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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by a1nthony

  1. Hi, this has been a tough question for decades, although yuri is OP.. there are tactics, tips, and tricks to try balance this out. In this topic you can ask any questions Be they general or sceneraio specific and I will answer to the best of my ability/ and or maybe a veteran will chime in once or twice. The most frequently asked questions and best answer will be edited into this first post... maybe this will help people get a better grasp against yuri! so what are you waiting for? Ask away....
  2. Would be pretty cool, randomized or not!
  3. Just addressing OP. I think engi eating is fine, but I played in a different era I suppose. All you have to do is build walls to stop engiing, and as much as multi- Engi would be great.. engiing is a strong tactic against the yuri faction. But back to my reasoning to why “engi eating” should be kept. 1)If I don’t know the map, I auto lose because they get an oil derrick and I don’t. Edit: and on large maps if I don’t know who gets what Derrick and I grab the wrong ones I’m still called a lamer 2)leads to unique gameplay on maps. Sure a small amount of maps are auto lose if you don’t get the Derrick, but most of them are not. This forces you to think outside the box of your normal build orders and learn to adapt to the situation. This was proven many moons ago when EDD challenged Marko to a series with engi eat on. Alting is a tough one, as much as alting needs to just go, you gotta love rushing yuri and alting their bunker with your flak while u crush them. Every hear a yuri player cry lamer? edit: I think not showing nicknames was a great decision.
  4. Can’t really comment on specifics since I don’t play too much.. but I think yuri could’ve been patched with the “more is less” approach. Just a few things I took out of this. Yuri seems More prone to lose against high level rushes from sobs now that drones are a bit more effective and miners build slow, however I think yuri can rush allies earlier, but classic wave tactics won’t work now and yuri loses effectiveness towards end of mid/long-game vs allied. there any change to yuri navy? I don’t want to say scratch these changes and start again.. but there were just a few major problems with the yuri faction imho and I think there was a lot more change than necessary. If u do play around with this I would look at mostly these changes moving forward. -can’t mutate your own slaves/brutes ungrindable -change yuri navy, just downgrade boomer and put a moveable tank bunker and now yuri has a navy I would’ve just took out Ctrl-shift for magnetrons and miners need two magnetrons to pick up. anyways good job on the changes it’s good to see somebody actively trying to work on the game, I’ll try to hop on eventually and play. good efforts!
  5. Didn’t read all replies, and since not entirely sure which game this is for my answer will be very generalized. Things that are sacred: -Tank Battles (somebody being able to win 7 tanks against 9 with good skill) -manipulating economy( being able to Manipulate cash flow into having more money than an opponent with the same amount of miners) Things you should enhance(on top of everything else ) : -Naval battles(a diverse variety of naval units to fight on the sea, probably would need something in the sea to fight over in order to justify such a diverse fleet, would immensely improve naval battle game mode ) That’s all I got right now, just a couple quick thoughts hope it was helpful
  6. You are delusional, n44bj aka kollektiv got rank 2 twice in the last 3 months? Have you seen the recorded tournament games with Marko? For as much as the game has “been perfected” its 18 years old and 16+ years without an update, the only thing that has changed is the addition of new maps. I like your attitude the “here and now” it sparks competition. but i don’t name drop for no reason! These people have skills lol. But how can you not bring up older players in a “best ever to play” convo! I will admit the names do bring back a lot of memories for me tho. If I wanted to name drop older players for nostalgia reasons I would’ve named a top ten.
  7. It’s funny I said sammo before and I was definitely thinking sammo. I know how good he is but I just think his yr accomplishments are lacking. He was a superb pressure player and definitely intelligent enough to play with any good players style. But the main accomplishment was in -eco- when we got the most clan points ever in cm (forget the amount 900 something beating clan 21 I think) and that was before it moved to the 7 win rule. With as good as a player as he is and I do think if he tried qming on yr he definitely would’ve achieved rank 1 multiple times, he was a pure ra2 player who came to Yr to clan match iirc. I did learn a lot of unique tactics playing against/with him. But I’m just not sure. That -eco- clan had A very strong line up sammo,Alan(mindcntrl aka mostgames),Me, Matt(iraqctrl),Luke(honour) Greg and Tyler who were 8/10 in their own right, Don’t remember too much others but I think Avery, n44bj etc.. everybody in there had a resume. so I’m not sure those points were contributed to just sammo(I think he had the most) point being I just don’t have enough awards to put sammo as best ever as far as yr. I’m not sure how he would’ve faired against consistent Yuri players like desrlator, mostgames, Sunny(with maphack), etc... even tho he is definitely good enough to beat anybody to ever play this game.
  8. lol I might be biased because I’ve tried a lot of tc tactics over the years for fun, it’s my favorite part of this game and I love the maneuvers/quick reaction needed in high level games especially when you’re firing on all cylinders (labeling tanks in groups of 5 and clicking each rhino etc..) I’ve won/lost so many battles trying different splitting tactics like that and if you surround your opponent from two sides, all they have to do in that situation is drive into one side, it’s easier to pull off with one type of tank, but with the mix if they drive into the grizzlies I think grizzlies pop, just my two cents
  9. I think we have PAF to thank for this feature. Jkjk nice work admins. Does blocking someone’s pm cause them to not connect in game?
