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Everything posted by Iran
That's the "side" info, it saves the HouseType of the player in a byte. I hacked in the skirmish game support by setting this variable to 0xDD (it would be 0x0C or Multi1 anyhow for skirmish, but also for other multiplayer type saves).
The official CnCNet5 client+game package download thread
Iran replied to FunkyFr3sh's topic in CnCNet Discussion
So if I host while running a RULES.INI mod (renamed to spawn.xdp) people will automatically download it? Why doesn't transferring maps work with a mod running? -
It's fixed now, it had to do with the resign key code and skirmish savegames support clashing, both code work by modifying the ingame options menu dialog code. Thanks a lot for reporting the bug. You can workaround the bug with the current version by disabling the resign key or I can give you the latest EXE, which is untested and might have other issues because of it.
I can reproduce the issue now thanks, I'll look into it.
Simple OPEN-SOURCE demo program written in C# .Net 2.0 which parses all the savegame.* files in the folder the program was launched from, displaying the following info: -Number -Name -ScenarioNumber -Side (or Skirmish if skirmish savegame) -Date (file modify date) -Version -Whether it's a multiplayer savegame or not It only support 3.03 and 3.03p savegames. I'm not sure whether the "is multiplayer" info is always correct, it currently works by checking if ScenarioNumber == 0. I haven't tested parsing network savegames (SAVEGAME.NET). If someone could give me savegames for other game versions that would be great. Also if someone could get me a network savegame (SAVEGAME.NET) file. Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/Red%20Alert%20Savegame%20Parser.zip Code can be found at: https://github.com/Iran/RASaveGameParser
" The convoy truck does have an icon, but it looks nothing like the unit does in the game. It looks like the ranger's icon, except the rear part of the ranger is exploding. This is only in the MS-DOS version of Red Alert. The Window 95 version of Red Alert has a correct icon (the unit on the icon actually looks like the convoy truck)." Can someone find me this?
I can't reproduce this. Can you upload/pastebin the content of the REDALERT.INI file in the game folder? It contains the hotkey configuration which I assume I need to reproduce this.
It's really easy to fix the decaying logic. If it's an issue in RA95 too I could add a fix for it.
Download the game from iran.cnc-comm.com/redalert it includes the patch I've been workingon.
N3tRunn3r's C&C1 Mappack - Latest Update: 2013-08-26 V1.02
Iran replied to N3tRunn3r's topic in C&C Multiplayer Maps
For Red Alert it's called in HouseClass::AI(), the function that's called is BuildingClass::Take_Damage(). I just checked for about 30 seconds for C&C95 and I think in C&C95 it's the call at: .text:0044AD91 call dword ptr [esi+0B8h] In RA95 it's: AUTO:004D4614 0D0 call dword ptr [esi+0C0h] -
How to install Red Alert 1 on Windows XP Vista 7 8 10 Linux MAC. 32 / 64bit
Iran replied to FunkyFr3sh's topic in Red Alert
That's really old. -
What version is 1.12?
How to install Red Alert 1 on Windows XP Vista 7 8 10 Linux MAC. 32 / 64bit
Iran replied to FunkyFr3sh's topic in Red Alert
What version info does the game show in the main menu, just to the right below the lowest button? After telling me that download the game from http://iran.cnc-comm.com/ra/, install it IN ITS OWN FOLDER and see if the issue still happens with that. If that's the case give me the mission files, any savegame files as needed and steps to reproduce. I checked the two crashes, the first crash is while calling something called LayerClass::Draw_It() and the second crash is the same crash as the Radar Dome crash, which I fixed a few weeks ago. -
"That is small down side but if you logic can make it so that a building isn't crewed tell it is owned by the player or AI that that is good." What do you mean with this?
I did, it should work for other stuff now. I know it now works for buildings as a week or so ago I was testing with FunkyFr3sh on a map that had a building which shot V2 rockets. I also have some special code to fix issues with infantry not showing up and their icons not showing up after using the Image= keyword with my fix and also code for aircraft and vessels, but I'm not sure if the last three work properly.
RA Multiplayer Mod - "Tiberian Alert" - by Ferret
Iran replied to Ferret's topic in RA Multiplayer Maps
That yes and the map selection is really limited. -
RA Multiplayer Mod - "Tiberian Alert" - by Ferret
Iran replied to Ferret's topic in RA Multiplayer Maps
I know that. -
RA Multiplayer Mod - "Tiberian Alert" - by Ferret
Iran replied to Ferret's topic in RA Multiplayer Maps
[Aftermath] NewUnitsEnabled=1 BTW I suggest going to Funky and getting him to add support for CnCNet v5 mods so when players try to join a game hosted with your mod enabled they will get a popup to download the mod or something like that. There's already support for downloading maps when you join a game (but before game is launched), Funky would need to add mod manager code though. This will prevent you from having to edit the map mods for every map when you change your mod and it allow for more maps to be played with your mod. The patched game EXE that comes with CnCNet v5 supports tech buildings (a la RA2 style): http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2540.0 This could be used to spice up the game a bit. -
RA Multiplayer Mod - "Tiberian Alert" - by Ferret
Iran replied to Ferret's topic in RA Multiplayer Maps
You can force Aftermath to be enabled for a map by adding the keyword for it to the map INI. -
The Ref OOS should be fixed now, please redownload (you can just grab the files from the 13 MB minimum game package ZIP) and test.
I have to fix the caps lock issue RiseOfBane reported but other than those two bugs the code works. Not sure if I'll look into the ctrl+x issue I mentioned. It's vital for being able to use certain hotkeys properly but I don't have time to look into it.
I checked Keyboard_Process() and it uses the virtual keycode for the F-keys. It does some modifications to for certain keys to support capital and non-capital letters as ASCII. For example F3 has virtual key value 0x72, the letter 'r' has ASCII code 0x72 and the capital letter 'R' has the value 0x52. For some reason pressing ctrl+R key gives 0x72.
Yes, download FunkyFr3sh's CnCNet v5 client. It allows you to play skirmish/LAN/Internet games with selectable spawning positions and it shows map previews with spawn location numbers. Courtesy of yours truly. You can download it here: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2242.0
Added some cliffs to choke the map up. Also added some other stuff.
Updated it, the roads need a lot of work and I will re-do them later. Still working on the overall layout of the map. http://i.minus.com/ib0TSzR3A92dNv.png