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  1. words like "autoclicker" result in a ban? but it is a nickname of a person, which is a nice gimmick but.......... crazy. whoever made this, shame on u!
  2. hi, in the recent 2-3 weeks, new weird game-crashes occurred with me. the game does not start, there is an error-window. I click to send info to cncnet. I just wondering and wanna ask, if there is a way to fix this? I don't have the issue-number right now, but it is logged.
  3. there are different philosophies: some don't use BMs at all, some only 2, some 3 or 4 some use them functional, some more local. and I know personally that the player commander used them a long time in a way u described: east-to-west bonded cheers
  4. Yoyo folks. Since most of you guys and girls know: Our old website ra1-guides.com had some struggles in the last weeks and went offline. According to some ongoing issues, the ra1-guides.com domaine was even up for auction. However, problems are solved by now and A NEW DOMAINE adresse was found: www.redalert.one <------ try it In the upcoming days and weeks, the old content will be moved to here step by step, and by importance. Thanks to thunder, who made me full-admin of the previous site longtime ago, I have full access to all the content and so can gradually move it. Inbetween this process, I hope to get some support from all those former active site-authors to rejoin this new project and help to transfer their own content as well. That would be awesome and speed up the process a lot. The Readers may be patient a bit more as well, as such a project does cost its time for sure. Nonetheless, let's stay cheerful. In the meanwhile, my plan is to start transferring first with those data, the readers always had the most interest in: Clan Pages General Guides more for Beginners Specific Guides more for Advanced The content, which is more of so-to-say "historical" interests, I will be add much slower, and maybe even in a more bundled form. But that all is depending, whether or not I reach the copyright-owners and get their written agreements to transferring in the first place. Some are even inactive at the moment. At last but not at all least: This new adress is saved and ensured over the year 2020 ahead --- that means, RedAlert and its Guides can surely play many Path Beyond games into the next decade of realtime-strategy gaming and guiding. Cheers, Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, Cousinclaus. p.s.: concerning the alternative site afo-blogspot: thunder agreed to put that down, in the sense of not working on it. the reason is: because of many many articles are bonded in their adress to the ra1-page, they don't and won't show up there. so this process of transferring seems to be the best by far.
  5. Question about: "Do not park any tanks next to the kennels" it seems that tanks (with lost-groups) stuck there @kennels. is it allowed to re-group them into #1 or are they lost there?
  6. http://www.ra1guides.com/2017/07/hotkeys.html <--- hotkeys as allies u have to use: +helis +chrono and of course tanks to counter teslaspam. but to do it all same time, u need "interesting and inter building" (see same homepage, article same title) cheers
  7. http://www.ra1guides.com/2017/07/cnc-2.html


    yoyo, mentioned and quoted a vid f ya here :) 

    1. fir3w0rx


      :D Cool, thanx. Glitches are always fun to mess around with.

  8. this is a general setting of the underlying chat-system CNCNET uses and cannot be changed by admins here. same with curse words in some languages and countries (but not active in other countries) to get u kicked 5mins. cheers.
  9. maybe a screenshot of the stats would be nice, too. next time
  10. Clausewitz

    On Speed

    yoyo gents, made a general guide On Speed and where areas of improvements are. Hopefully, someone will find it useful. cheers. http://www.ra1guides.com/2017/06/on-speed.html OnSpeed.tiff
  11. http://www.ra1guides.com/2017/05/super-structures.html some days later, promise is fulfilled. a guide on this issue of inside-units. by the way @funkyfresh: when will this button on/off super-structure be enabled? xDD am super-curious hehe
  12. dann ist es ein dritter, der nun aber behoben zu sein scheint ^^ passierte sowohl vor dem ready wie dam dem ready, und hat lobby-neustart erzwungen
  13. actually he not nub, he asking right: see pic bellow: 5 rifles "in" a pillbox. it is done same way like super-tesla: select rifles -> send them to place where u wanna build pillbox, when rifles 1square before BUILD pill --> if lucky and no lag and right timing 1-5 rifles are now inside: super-pillbox. maybe shoulda right an article about that. one can theoretically bring ANY unit into any building (factors are only: speed, timing, lag) gg claus. analog trick with engineers xD
  14. update for funky: seit ca 1 Woche ist etwas neues: der Fehler tritt zwar manchmal auf, mit Fehlermeldung als Fenster, ABER !!! xDD dann startet das spiel ganz normal ohne lobby-abbruch und erzwungener Neustart nach dem spiel ist es so, als wäre der Fehler bzw. die Meldung gar nicht aufgetreten juhu. was auch immer du da gedreht hast, es hat es deutlich verbessert für mich. merci merci:) claus.
  15. ah, for me i see them both as the same, but ya right same effect but 2 reasons. so i haven't had that start-crash for about some days now. the other dc-lobbycrash still
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