so it might be extracting or patching EDWIN.EXE in its installer.
  16. CCHyper: it's discussed in this topic: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2704.0
  17. >Thanks, Jacko! I could just edit the cost of Ranger for Spain and leave it at that, because I don't play online anyway so I don't get to choose which Allied country I want to play. I normally just get the usual grey units in single player missions (England?). You can launch CnCNet 5 in skirmish mode, you should try it as it gives you a lot more game setup options, including the ability to set spawn location and alliances.
  18. CCHyper: There is a macro or inlined function used in tons of places to get a row in the cells array based on the hard-coded max size. E.g. the cell arrays could be 4096x4096 and it would be byte CellArray[4096][4096] then to get the cell 3,3 say CellArray[3][3] it uses logic to translate it.
  19. How are you supposed to test this? I patched Sole Survivor so it can connect to servers without requiring WOL and it connects to the compiled server, but it shows "New Unit" in the console window and it doesn't do anything else, the game just sits there showing "Connecting...". What version of the game is this server supposed to work with? The SSclient also doesn't work with the SServer project, nor does the SSclient work with the game running in server mode.
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