  10. Sw’s off city under siege, France vs Yuri let’s do it!
  11. I think we’d have to go era’s on this one. But my vote goes to tomislavic. Played a lot with him over a 3 month span. 1v1 he Was pretty quick and just understood how to control maps and just didn’t make mistakes. I’ve 2 man clanned with a lot of great players and was a top 5 player once upon a time and played with people over a lot of eras. If you want me to throw a top 5 list of 1v1ers I’d list these(with no disrespect to current players whom I may not have significantly played with) tomislavic-pioneered a lot of bo’s on top of what was said above Marko-although is more decorated on ra2 the guy is a machine dean-Best long game player ever in my opinion n44bj (he had disgusting soviets in 07) Latof- this is a tough one for me but the guy is really good, latof problem was that he was always limited to rank 1 on maps he knew. Although he broke out of this in his later years, yr died and he focused more on ra2. there are are so many players that played and hit rank 1 then quit the game or hit rank 1 just with Yuri and I excluded those to favor people who would beat Yuri/ use all factions. best ever is on top and in 1v1 yr those ppl come to mind. p.s. Sunny was a rank1 pressure Yuri at one point but he did fail admin SS a couple of times so his rep has been forever tarnished
  12. Yeah until your opponent decides to drive right into your “flank” and pop goes all ur plastic tanks. TC 101 is make sure your tanks can shoot and their tanks can’t. grizzly tanks are terrible and id be happy if they all died first and my rhinos were barely damaged. If u want to get pr0 with it you could do one line of rhinos. One line of grizzlies, one line of rhinos etc and the. Just run in to muddy the waters and then your opponent will waste a lot of shots on grizzlies if he doesn’t know how to target. But honestly your best best is to keep grizzlies in front when you run in, or when your opponent does
  13. Grizzly’s have smaller range so it would be more effective to drive grizzlies in front.
  14. I said it was map dependant in my original post to Andy about it lol. Anywayss I wonder if anyone will take this bet, I wonder if Andy would even pay up if he lost
  15. I think grand canon walking is very hard to beat as a Yuri. If Yuri doesn’t win In the early/mid game per usual I think they are done, especially if sw is off.
  16. Ur full of false statements. didn’t you play the 2v2 tournament on CNcnet as zigzags partner? 5 years off? Lmao what a fraud. I was actually more for your side that Yuri is Op but not as OP as people make it out to be. But whatever if your good your good, I would think this would be a good opportunity to learn Yuri and beat you for 100 dollars. A lot of these newer players don’t know tactics that annoy and hurt Yuri. I guess you could argue France is better, but Yuri is still op
  17. It’s always good to make a bit of money tho!
  18. Read a bit here so... 1)latof was originally a YR player. 2)Yuri is overpowered but not as OP as people make it. Yes Andy don’t tell me infinite money is fair. 3) a major problem of Yuri is the maps!
  19. I think this is something that’s possible? In xwis 2006-2007 some top qmers hacked so they would be the color “white” so I’m sure that’s a color that can be used. But is itpossible to add like.. Black, dark grey etc... would be a nice surprise in a future update
  20. If I’m complain about noibs then take one on as a trainee. It was easier on xwis when you were able to create clans and have some structure with a mass of people. But man up it takes under a month to get a complete newb good enough to learn by himself, and after two months they can be good enough to be considered good. But that’s with training.
  21. From first glance looks like TL is better than BR for two reasons 1) Can build straight to gems and looks like might be a bit crowded for br to build up(a close up view has me questioning this point, hard to say without playing) and 2) seems control of Left side cliff doesnt control gems as much as control of right side cliff(I.e. a tank on the left side will not be able to shoot as much gems as a tank on the right side hence top has better control). Maybe both top spots can build straight to mid gems and camp, not sure without playing. Seems teams can come up with funny strats due to water but first glance seems top is favorite here. I’d suggest moving the gems on right side just a couple tiles down and /or moving the building on the right side a bit up or out of the way. Seems pretty basic other than that. You could always add bridges to middle coming from one side, but that’s a conversation for changing the map dynamics. This is Just my two cents.
  22. Disclaimer- Just an idea and i have no idea the amount of work/time that would need to be put into this but that being said... Why has CNCNET not taken advantage of this AI? They could put an entirely new setting aka "Ranked AI" This can also be the start of using bots in QM if you go idle for a certain amount of time, even taking it further you could put scenarios in game (you and a brutal ai spawning against 2 ranked ais' in whatever type of situation). I think this would add a nice dynamic to the game and a breath of fresh air etc..
  23. The point of a seal is to kill desos and fodder including but not limited to terror drones. 4ggis are plenty, when do you ever encounter a bf by itself?? Your scenarios are unrealistic in top tier matches. I can say bfs are better because I can just build a wall and it will shoot over it and rhinos would never touch it.... I’ve done tons of different things vs lower skilled players when I’ve gotten bored and wanted to drag the game out. Most of which aren’t feasible to be used in a proper match. You need to realize that human player can be consciously thinking about 3-4 different things at once including moving units in 2-3 places at once. You may not have met such a foe but believe me they are out there and all advice in this thread arguing against you is meant for playing against them.
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